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Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say

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Most of us have gone through this phase. Obsessed with The GazettE or any other overrated band. Those times you went full-blown fujoshi with your vkei ships. When you only liked those 2-3 bands and was totally clueless in terms of everything else. When you called your ultimate bias your husbando or even tagged their supposed last name as your own. 


If you're still in that phase, it's okay. If you never went through it, that's totally fine. 


Please share your experiences or things that you have witnessed newer jrock/vkei fans saying or doing that just makes you flat out cringe or laugh.


Tiny disclaimer: I'm still a newb myself compared to the majority of the people on this forum, but since I've been trapped in a groupchat filled with even newer listeners, this has really been on my mind as of late. And I've also been really entertained. This isn't to shame somebody that may still do these things, either. I just want to ask more seasoned folks to share what they've seen :hum:


And as OP I guess I should add my own experiences


The Dadaroma - Masturbation preview has so many priceless comments 





.....lol. And dying at that random comment at the bottom. But who is MEJI trying to be like??? Copy-ception 8)


The fake Shou fiasco that I witnessed today......ohmygod








Does this need much explanation??? I mean, if they really knew anything about Shou, it's clear he doesn't have these accounts and he's a busy man (and kinda popular in the scene) so he wouldn't waste his time talking to fans so openly......wtf. Also this IG isn't even verified m8!


Also don't laugh at my Hakuei bg


Edited by Seimeisen
only edited title; swearing is allowed and encouraged, don't censor yourself

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I found these in xaa-xaa's PV to gucha gucha. Names blocked (kinda) coz I'm not exp0sing anybody :roll:




YASH the unknown member of DDRM








- Comparing everything to Dir En Grey

- Comparing everything to gazette



Edited by Platy

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i see comments like these in the depths of youtube and lastfm all the time lolol



but can i judge? no not really because then i'd be a hypocrite :')

Edited by itsukoii

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"Dogma is such a heavy album!!"

Sorry, I had to xD. I just absolutely had to. 

"I love 90's vkei! I can name all the bands! X, Luna Sea, Dir En Grey, Luna Sea, X, The GazettE!"

"Wait, what do you mean The GazettE wasn't a 90's band? They wore black lipstick though!"

(I know this one isn't specifically Vkei, but the band in question has been lumped into Vkei so much.) "Wagakki band is the only true Japanese folk metal band and these vocal-sh*toids are copying Yuko's amazing work! In my bed, Yuko!"

(In the comments of a Kuroyume video) "Omg, these guys are totally copying Dir En Grey"

"Ah... that chick is so hot. I want her to- wait, its a guy?"

(This may not be exactly n00b Vkei fan, but it definitely is n00b Diru fan since Diru has this new American metalhead fanbase) "Wait, this can't be Dir En Grey! They look like f*gs and are playing pseudo-Metal!"


Ironically though, I've seen a lot of experienced fans say these. Welp, that's enough triggering the community for today

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Mu n00b phase was L'Arc en Ciel. I didn't ship until Way later though.


what? What do you mean I can't use my waifu's last name? XDDD


"That guy totally sounds like/is ripping off Ruki"


No, bitch, they all just have the same generic voice type and range, just like most female singers have the same type of voice.

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1 minute ago, Komorebi said:

"That guy totally sounds like/is ripping off Ruki"


No, bitch, they all just have the same generic voice type and range, just like most female singers have the same type of voice.


Either that, or both vocalists wear similar makeup, or the "copycat" in question trills his Rs xD And I'm not referring to just GossiP. I've seen people claim any vocalist who trills their Rs is a Ruki copy. Like, no. Trilling Rs is a part of aggressive speech in Japanese, and is part of stereotypical Kansai speak

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Just now, Komorebi said:

Isn't Ruki the biggest and most obvious copycat in VK though? Fangirls and their biased hypocrisy... 

Yeah, I notice early Ruki reminds me a lot of Yu-dai from Sex Android, just minus the corpse paint. 

Wait, both bands played Punk, both vocalists have a similar singing style and similar appearance (especially the hair). 

I think I just discovered something

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1 minute ago, Komorebi said:

Not mentioning his Marilyn Manson cosplays, or how obviously he stans Kiyoharu. 

So all of these so called GazettE copycats are copies of a copy. 


*Black hole suddenly appears in the entire Vkei scene as we just did the Vkei equivalent of dividing by Zero*

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Oh, I just remembered. I once came across this girl who was like "Kuroyume isn't VisualKei! They're Jpop!" and I told her "Um, they really don't like the label "Pop", and their poppy stuff, is quite complex and creative compared to most pop rock.". I also pointed out their more Metal early releases and she was like "It may have been Metal, but it's still pop because the riffs were catchy".

Like, I don't think "Shin'ai Naru Death Mask" is "catchy". Also, the main riff to Kurui Dorei sounds like Metallica's "The Shortest Straw". I don't think Metallica could ever be considered pop (Well, at least before the black album. OOPS). In fact, Kurui Dorei is even heavier than some of Metallica. Totally "Jpop"

Also, the fact their biggest inspirations are D'erlanger and Dead End (Kiyoharu even got his early look from Kyo of D'erlanger) kind of shouts VISUALKEI.

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My name is Daisuke Naoto Takarai Takayuki.


EDIT: Also "I've been listening to visual kei for over 10 years. My favorite bands are MALISEND, XAA XAA, BFN, the GazettE, SID, A9, and Royz! ^.^ yoroshiku onegaishimasu~

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14 minutes ago, Zeus said:

"I've been listening to visual kei for over 10 years. My favorite bands are MALISEND, XAA XAA, BFN, the GazettE, SID, A9, and Royz! ^.^ yoroshiku onegaishimasu~


but i HAVE been listening to vk for ten years and my favorite bands ARE MALISEND, xaax, BFN and gazette and SID and A9 and Royz :sad:

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Just now, Platy said:


but i HAVE been listening to vk for ten years and my favorite bands ARE MALISEND, xaax, BFN and gazette and SID and A9 and Royz :sad:

You have to remember, everyone is a noob to me :P

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2 minutes ago, Zeus said:

You have to remember, everyone is a noob to me :P

Wasn't AvelCain like Kisaki's favourite band at one point? xD

Also, the members of Mucc like Dezert. 

Oh god, I just realised I opened up the door to some sweet roasting on Mucc and Kisaki. xD

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"Kyo, the bassist of the GazettE is my favorite member, but I really like VK for the music."

"I grew up in Japan. Kawaii desu."

"Hey you like the GazettE? I'm friends with the vocalists sister and my friend is dating Reita." - an actual thing someone walked up and said to me in 2006 at Anime Expo. 


My favorite bands are:
[insert absurdly long list of any VK band in existence even if no songs have been released]


"GazeRock is Not Dead"

Edited by togz

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"You like old-school visual kei? Me too!!  I love Malice Mizer and X Japan!!!!"


Babby vk fans, man.


Oh, and accusing every tanbi kei-ish band of copying Versailles.

Edited by Zalemu

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50 minutes ago, togz said:

"Hey you like the GazettE? I'm friends with the vocalists sister and my friend is dating Reita." - an actual thing someone walked up and said to me in 2006 at Anime Expo.



I usually go to the Q&A panels at Anime North. Some of the ace questions I remember people asking:

"Will you marry me?" to Hal from umbrella

"What's your favourite colour?" (not just once, but twice in the same Q&A session) to UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ, who were all dressed in a specific colour with matching hair...

Edited by violetchain

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"I am a huge fan of that bandman...been for years  *post a picture of a cosplayer and says it's him*" 


"Kai have changed a lot during the years hasen't he?! *post a picture of Gazette when yune was their drummer*" 


I also remember that time when Miyavi got married and people were sending nasty messages to him because he was not "theirs" anymore but that's maybe a different story. 

Edited by Euthanasia

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