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Everything posted by Ito

  1. Just finished watching Toradora for the 4th time - this time with my gf. Seriously the best high school anime out there, if you haven't seen it yet, you really need to. Also, just watched first episode of Sailor Moon Crystal. I am really on the fence. So far the art style is wonderful (for the most part), but the animation seems really bad. The 3D in the transformation sequence is vomit-worthy. I want to like this so badly...
  2. Ito

    Welcome to MH, I hope you enjoy your time here! If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone with a red or blue name.
  3. Ito

    Trying to find a job under a time limit fucking sucks
  4. Ito

    Hi there and welcome to the forums! Oh, and you might want to know that Pierrot is having a reunion of sorts here soon, so I wouldn't say they are really gone XD
  5. Ito

    While I still wouldn't use mine much for being out and about and their clamping is pretty weak, it actually can easily be fixed. Since the head band is metal, all you need to do is bend it in a bit more and the fit become much tighter (but not tight by any means). I haven't tried the momentums, but the K550 honestly seem like the best choice of headphones if you are often listening in situations where you don't want your neighbor to hear what you are listening to (i.e. work for me - I rarely use them at home).
  6. Ito

    Welcome to the forum! We're glad to have you here! If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone with a red or blue name.
  7. aaaand no more job for Ito....this is going to be a rough year.

    1. Flame-X


      Ouch. Find some freelance or part times to keep yourself afloat while you find the right gig.

    2. nekkichi


      :( I hope you can land a new job soon!
    3. Ito


      Thanks guys!

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  8. Ito

    Just bought a WiiU and Mario Kart 8 with the GF...it's good to have a new local multiplayer game that we can really enjoy.
  9. Ito

    Well then...never would have seen this one coming.
  10. Why does trying to find a decent apartment need to be harder than Yoshiki when he is thinking about himself?

  11. Ito

    I just finished The Fault in Our Stars ...I just feel a kind of deep sadness now. Despite the incredibly fast pacing (too fast imo) and it being unapologetically written for teenagers, the thoughts that it offers are just as powerful...I am going to need a day to dwell on it.
  12. Damn the new Boris album is great.

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      a bit hit or miss for me, but for the most part it is really good. and the most important, in stark contrast to the last two efforts it doesn't sound like shit! melody and angel is where it's at :)

  13. So the 12 year old girls that tried to sacrifice their friend to summon Slenderman (by stabbing her 20-some times) happened one town over from me...

    1. Senedjem


      children are fucking terrifying

    2. kodama-kun
    3. Rize


      yes, saw that news. just crazy and insane.

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  14. Ito

    Schizoaffective Disorder is not something that goes away, he will have to deal with it for the rest of his life. As much as I hate to say it, I would be fairly confident that he will never return to music, at least never in the same way (that is if it is anything like how my uncle suffers from it).
  15. Ito

    Schizoaffective Disorder is no fucking joke...my uncle suffers from it and it has pretty much killed any of his ability to be a functioning person in society...and that is while he is on medication. I have heard some stories from my Mother about some times when he had stopped and it is just not a fun time for anyone. I can't say I much cared for D.!.D, but that is some pretty terrible news.
  16. Just (finally) finished Kill la Kill...my final opinion is just one big meh. I had a couple friends that told me the ending made it all worth it, but honestly it just felt so stale. I wouldn't call Kill la Kill bad by any means, but it really didn't do much in my eyes to warrant anything more than an average rating. Side note: at least it was better than the last few "most popular" animes from the last year or so (SOA, Madoka, AoT).
  17. God damn is my new job ever frustrating...this week has utterly drained me. Time to travel to the land without internet to recharge over the weekend.

  18. Ito

    Not gunna lie, Braid's appeal is lost on me. I am about 50% (maybe more) of the way through the game and I kind stopped because I just wasn't having any fun. The aesthetic is pretty nice (I fell lots of other games have done it better by now) and the music is cool (except for the fact that you constantly need to to rewind/fast forward which makes me want to play on mute). Not sure if I will ever finish it at this point. Though I will agree I did feel pretty happy once I got one of the harder puzzles. Just purchased Transistor yesterday, can't wait to start playing it.
  19. Ito

    Welcome to the forums! If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone with a red or blue name!
  20. Ito

    Sel'm's newest mini-album fall hard core in to this category. The compositions sound really great, but man everything sounds super flat and dull, especially the drums. It's just so disappointing when that happens to an album that you know that you would love if only it were listenable...
  21. Ito

    Welcome Back! We'll try not to ruin your life too much
  22. Ito

    Just putting this out there, but Hisashi's remix of hidden one should be the definition of terrible dubstep remixes.
  23. TK's remix of sukekiyo's zephyr helps continue my thought that I like TK's work so much more when he isn't singing.

    1. sai


      "good" is not the right word tbqh. TK is a good vocalist, technically, you can't deny that. However, the way he uses his voice and how it sounds can be something that isn't your taste, but he's definitely not bad.

    2. Ito


      I'd agree with that.

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  24. I had a beer bottle that I did the label design for sitting on my shelf in my room. Well, it decided today that it wanted to explode. Glass shards and beer everywhere!

    1. Ito


      I'm fine, but it happened at around 6:00 AM and scared the shit out of me.

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Damn... that blows xD

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      that design was... explosive

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