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Posts posted by alfyanindra

  1. they should take a rest cuz for me their releases are getting worst and worst... :/


    worst? cuz the last release so powerless huh?


    Bands don't usually get worst because they're tired. They get worst when they become more popular. They'll just keeping getting worst because they don't have the experience/maturity to deal with popularity. They came from bands no one cared about and now they're signed to a big label that keeps promoting them over and over again until they get a huge fanbase, so they'll make anime songs, play on big venues and this kind of shit. I think that's the problem with mainstream VK. They invest on nobodies that are actually talented and then force them to keep reaching goals until they become extremely popular and if they do, the probability of them making good stuff is minimal, because I don't think they get anyone to help them and they're just being forced to keep producing over and over again, which is why they relase a bunch of stuff in a short period of time, which means that the quality of their music will drop, because japanese media unfortunately gives more attention to quantity over quality.


    MAVERICK D.C. GROUP will keep forcing them to make whatever is popular at the moment of the production of a new relrase and that's what they'll do. That's what all bands from this company do, actually. Kameleo is doing funny stuff because GOLDEN BOMBER is a big hit in Japan, Girugamesh is back at doing heavy music again because metalcore is becoming mainstream, D.I.D. is for the kids who like tr00 music and DIV seems to be the pop band. It's just a matter of time before DIV becomes a shitty boy-band, with cute boys that make mediocre music that actually grants a lot of money to their label because that's what teenagers in general like. I like them and I really hope they don't ruin their carreer, but that's what they'll eventually do. CHISA himself kind of said on J-MELO they don't plan to be a VK band for a long time, so I guess the transformation has already begun.


    oh dat argument, i'm really sorry about you, cuz i think not 100% you said is true


    and why so many elitist have a fucking argument like this


     SID is not VK.


    another elitist has spoken that SID isnt VK, so tiredly to say that SID is VK and so many people think SID isnt VK

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