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new band "En'Cell♰Dis'Dein" has formed

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new band "En'Cell♰Dis'Dein" has formed in January and they have released their first demo single, "THE MISSING DEAD" on digital platforms on March 21.



Vo.宗 (sou)

Gt.kairu (ex-La'Vistier --> {mid:night})

studio support Dr.Maurizio Antonini (for this release only)





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12 minutes ago, Gesu said:

I actually really liked that. Got strong More vibes.

Thank you! Love More and Loki is a great guy.


7 hours ago, suji said:

support Dr.Maurizio Antonini

Thanks for sharing the song Suji! ❤️

Mr.Antonini is a studio musician living in Rome,Italy that we are using for the 1st releases ^_^ live support will be the drummer of Anatomy.

6 hours ago, Disposable said:

Moar like encell disbandintwomonths amirite

badabing badaboom! haha. Will try for a bit longer than that. Maybe 3 months and a hotpocket.


7 hours ago, evenor said:

incel disdain yassssss!!

yussss. /m/

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Sweet baby jesus the new single is out now. 

Next month I will be a guest on Tokyo Borderless TV on 7/15 & 25 

Will reveal artist photos for band 

and new member as well. 

I hope you can enjoy it ヤッフ〜(*ˊᗜˋ*) ノ

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32 minutes ago, saiko said:

10/10, definitely will look forward your next releases, and hope you save VK from its current misery state. 

Am but a single lil foreign man in a sea of fakeness but I try to put my love for all things oldschool VK into these songs ❤️ hope that can be felt in these songs. 


Have had a lot of people put that save VK thing on me, maybe should make some kind of Jihad song? Kill zee infidels. Spit on the false Queen my bruddahs 

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hey all you cool cats and kittens! We have luckily not disbanded in 2 months as the coolio Karma's Hat predicted but who knows haha.

finally we were able to arrange photos during this crazy corona festival.

Have to wait a little bit longer to announce our bassist though >.<! New single Dataizai coming soon as well~

Am talking to STARWAVE about when we can do an event as well but still sketchy here.

can see more images on our twitter plus me being a dork on TOKYO BORDERLESS TV at: https://twitter.com/Encelldisdein

Stay safe out there~!


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14 minutes ago, ghostpepper said:

hey all you cool cats and kittens! We have luckily not disbanded in 2 months as the coolio Karma's Hat predicted but who knows haha.

finally we were able to arrange photos during this crazy corona festival.

Have to wait a little bit longer to announce our bassist though >.<! New single Dataizai coming soon as well~

Am talking to STARWAVE about when we can do an event as well but still sketchy here.

can see more images on our twitter plus me being a dork on TOKYO BORDERLESS TV at: https://twitter.com/Encelldisdein

Stay safe out there~!


Well I feel bad for the joke because the riffs in here are like all I want from vk rn to be honest

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Just now, Karma’s Hat said:

Well I feel bad for the joke because the riffs in here are like all I want from vk rn to be honest

No no no. Your humor is my fav thing on the boards haha. Never change star child 

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New Member - Kiyoshi on Bass (LUXURY, ex.The Honey Beez)


In keeping with our theme of cherishing the older aspects of VK while moving forward

we are super happy to have the veteran Kiyoshi join us on bass.

Advanced news for MH:

our first gig will be with STARWAVE at

2020年10月29日(木) 池袋BlackHole

[Dark Ambition Exposed Vol.120~ハロウィンスペシャル~]

出演:Scarlet Valse, 未完成アリス, LIVERCHT, En'Cell~Dis'Dein


More cool stuff coming!



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6 hours ago, ghostpepper said:

our first gig will be with STARWAVE at

2020年10月29日(木) 池袋BlackHole

[Dark Ambition Exposed Vol.120~ハロウィンスペシャル~]

出演:Scarlet Valse, 未完成アリス, LIVERCHT, En'Cell~Dis'Dein


I still guess, that you will join starwave records at some point.


(Somehow, I think you guys fit the label)

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From October 10th THE MISSING DEAD cd single will be available at LIKE AN EDISON Tokyo and Osaka as well as for order online.

Because of my metal activities with hide's ex.members and such too, also available in limited quantity at Shimamura Musical instrument store in Yokosuka.

Fliers will be available all over Japan at various VK stores and ESP big boss stores.

3曲入りCD SINGLE 2200円 -税込-




On the same day tickets will go on sale for our first live at Star Wave's Halloween event.

If any forum goers are coming to the event let me know ?

I think LIKE AN EDISON does not ship overseas? but if you can support us via buyer services we really appreciate it!



Edited by ghostpepper

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2 hours ago, Yukami said:


Thank you for sharing the PV ^_^! I hope you all can enjoy it.


We are also in this month's issue of Vijuttoke so if you are in Japan you can pick that up in any VK shop or get one sent to you from them if you pay postage!


Currently we are recording the next CD single as well as another digital single to fill in the time in-between.

Thank you for any and all support! It really means alot to us.


here is a digest from our first gig as well~ Stay sassy in the free world!


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