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Everything posted by Ito

  1. At Miasma, if that bothers you (which it does for me as well), I would really give it a pass. KLK seems to be riding the hype train really hard right now, but I consider it marginal at best (haters gunna hate).
  2. la la larks needs to hurry the fuck up and put out a CD.

  3. It was such a dumb cliff hanger that I literally just stopped caring. I was the final straw on the camel's back from me.
  4. Side note: Only watched the first season of code geass. Started strong, but man if it didn't just turn in to shit. The cliffhanger end to season one was so laughable bad that I just deleted season 2 which I had already downloaded.
  5. Ito

    This thread is over. Peace wins.
  6. I just downloaded Genius Party the other day, it looks unique for sure! lol
  7. Ito

    15. Yoshiki chocolate bars. They will look alright but will taste awful from sitting around and doing nothing for years. The rsasai, that's fucked.
  8. Ito

    This thread is gold XD Here's for betting that he is doing the ending theme for a movie that no one cares about.
  9. Ito

    dear lord do you think you have enough SSDs?
  10. Russian Circles, Jesu, Mono, and Cohol? This concert is stacked! https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/t1/484878_10153877466490492_1429494628_n.png

    1. CAT5


      THAT is indeed gnarly

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      considering emigrating to japan just for that concert alone :P

  11. Ito

    Sounds pretty awesome to me, gunna check that out for sure!
  12. Ito

    Monster was absolutely going to be my first answer for you, Bear, but Jig beat me to it XD. I think Tokage's suggestion of Ergo Proxy might also be a good one for you, though not quite what you are asking for.
  13. Ito

    Rofl Cat! XD And sai, nah, I am most certainly a blonde, it is just the light (though there is a little bit of red in my beard). See?
  14. Ito

    Pressing the shutter button on my remote camera trigger XD I take elaborate selfies.
  15. Ito

    Me trying to be professional and somehow ending up looking like a lawyer or something LOL
  16. Ito

    I was going to post a picture of mine, but then I realized that I have completely changed up my room again since the last pictures I took XD. I will have to take a couple more here soon.
  17. Ito

    I wonder if he does these random shows on occasion just remind the world that he is alive?
  18. Ito

    Welcome to the forum! We're glad to have you here! Feel free to ask anyone with a red or blue name if you have any questions. Also, since you are part of the scene, any information that you have to share would be greatly appreciated!<br /><br />Also glad to that you are interested in Sel'm, they are easily one of my favorite VK bands.
  19. Ito

    Nice to hear that the new season will have a little bit different format and that it will be coming out sooner than expected!
  20. Ito

    Holy shit, took you long enough! LOL Glad to have you here though, even if it is more than half a year later! If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone with a red or blue name. Also, if you want to check out the Acen Panel thread, you can do so here: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/21283-acen-panel-2013/. I know it has been quite a while, but I always loving getting feedback.
  21. downy x toe concert? Anyone want to fly me to Japan? http://www.toe.st/shows/index.html

  22. Ito

    I can't give you any information as to the process of trading rares (since I don't have any), but I can say that I find the process inherently terrible. Lets be clear, the process of downloading music is illegal, no questions asked. But what bothers me isn't when people are trying to share out of the love of a band or trying to allow people to gain more musical diversity, but instead hold these files over there head like they have ownership over it. It makes you seem like a pretentious fuck and it single-handedly kills whatever good parts file sharing has going.
  23. Ito

    Welcome to the forum! I agree with Cat, you seem very familiar for some reason XD If you have any questions though, feel free to ask anyone with a red or a blue name.
  24. Ito

    Amazon had them for 50% off the other day...
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