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Everything posted by anakuro

  1. It says it at the end of the trial listening, but the PV for Kowai Kurai will be uploaded on February 15th! I'm excited. And their sponsored event tickets go on sale at a live I'm actually going to so I can get one there\(^o^)/
  2. Even if they don't have heavy visuals they are a band in the scene. Though, when reading about the gossip everyone was generally supportive. Mostly, they are wondering if he'll be able to find a job.
  3. I'm late to comment on here, but rumors are he's getting married (once again: these are rumors) But it makes sense with members' comments etc. from what I read A lot of people said it would have been better if he left at the end of the oneman tour, though. And I agree with that.. Satoshi is the main composer. Bikkey also composed a song. I honestly can't remember if Yukihisa did. I think he did compose one? But it's basically mostly Satoshi, so I'm not particularly worried about the sound changing. I wonder what the atmosphere will be like on stage though. I'm also curious if Yukihisa will participate in recording the CD. When was that supposed to come out again? And I wonder who will do support... Man, he was nice. He at least attempted to talk to me (unlike Naoki) it's hard to believe that the last time I met him is... the last time I'll meet him. And he had a nice energy on stage :\ I'll miss him.
  4. I don't think they made an omnibus last year ? I'm looking forward to it again this year! Though it's disappointing Minus Jin-Say Orchestra isn't listed... Anyone who is interested in going: *Presale is through post office mail order! If you don't know how to do it, I can help you figure out how to fill out the sheet. Send me a DM. *General sale is through eplus! *Same day tickets are more expensive! *You exchange your ticket for a wristband. *This wristband allows you to enter and exit any of the participating live houses as many times as you want. *If they are at cap, they can deny you entrance, however (but I don't remember it being a problem last year). *The drink ticket you receive will work at any of the live houses. Last year it had the schedule printed on it too. *Don't worry about feeling like you have to get early and sit through some band you don't care about in order to save a spot for a band that is playing there later. Once a band finishes the live house generally clears out and everyone for the next band can move in. Everyone is running around going to see as many bands that they want to see as possible. *I highly recommend going to see whatever the last band is--at least in time to catch encore. Last year during the last band (BIOSPHIA), MUSE was packed and bandmen were running around in the crowd and there were about 50 other bandmen on stage. It was the most insane and fun encore I've ever been in.
  5. To be honest I'm still worried, they don't have any dates on their schedule after their March 3 year anniversary onemans... And it's getting pretty late, even for them. but I am looking forward to the release\(^o^)/ I knew they were recording and planning this release but I must have missed when they actually announced the details.
  6. I didn't mind them so much. But give them a year to get their shit together and figure out what direction they want to go in because they were really all over the place + give the singer voice training and it might be worth it. Also, his high pitched screams had me dying from laughter since he sounded like donald duck. So he should maybe work on that too.
  7. Dokusatsu Terrorist's newest CD (新曲DEMO音源集 ver. 1013) added Xaa Xaa Roji (ex. Belmosaic, his name was logic then) cheki added more Shounenki cheki added BPM 03 (Oct.~Dec. 2014) added Lil.y - カイリア added Kameleo's とにかく今すぐ!!このDVDを見てほしいバンドマン DVD + quite a few new flyers (even if they were included int he list I had before, I wrote them again if there is a new version available) I won't be able to ship from the 20th~beginning of January, but I will accept inquiries during that time. If you want something shipped before then, please contact me by 11:00PM, Thursday the 18th (Japan time).
  8. anakuro

    I'm a little scared to watch the video since I was there lol Yeah, Riya actually has a video on youtube on his personal channel where he covers it. I was quite pleased with them live in general. I also find it quite interesting seeing bands just starting up--especially when the members themselves are so new to the scene. However I think Oto needs to work on his actual singing voice... And someone else should be doing MCs.
  9. anakuro

    So they announced at the live today that they would record this month and have a CD available to buy starting 2015.01.30 They covered 2 songs and played 3 original and all in all were pretty decent. The vocalist could do with vocal training imo. His screams were good though.
  10. I feel youヽ(;▽;)ノ They exceeded my expectations so much I was highly impressed they managed to make 12 songs in such a short amount of time and they were all so good yesterday..
  11. At the first oneman they played a total of twelve songs
  12. Since it'll be included in bags and I want it before it runs out I'll probably end up buying something I don't actually care that much about in order to get it... :')
  13. anakuro

    oh man we need more Hiroshima bands I think I'll keep my eye on them..
  14. I think she might not have answered due to circumstances. I live in japan and have a webshop. She placed an order and asked if I lived near there and could go. I could not (and generally can't) but I have friends. They do not offer shopping services so this was a one time thing. That is all I'll say about it. Hope it cleared things up
  15. I call it a scrunchy in English. You know the hair ties? I often pull my hair back after a concert or between bands since it's a mess from headbanging so I use them then quite often edit: sorry formatting got messed up on my phone
  16. album/single for obvious reasons towel&shushu ...for lives mostly. Some songs' dancing requires the use of a towel. Also towels and shushus show who you are there for which can make your life easier with moving around (you can ask people to switch places with you--and it's obviously best to ask people who aren't there for the same band. You can tell by their merch..). Towels are also great for saving your spot by setting it down on the ground. Most bands I only buy one towel for but a few I have multiple towels.... Some shushus are way overpriced and I won't buy it. I'm not desperate to have a stupid scrunchy. cheki this is what the bands make most of their money off of. It's a way to help them out and it's like a souvenir from the concert. I don't buy used ones too often.
  17. anakuro

    Nice! It's always great when customs cooperates (I'm one of the people that sends things from Japan so I've gotta worry about it too) I still need to get something other than 4U but I've been lazy and like I had mentioned it hadn't particularly impressed me that much. So, it didn't light a fire under me to buy other Hysteric Panic releases. One day I'd like to see them though... I've just been too distracted by my VK bands to bother (._.; ) oops. I'll have to check that video out at a later time. My next music CD purchase will possibly be RUVISH's mini album that came out in.... September? But I'm in no particular rush to buy it... Xaa Xaa's うそつき comes out on the 1st and I'm looking forward to it even if the production quality is laughable at best It's already preordered, just a matter of grabbing it on the 3rd at the in store. Edit: Oh and I forgot to mention my most recent purchase... A friend put up Souiumono's Cee (their rarest CD) for 800yen on twitter. I snatched that sucker up and she should ship it in a few days or so.
  18. anakuro

    My purchase is the same! I'm also pretty disappointed in them breaking up they were so good and I've only seen them when I didn't really know about them.. I also got Souiumono's newest single SERAPHIM and cocklobin's last live DVD. I've been dragging my feet with it so I hadnt ordered yet (I was there though so I felt I should own it...) Hopefully you were able to pick it up!CATHARSIS is great. I'm glad I thought to buy myself a copy while I was grabbing my friend's at the last live. And some of my favorite RUVISH songs are from their 6 month consecutive live house only releases. They were a pain in the ass to get but worth it imo Hysteric Panic's 4U though I have like one or two songs I listen to and the rest just didn't appeal to me on that CD for some reason.
  19. Yeah distributed singles are a pain in the ass for us in Japan too tbh orz If I do decide to sell it or get another one and sell that one I'll let everyone know d(^-^*) I like them live, but recorded it's not really my thing so I'm not that attached to it
  20. anakuro

    That's always been my problem with Arlequin. His vocals are OK and all but they also don't particularly fit the songs that I have heard. I think he'd do better in a different band, and the band could benefit from another vocalist. I also came to the conclusion "they're probably way more enjoyable live," and I was right about that too. They put on a really great performance. But while I want to see them live again, I'm iffy about buying their CDs.
  21. Wait in random ones? Guess I was lucky then since it was in my order I got this morning o_o; Idk if I'll sell this one though I have to think on it. Maybe if I get another one I'll sell it
  22. ★Current Flyers offered by band: Since there's so many to keep track of I have not struck out the ones that are no longer available. I have other bands available, I just am still in the process of posting them. ★Current lives that I can buy cheki for Please note the available regular request slots for lives 12/20~12/31 are all taken. Strike out for ones that have regular request slots all taken If you want cheki it will cost extra ($3/cheki, up to 4 extra slots per live)
  23. I'm so glad they've finally have a recorded version of ゴスロリを脱いでも
  24. tbh the two that I've heard were good but a little... on the boring side imo And they're not that fun live (more like "live") and have kind of been leaving a bad/strange impression on people who are seeing them for the first time Still it's my favorite band and I'm interested because they were good songs and probably way better suited to CD than the "live" presentation. I just don't particularly foresee these songs going in my favorite list from Souiumono, but that's just me and maybe my opinion will change once I have the CD
  25. Ahahaha I can't believe they actually did it?? Some bandman jokingly made a baseball team in a blog post a few months ago or so and now... they did it. :') (I can't remember who it was that made the blog post but I'm fairly certain the line up is at the very least very similar)
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