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Everything posted by Ichibayo

  1. Ichibayo

    F*ck ! I'm gonna see them live on the 12th ! Why can't they release it then ? xD
  2. Ichibayo

    The samples sound just great ! Now THAT's what I expect from them ! Although their new look isn't as good as the previous ones ^^'
  3. Ichibayo

    女々しくて WTF ? (o_ô)
  4. Ichibayo

    Just when I finished romanizing everything haha xD Thanks anyway ^^
  5. Ichibayo

    I was supposed to see them on the 25th in Osaka, but I'll probably miss them because of my work... Hopefully I have two friends who will be there so should be able to know if they're any good ^^ I just hope I won't miss カルペディエム too...
  6. Ichibayo

    I was at their live on the 22nd and got 腐海の鼓動, which is quite a nice song as you can see on the preview ^^ I might just upload it later !
  7. This might actually be interesting ! Nice name by the way ^^
  8. Wow they look amazing, I've been listening to their mini-albums quite a lot, I want something new now ! ^^
  9. Ichibayo

    That was clearly not the best band on the scene but they did have some potential so I'm glad they're back ^^
  10. It could be about eating songs, but I don't think it really is, the adjectives they use in this title can be understood another way ^^ Anyway, great news, I hope it's just as good as the album, even if I'd be happy to hear something more personal from them !
  11. Ichibayo

    The look doesn't look that cheap for such a young band with apparently no experience... Do you know anything else about their past ? ^^
  12. I'm gonna see them live in Osaka in May, I'll probably buy the album then and may upload it later ^^
  13. Ichibayo

    Nice setlist ! It must have been an amazing live...
  14. Ichibayo

    Disappointing tracklist indeed :/
  15. Ichibayo

    Nice ! Definitely looking forward to that !
  16. Ichibayo

    I'm afraid they're trying to release new stuff too early... although they haven't really disappointed me so far ^^
  17. Ichibayo

    Sounds awful so far ! And I usually like what they do, so ... yeah ^^"
  18. Ichibayo

    They've posted 「bright or blind」's music video on Youtube to promote their new album ^^ XBw-iJJ-f8c Fixed your link - sai
  19. Ichibayo

    Same here ! I'd really like to see him in a new band. He had improved a lot while being in As If in the darkness, but still had that pretty unique way of singing ^^
  20. Same as Tokage, pretty surprised to see Tomoro back after saying he would retire... Pretty damn good surprise though !
  21. Ichibayo

    My thoughts exactly !
  22. Ichibayo

    They do look much better than DEVI+TEC... but that's basically the same members with a different name (and maybe a different concept as well), and as DEVI+TEC was terrible as fuck, I'm just scared to see that new band ! xD
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