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Coronavirus (COVID-19) MEGATHREAD!

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Figured that since this topic of discussion will soon boom here we'd make a thread for all posts/shitposts/news updates that we can share for those that want to know around the community here.


Please keep yourselves civil as this is probably going to be the one exception of a topic that the staff will disregard the rules for, but that won't mean that direct insults and ridicule are going to fly.


Have fun but really, stay clean/safe.

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Right now I'm just trying to budget AS MUCH as I can before shit hits the fan here in my state, as they've already declared a state of emergency and people are literally getting shafted on price gouges and empty shelves.


The memes are real people, so let 'em rip.

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Regarding coronavirus, I don't think there's an awful lot I can do about it that I'm not already doing. I'm an introvert so I don't go out much anyways. I started ordering most of my food online recently (not because of coronavirus, just because it's easier/cheaper for me as I can't carry home much in one go so I wasn't buying/eating enough before). I go to the doctor for a check-up once a year (next one's in June) and whenever I feel unwell. What the hell else am I supposed to do? It's no good panicking about this. I get worrying about it enough to not completely disregard it but not panicking. Unless you're a medical/scientific professional it's pretty much out of your reach what happens regarding this so just do what you can to stay healthy but for the love of god, don't sacrifice your mental stability for it. If I wanna do something, I'm gonna go out and bloody well do it. I'd rather catch coronavirus and have to stay completely at home for a week or so (which lbr isn't worlds away from my current jobless routine anyways ?‍♀️) than not fucking do anything. No point surviving if you can't damn well live, eh? Besides, I know this ain't the case for everyone but I'm extremely unlikely to have any lasting repercussions even if I do catch it. ?‍♀️


Also, I said it once in the chatbox and I'll say it again: I swear to fuck, if they cancel that goddamn weeb convention I wanna go to in August ?? that being said they probs won't, I reckon this'll largely blow over about July tbh. It doesn't seem to be anywhere near as deadly as, say, for example, swine flu and we weren't exactly prepared for that one. How long can they even stretch this out anyways?

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I live with my brother and sister in law and they're laughing at this. They have like 4 guns and think it'll turn into the walking dead world soon. I'm just like "5,000 people world wide died of this.... more than that have died being shit on my cows." Part of me is wondering when can I go and raid hobby lobby  or dollar tree.

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1 hour ago, Gesu said:

Also, I said it once in the chatbox and I'll say it again: I swear to fuck, if they cancel that goddamn weeb convention I wanna go to in August ?? that being said they probs won't, I reckon this'll largely blow over about July tbh. It doesn't seem to be anywhere near as deadly as, say, for example, swine flu and we weren't exactly prepared for that one. How long can they even stretch this out anyways?


I don't know where you are, but in Norway they expect this to get worse. Right now there's something like 750 infected here, but by august they expect at least 800.000 having been infected. So they think this is the beginning, but don't expect it to really blow up before May-ish, with May-August being the time where shit'll hit the fan.



And no, this ain't dangerous for normal, healthy people. The problem with this virus is that, they believe, it spreads HELLA LOT faster and easier than the swine flu, which means it'll reach more people which again means it'll reach a lot of people will lower immune defense a lot easier as well, which again will mean loads and loads and loads of deaths. And if things continues like it has for the last month this is gonna hit poor countries without proper health care, without the ability to handle situations like this, pretty hard and soon enough, and people will most likely start falling like flies in parts of the world. So let's just hope the experts are wrong and that this is the end of the COVID-19, and not the beginning.

Edited by Bear

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Some tool decided to go into work at the mill where my brother works and brag about how he was hanging out with his brother, who has a confirmed case of the Coronavirus(?!!)...from there, someone told on him to some higher-ups and he got told to go tf back home and they've tried to disinfect as well as they could.

My Dad has COPD and asthma and he lives with my brother. Plus, my Dad's been over to my sister/her boyfriend's house recently and visits there periodically...and said boyfriend also works at the same mill. So now we have to worry about his wellness since the virus would probably hit him particularly well.

We may also have to worry a bit for ourselves, too, since Dad is over here often.

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First case confirmed in my small town today. Time to grow our own vegetables. (My father is 65 and my mother is very at risk)


Meanwhile hordes of teens and not are thirsting over our prime minister. ?



"All will be alright, we will get through this together." (from his last discourse)


"Today let's stay far apart, to hug more warmly and run faster tomorrow. We'll make it all together." (still from his last discourse)




Sorry for the shitty english.

Edited by Arkady

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i haven't been scheduled to work much (it's typically slow around this time of the year) and i've been too focused on my classes to pay attention to this whole thing so it's good to read about some of it here. my art uni just started going fully online, but that doesn't really affect me cuz i'm already attending online from at home. i also just heard from my parents that toilet paper over here is running out fast and i live in a small town. closest confirmed case is about 30 minutes away from here as far as i know.

Edited by plastic_rainbow

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well... I really knew about new virus around china since October, my husband and best friend are my allibi about that. 


About this virus, i am really not worry about. Everyone here i guess know what is CDC or WHO said about (i believe that MH members already checked some articles about corona.... )


 The planet just want kill us because we are fucking toxic to natural life and thats so okay in Capitalism world. if we keep this way will get even worst with new diseases. 


my wish is: stop to consume what u dont need.  Be friendly with our nature!

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2 hours ago, Arkady said:

First case confirmed in my small town today. Time to grow our own vegetables. (My father is 65 and my mother is very at risk)


Meanwhile hordes of teens and not are thirsting over our prime minister. ?



"All will be alright, we will get through this together." (from his last discourse)


"Today let's stay far apart, to hug more warmly and run faster tomorrow. We'll make it all together." (still from his last discourse)




Sorry for the shitty english.

ah my favorite anime "Giu- Giu sempai" :D

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tfw put up 2 exhibitions this month but almost all public spaces are shut down now due to the virus outbreak over here


also americans are beyond fucked - trump is apparently preparing to ''pray the corona away'' tomorrow? amazing

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I'm enjoying the spectacle despite that aside from my own life I stand to lose as much as anyone else ( financially, old relatives etc. ) I took a bus coming from Germany to Estonia and it was amazing to see people with scarves wrapped around their heads shuffle from one end of the bus to another every time someone coughed. It'd be amazing if these people took such interest in the lives and affairs of other people from other continents. I remember all the jokes about China so fuck fortress Europe, no sympathy for out of shape white pigs coming back from their ski holidays now squirming in their holes among piles of toilet paper hoping that corona won't get them before their arteries clog from all the meat they've been eating. 


Just went to the supermarket with my parents and there were throngs of people carrying toilet paper, and the section for it was nearly empty. In Finland we have these small shower heads next to the toilet so the paper is ENTIRELY USELESS. 

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Since I love conspiracies I thought about one evolving corona-chan:

What if this was made wipe off boomers from the face of the earth to try to stabilize the economic system (a lot of job openings and money going to their children)????

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17 minutes ago, Romlaw said:

Since I love conspiracies I thought about one evolving corona-chan:

What if this was made wipe off boomers from the face of the earth to try to stabilize the economic system (a lot of job openings and money going to their children)????

I’ve read the theories online and it doesn’t seem far fetched. I’ve realized though that all the keyboard warriors combined can’t defeat the last 50 years of economy (And those responsible) in this world for a reason, so it’s best to say what happens happens regarding the virus. 

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here there's no toilet paper, no cleaning supplies...line of biggest super market wraps around the building just to get in. only plus is all my friends around the world are off and we can all spend time together on games.

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Placed my food order earlier and whaddaya know, all the delivery slots tomorrow are full. It's not like getting it all delivered on Monday is a major inconvenience but it's certainly telling.


Also, my brother's been playing lots and lots of Plague Inc.

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gaming event in april i was planning to attend just got cancelled. guess i should expect other events to get cancelled as well. all this overbuying is crazy tho and it's making me feel like i should stock up on a few things just in case they're out when i need them. ofc, only buying how much i need.

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Dutch news reporting that students from two of our medical unis discovered a potential antibody against the virus. Apparently there's also talk about Chinese experts flying out to Italy to help people out there in some ways but our own news is making no mention of it as of yet & is instead focusing more on the AAAH PUBLIC LIFE IS SHUTTING DOWN HELP ME-angle so idk more about that. 


Full retards here are pillaging the toilet paper reserves as well and the news photos even showed pics of emptied out racks of sunglasses for... some reason???

Edited by Tokage

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On Instagram,few bands cancelling gigs and festivals being cancelled too, some others asking people to buy their merch ,since they couldn't perform,etc. 

Don't even know what to think about all of this situation. Centuries ago we had the black plague,who said that another thing similar to that couldn't happen to humankind again? Hope we can get through this,maybe.

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There's toilet paper shortages on my end as well, as well as wipes, water, hand sanitizer, those small microwave dinner bowls, eggs...we're all gonna die apparently. The store in town is actually closing at nighttime so they can actually stock their shit without being assraped by greedy ass hoarders. It's fucking sad how dumb this country is.

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