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Everything posted by Ito

  1. Ito

    I am going to wait a couple months so that all the issues are pretty much ironed out. I initially preordered, but then the two games I wanted ended up delayed. Right now I am just trying to figure out how I can save the PS+ games so that I can have them once I get a PS4. They don't allow you to download them like they do for vita games. Trying to see if I can find a friend that is ok with me setting up my account on their system for a while.
  2. Ito

    Try doing cosplay photography XD admittadly, I use my photography for more than just cosplay, but damn if it isn't the most expensive shit ever. Me: "oh, those new Prophoto B1 studio lights look awesome...how much" Internet: "I'm not quite sure yet" Me: "Ok, just let me know" -days later- Me: "Internet, you got that price yet?" Internet: "Oh yeah! They are....lets see here...Only $2000 per light!" Me: "fuck."
  3. Ito

    I thought that I was really going to miss him when he left, but I ended up enjoy Travis's vocals a hell of a lot more. I can't speak for how Travis was live though, because Nathan was a lot of fun live.
  4. Ito

    Malice Mizer and Oshare Kei in the same request post? XD Are you asking for a band that sounds like Malice Mizer and is Oshare Kei, or one a band that sounds like Malice Mizer and an Oshare kei band?
  5. I canceled my PS4 preorder, but man so I still want to play Octodad.

  6. Ito

    I feel like their second album gets more hate than it deserves. I find it to be a decent album. It is just no where near the level of their other two album (thank god AJ came back from Digital Viel). I still really like Breathing Life Into Devices. Also, this:
  7. They're released similar songs with that juxtaposition of the female vocals to the harder guitars in Swallowtail in the Death Valley (off of Stacked Rubbish), but that song is marginal at best.
  8. Yeah, I have both Visage's GAME and reversal film and 3 gossip singles...after going back and listening them, yeah, I can't say I like Hiro's vocals...they are so darn nasally lol. (and yeah, final call and cry of the river are the two songs that really stick out to me)
  9. Man, it's been a while since I have seen that name. I really enjoyed gossip while they were around, though I don't think it was the vocals are what did it for me...no idea how much Hiro had to do with the song writing though.
  10. I'm afraid we are going to have to cut you off, Saku. The anime social services will be at your house shortly to confiscate your hard drive.
  11. Ito

    ooooh, that looks good....I need to switch off of iTunes lol
  12. Ito

    I fucking love these guys. I first heard of them when they were touring with Diru way back when lol...after the show when everyone was flocking to meet diru, I went and talked to THA guys for a while...really cool dudes. At first I actually didn't like Nocturne when I listened to it...but I think it is just one of those albums that takes a couple listened to even comprehend it. When Digital Veil came out, damn did that album blow me away. With AJ back and Travis on vocals...so good. They keep their FB active, which pisses me off...they are such teases lol.
  13. Ito

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvWziE0o8dw#t lmao
  14. Right now the first thing that is coming to my mind is Fairy Fore's VIVID...and by all accounts I shouldn't like that song either lol.
    1. Ito


      Do you know who that beautiful man photoshopped in to the banner is? XD

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      aaarg, who is that fugly mofo? my eeeeyes, they are buuuurning! :D

    3. Gaz


      so who's that?

    4. Show next comments  126 more
  15. Ito

    Welcome to the forums! We're glad to have you here!
  16. Ito

    That's pretty harsh XD I would agree that open has the edge when it comes to pure audio fidelity, but to me they pretty much defeat the point of having headphones...If I am at work and I want to jam out, I can't use open back. If I am at home and I don't care who hears me, I will play stuff over my speakers. I am not trying to say that open suck or anything, but it is just something to really consider. Other area where I would give the edge to closed is in the low bass region, it just seems harder for open headphones to really have that deep of a low end. Once again, I am not saying that you, Muma, shouldn't get open headphones, but they are definitely things to consider.
  17. Ito

    The title of this thread greatly confused me at first.
  18. Ito

    I'm excited to say to say the least. I don't know if Sel'm has ever really disappointed me.
  19. Ito

    I think the biggest thing is that you need to figure out is your budget. I mean, that will greatly effect what recommendations we can give you. I fully recommend that you try to listen to the headphones if you get a chance. I have purchased headphones unheard before, but I guarantee you that you will feel a lot more confident in your purchase if you get a chance to listen to them first.
  20. Ito

    I totally agree with your sentiments. I LOVED this season, but there was a lot they could have improved on. First off, I totally agree on giving more time between episodes...I would much rather wait a bit longer for a better product. the entire Jaune plot should have been one episode and we could have waited a couple weeks for it. Speaking of that, the Jaune "arc" was easily the weakest part of the entire season. The plot was so basic it was nuts...the kind of stuff you expect to see in a children's book or something lol. One huge area where this show needs improvement in is the male character design. We have 8 "main" character, 6 of who are female. That leave Jaune and Ren. Jaune feels so stock and his visual design reminds me of that of a npc character in an rpg (read that as not a lot of effort was put in). Ren has gotten barely any attention so far, and what we have seen really isn't much except to get the "man of few words" stereotype. And I think when it comes down to it, the show either needs to get: 1)More budget 2)More time 3)Move faster 4)All of the above I really enjoyed this season, but if the plot doesn't start moving a little faster, or if we don't get more episodes, I think this will feel like it will drag on. I know that this is the first season, but I really do feel like nothing much happened.
  21. Is it ok if I say Pokemon X & Y doesn't impress me at all? Using 3D and adding more pokemon doesn't somehow enhance the incredibly dated battle mechanic.

    1. Augie1995


      It's fine to say that. Personally, I don't mind. As much as I love the original games, I'm always glad when a new one comes out because I get the opportunity for a new story, new Pokemon, a new world. It doesn't matter to me if they use the same mechanics...in Reality, aside from the Team ____ and your character's goals, every game has something different to offer, whether it's small

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I really liked 5th and 6th gen's stories. Team Flare was campy and ridiculous which made grinding against the same swallot / mightyena worth it. But I don't play pokemon for the story: it doesn't get good to me until post-elite four when I train to obsessively do the battle tower with people.

    3. Ito


      @Saku: I won't bash you for enjoy it, but I would argue that the battle system is 95% or more the same as it was in Red/Blue. I know lots of people love it still, but I am in need of a overhaul to really get in to it. I tired of it by Pearl. And do I blame Nintendo for not changing it? No, because it sells.

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  22. Ito

    Jesus, you get around! Is it safe to assume you are/were in the army military? (I mean, I figure most people don't go to Afghanistan because they enjoy the weather there...)
  23. Finally cleaned my computer monitor...it's all purdy now :D

  24. Ito

    Dat season finale
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