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Everything posted by Ito

  1. Ito

    I don't really see myself upgrading storage anytime soon unless I decide to build a NAS box. I have 2x1tb drives, a 3tb drive, and 2x500gb externals. Pretty much the biggest thing would be getting a new SSD because my current one is 90gb and that is cutting it pretty tight in terms of space.
  2. Ito

    Looking sick, Flame! The 780Ti has to fucking kill. I think I am due for an upgrade some time in the near future too. I just started working at a web design company that also does computer repair, so I am hoping that I might be able to get some part for cheap XD. Right now I know I would transfer over to my new build: 2x8gb Corsair 1866 RAM 2x2gb Corsair RAM (don't remember the speed lol) Corsair HX Professional Series 750-Watt 80 Plus PSU Corsair H60 CPU cooler (maybe might upgrade this if I could swing the extra $$) HP 24" Monitor (I don't see myself ever getting rid of this thing until 4K becomes a normal thing) Logitech G15 Keyboard Logitech G700 Mouse That leaves me with a Case, Mobo, GPU, and Processor to buy...too bad all that stuff adds up reaaaal fast lol. I think I would try to transfer over some of my old gear in to a smaller build that I could either as a media center or a NAS.
  3. blackdoll, this is not a bash bands threads. If you want to write stuff like that, at least give it a bit more context. Hell, from that post I would think the only thing you have ever done is hate those bands.
  4. Ito

    I did a quick search and was shocked we didn't already have a thread like this? List some of the songs where the vocalist so so incoherent with their mumbles that you have no idea that it is in English. For me the first song that comes to mind is The Gazette's Filth in the Beauty. I literally had no idea that the song was mostly in English until I looked up the lyrics.
  5. Best news in a long time for me! I reeeeally hope that this spurs them to do more than just one show.
  6. Ito

    I can't say that I have honestly given tumblr enough time to truly have any great insight on it, but I have always kind of gotten a juvenile feeling from it. It feels eclectic, disorganized, and hyper....kind of the qualities that I would associate with younger, overly passionate nerds who just really haven't figured things out for themselves yet...like their interests are controlled by an on and off switch which only has the options of LOVE or HATE. And hey, I can't say that is terrible...I was certainly that way in the past (and maybe still am to some extent, I know that I am still figuring myself out).
  7. Ito

    pfft...life is over rated.
  8. Ito

    Welcome to MH! Glad to have you here!
  9. Ito

    Welcome to MH! We're happy to have you here! If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone with a red or blue name and they will be happy to help you out.
  10. Ito

    Welcome to Monochrome Heaven! I hope you enjoy your time here
  11. Ito

    I wish it was a cross buy (especially since the saves are compatible), but even if I had a PSVita I would have still picked it up on the PS3 first.
  12. Ito

    Molly, you friend in the first picture is auroradesu here on MH.
  13. Ito

    I've always felt that way about games that only have one option to climb stuff. It's like "OH, I WONDER IF I SHOULD GRAB ON TO THAT BRIGHT YELLOW PIPE?!?!" Kind of feels a bit insulting to my intelligence, but that isn't what drives me nuts. It's when I see something I should obviously be able to climb (that I easily could climb in I was personally there) that the game is like "nope, I'm not programmed to do that. Breaks immersion pretty badly for me.
  14. ^_______________^ Real job get!

    1. CAT5



    2. nick


      Congrats, Ito! :)

    3. whitegrey


      yay! Congrats!

  15. Ito

    Welcome, we're glad to have you here! If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone with a red or blue name and we'll help you out.
  16. I was asked at the skate park today if I was a father... -__-

    1. DeithX252


      father of MH :3

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      "ye I'm cool dad"

    3. Senedjem


      i am cool / im the cool one

  17. Ito

    Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  18. Ito

    Totally missed this news, I'm always excited for what Hayato's has planned next.
  19. Ito

    I am so happy they will finally be releasing something other than a single!
  20. Ito

    Welcome to MH! I hope you enjoy your stay and as sai has said already, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
  21. Ito

    I find that thought to be hilarious...getting away from people by going to a city of 10+ million people XD I have been traveling since I was a little kid, though mostly it has been with my parents. My parents have always been in to traveling so I have reaped the benefits. First lets list the big trips: Outside of the US: England (1998-ish) Switzerland (2000-ish) Canada (2001-ish) Japan (2004) Ireland (2008) Norway (2009) Denmark (2009) Sweden (2009) Most of my traveling has been inside of the US, though, and mainly to mountainous areas (both for skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer). The states I have been too: Alaska Colorado (I go pretty much every year to go skiing, some years I have gone twice. Also have been out twice in the summer) D.C. Florida (pretty much to go to Disney World when I was younger) Illinois Indiana (really only driving through lol) Michigan (both Upper and Mainland) Missouri (vague memories of St. Louis Montana New York Oregon Utah Virginia (pretty briefly) Washington Wisconsin (this doesn't count, I live here )
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