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Everything posted by saiko

  1. This isn't a thing only related to psychopathology. The problem isn't about having depression or suicidal thoughts, but keeping alive a culture of abuse within the industry, pontentially fueled by the whole sacrificial Japanese working culture, with its devotional hierarchy aspects and so on... So mental health issues should be a normal response of anybody previously involved into that sadism of an enviroment. Said.
  2. saiko

    This Japanese neurosis of being so concerned about obeying or not the rules to the extent of not reaching the sleep amazes me even to this day.
  3. saiko

    Will always stan this song and the minialbum where it is!
  4. saiko

    I don't know where to start thanking you... 😭
  5. Does anybody knows who is the owner of Speed-Disk? Is it Yukika?

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. Himeaimichu


      Yukika from Etcetera or some other Yukika? I imagine there is probably more than one dude named Yukika

  6. Could someone upload stuff from Mask and/or Cynical Biscuit where Aoi has been involved before forming ayabie? Credits to the musical and lyrical composers of said stuff are very welcome, too!


    I'm not looking for entire discographies and/or .flac files. Just a couple of songs of quality decent enough to make it possible for me to pay attention to arrangements and suchs in the most clear way.


    I'm wanting to write some kind of "insightful" analysis from Ryouhei-era ayabie, as a first attempt to give shape to a series of analysis of some VK bands I've been into since my entrance in the fandom.


    Any material is welcome!


    Since quarintine became a thing, some Japanese fellows on Youtube have been ripping and uploading a lot of VHS/DVD VK stuff they had collected. This user in particular shared the entire videography of Eins:Vier, and now this PV from a band I didn't know from its existence, but hey, what a great song! It sounds like your typical mid 90s underground VK artist in the claustrophobic post-punk line of Zi:Kill/Kuroyume, but those arrangements! Very inspired for a bunch of indie bandoman! Perhaps they could have done great stuff if they continued to work on together...

    1. Arkady


      Interesting music. The uploader did mispelled the romanization the band real name though, it should be Agnus∻Dei.

    2. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Agnus Dei was one of the lesser known Key Party bands out there, but they really had some nice potential. Their Valse album was good but their demos are some of my favorites, it's a shame they never took off.

  8. Can you suggest names of VK bands that were growing up a following quite notably just before suddenly disbanding? I can think of Charlotte (しゃるろっと for the snobs).

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rahzel


      @nekkichi yea just guessing here based on that, I don't speak japanese well enough to know actual reactions to bands in Japan aside from subbed stuff so t'was kinda "ohh?" to me as I thought they were popular based on, uh, western internet (which doesn't always equal homeland Very Successful). But again lol shocked I am to know D'espairsRay only went major in 2011 (just found out they disbanded IN 2011 ?? Thats a lot.) bc they were very internet-relevant in early-mid 2000s (the fact that I wasn't In VK Fandom and remember the name says a lot.) and it's kinda how I feel about Sadie too, I think they lasted quite a bit (indeed they landed generic anime #178's ending and one of Togainu no Chi's 12 ending songs, of which even back in 2010 they were one of the few acts I had actually heard of so... typical kinda-successful late 2000s vk act?) 

    3. nekkichi



      d'espairs ray were major since 2004, they got signed by universal before they dropped the visuals.

    4. Axius


      @Chell Glad to help 👍

      Sadie grew in popularity at around 2008-2009 honestly. I mostly like there 2009-2010 era they reallyy came together then.


      I dont know much about D'espairsRay i know they were popular overall. I also like that release NUL. made. Thats D'espairsRay's vocalist's band he is in right now so i think i should check them out haha 😅Glad this was a suggestion. 


  9. @suji Basic Japanese Copyright laws...
  10. saiko

    I felt attacked, Dir hasn't any genre, Google ban that kid !!!1
  11. saiko

    This should make us rethink a lot of things...
  12. saiko

    Definitely sounds like the dream of any hardcore fan out there. I approve.
  13. saiko

    When does that happen?

    Another proof that even pros fail miserably sometimes.


    And I've always thought Kaoru's nervousness at 98' Budokan was an exception...


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Himeaimichu


      Gladly it didn't fuck up the giant record deal they had at the time lol. Else they would've suffered the same fate as BODY

    3. saiko


      What happened to Body?

    4. Himeaimichu


      IDK exactly but something caused them to break up after like 3 concerts, even though they were supposed to make big money from their record deal lol

  15. saiko

    Fuckyeahbangya had proofs about Tooru Nishimura not being Kyo's actual name, same for Die being Daisuke. But I don't remember very well; I think I remember reading that Die's true name is Manabu and Kyo's Hironori? Or something like that. Maybe someone might correct me.

    Best Visual Kei

    1. Arkady


      She is the french branch of Lareine. 😂 The song also has the same title/intro concept as Machi's solo song.


    2. saiko


      I looked up for her immediatly after having read about into some Malice Mizer biography. 


      Her first two albums are insane. I'm spinning them a lot.


      The influence they had over MM and Lareine is clear. Core arragments of some tracks where clearly taken by Mana and Közi, and Kamijo and his colleagues as well if them being roadies for the firsts actually happened. 


      I think finding her should have made Mana and Kamijo go nuts! I mean, it's like Versailles no Bara going goth, what else could be a wet fantasy for them? lol

  17. He embodies VK like nobody else does.
  18. saiko

    Never tried these guys. Which could be a good point to start?
  19. When I suddenly remember that there still isn't any Starwave Records artist that reached at least a minimum level of relevance in the scene, I question myself how is it that this label still exists, and why would an artist decide to get signed to a house who hasn't managed to put out any decent production and market strategy for any of its members...

    1. violetchain


      I'd assume it's partially because most of them aren't going to get signed to any other labels, and partially because most Starwave Records artists get to go overseas at some point. In just the past few years, THE SOUND BEE HD went to the US and Mexico, Mikansei Alice went to Europe, and Scarlet Valse were set to go to Europe before COVID too.

      If you're a basically unknown VK band with 20 fans that dreams of performing in America or Europe, it's not the worst move you could make.

    2. Jigsaw9


      BLOOD was pretty well-known in the overseas vk community at the time they were active I think (they even toured abroad a few times)... but other than that idk any newer bands with that level of "relevance" (if you can call it that, heh).

    3. nekkichi


      blood were on darkest labyrinth tho... which is presumably most famous kiwamu associated act, mostly because the scene was doing better back than, they had the opportunity.


      starwave seems like a low-budget collaboration between kiwi and FWD where bands that no longer get kagerou sales numbers come to sizzle at.


      I'd say tokami were doing pretty well for a SW band, and they birthed zin who later went onto jupiter and w/e she does now.

  20. saiko

    Gauze's production is a dream. You can definitely hear every instrument in there. Perhaps they had the biggest amount of investment of their whole career at that time... Having Yoshiki arranging your A-sides should have been anything but cheap...
  21. saiko

    @Himeaimichu I'm licking your brain.
  22. This is my situation with the Kiri to mayu remake. I don't dislike the Ooga Booga at all, but constructing 90% of the song exclusively over this basis makes listening to it kinda unsatisfying for me. The dramatic hyper-melodic outro makes passing trough it worthy, though.
  23. Aka is the most beautiful piece of TIW.
  24. Today on Missing VK Children Radio: Have you ever listened to Yousei Teikoku or Asriel?


    I think the VK influence in both is pretty obvious judging by some core arrangements into their music, and also the looks on some of the male members. I wonder why they don't seem to have ever wandered a bit into the VK circuit. Judging by their respective wide catalogs of songs done for anime shows and videogames, and their live performances packed with dudes, I think they preferably managed to hook up an otaku audience, just as any other regular anison project. Also, it's obvious thath the fact of them both having a female singer sets this marketing strategy perfectly.




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