Ok, right now I am just bringing this up to gauge interest in this idea, so please let me know if you are interested!
Lately I have been thinking about how I really need to watch more anime, both classic stuff and modern, and this idea popped in to my head...why not start an anime club on MH? Every week we would watch 3-4 episodes of a show and come back and discuss it. I think it would be a cool way to bring more engagement in to the community as well allow us to get some good discussion going on each show we watch.
I know that it will be impossible to pick a show that everyone wants to watch...that is just something we are going to have to live with. I don't think that should be a reason not to join in on this, because if we can get a good discussion going about the show, what it does right and wrong, and take a deeper look at it, doesn't that come out as a positive in the end? Also, as I don't want to have to commit people to watching anything super longer term, we should stick to shorter shows (13 episodes and under).
I also realize that we are going to end up watching stuff that people have seen before...once again, that just can't be avoided. But even if it is a rewatch for you, I would encourage you to join in and be part of the discussion anyways!
So let me know if this is something that sounds interesting to you, as if we get enough people I will start it up!