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About wesjrocker

  • Rank
    Kiwamu's Bitch
  • Birthday 06/17/1989

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  1. wesjrocker

    Amazing band, very good songs (^^)
  2. wesjrocker

    This is an interesting topic, back in the days (more than 10 years ago) tereko used to be traded through peer to peer software, I'm putting some links related to it: https://hughstephensblog.net/2017/11/12/online-piracy-in-japan-how-big-is-the-problem-and-whats-an-effective-solution/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_sharing_in_Japan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenNap https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utatane_(P2P) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Share_(P2P) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_Dark_(P2P) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winny https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WinMX
  3. This is a brilliant topic, unfortunately my japanese level still isn't suitable for reading message boards like tanuki or 2ch. Maybe there is still a way to view some old topics through archive.org (wayback machine), sometimes you even can download files. It is possible to visit old versions of websites but I don't know about message boards. I know this is subject for another topic but it would be nice to more about the Tereko テレコ [live recording] scene when it was allowed to record concerts in MD/tape format or even take pictures inside live houses. After recording it, japanese fans used to trade these files through Utatane and WinMX. I remember there was a ranking website for people who used to trade them, but it was almost impossible to trade anything because I didn't understand japanese and did not have anything special to exchange.
  4. wesjrocker

    I also love Lareine, I think kamijo's voice sounds more natural when he is singing lareine's songs. I wish we could watch this concert but it was a fanclub only release: https://puresound.co.jp/user_data/sp_artist_product_detail.php?pid=102020068&aid=lareine&bck=%2Fuser_data%2Fsp_artist_product.php%3Faid%3Dlareine
  5. wesjrocker

    DuelJewel SCHAFT (Buck Tick side project)
  6. wesjrocker

    How did the vk boom of '09 affect you in your country? A lot of people don't know about this but in 2009, Kagrra came to my country [Brazil] and did a complete gig in the city of São Paulo, this was my first time watching a Vrock band playing live, it was a cold night and the concert was outdoors. There are some unofficial footage if you search for "kagrra anime friends" on youtube. Here is the setlist: http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/kagrra/2009/mart-center-sao-paulo-brazil-13d745c1.html I have no words to explain how good it was; What an amazing atmosphere, I don't know If I'll ever experience this again in my life because I still really care about this band even though they're gone forever. About the scene: It looks like the Neo Visual-Kei scene is still going strong in Japan but many bands sounds just like each other, not all of them, but most. I'm sure everyone knows these websites, but I'm putting them here because I think that they are examples of how Vrock isn't dead in Japan. http://www.club-zy.com/ http://www.visunavi.com/ Anyway, here in Brazil we have a band once in a while; Jupiter is coming to play here this year.
  7. wesjrocker

  8. wesjrocker

    Have you watched them playing live? When was it? Was it in Japan or in the US?
  9. wesjrocker

    I would like to buy at least the dvd box set but it is too expensive, plus I'd have to pay all the import taxes which is also very expensive. But what can we do, right? They are my favorite band. Anyway, Hayato and Yuya have a new youtube channel which is very funny: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJCX_7WgFW7zGrFLRTH9Btw
  10. wesjrocker

    I know this may be an impossible request because these are the kind of files that people usually trade, but anyway, it would be very nice to have a Tereko 『テレコ』 section as a subcategory of the download section. For those that don't know what a tereko file is; It is simply an unofficial live recording of a concert, and there are tons of it but only for trade, so it isn't very simple to get it. It is now prohibited to take pictures and/or record audio/video inside japanese live houses, but that wasn't a problem back then, so many tereko were recorded in MD discs since the 80s. I think these files are very important to the jrock history.
  11. wesjrocker

    Please check imdb for more info: - Soshite chichi ni naru (2013, drama): Awesome, beautiful film. - Tokyo Pop (1988, comedy): Underrated and very funny [Includes a brief appearance of all the X-Japan members], nice to see Tokyo in the 80s. - Tokyo Sonata (2008, drama): good film. - Tokyo! (2008, drama, surreal): I don't know exactly what to say about this movie except that it has 3 different stories which are made by 3 different directors, the first one is ok, the second is too crazy for me, the third one is my favorite which is a story about a hikkikomori. - Kids Return (1996, drama): awesome soundtrack, Kitano and Hisaishi, nice story too; I found out about this movie because Baru (ex.DuelJewel) drummer used to do a drum solo during DuelJewel gigs in 2003 with a track which was the theme song from this film. - A scene at the sea (1991, drama): slow-paced, beautiful silent movie. - Kikujiro no natsu (1999, drama): beautiful hisaishi soundtrack. - Ugetsu monogatari (1953, drama): Japan in the 16th century, very good film. - Suna no onna (1964, drama): slow-paced but unique. - Life of Oharu (1952, drama): tragic, very good. - Yotsuya Kaidan (1959, classic horror tale): good. Yotsuya Kaidan and Ugetsu Monogatari reminds me of Isshi from Kagrra, I think it would be the kind of movies he would enjoy because both of them are classic horror tales [ps. Isshi used to write and read classic japanese ghost stories, it was also an inspiration for some kagrra' songs].
  12. wesjrocker

    I also used to find some stuff on the korean website, www.clubbox.co.kr There's a search bar on it, you can try to find one thing or another over there, but people use mostly for Jdramas. To download anything, you need an account, so you'll have to look for an english guide on google. I don't know if it's still worth it. I used to love these older P2P applications, it was a nice way of meeting people who enjoyed specific stuff like trading bootlegs, tereko files, stuff that I can't find anymore. I don't know if OpenNap still exists along with Utatane, but if it does, there's probably a hidden channel just for japanese users who has tons of files, so it's almost impossible to find it, unless you know someone in Japan who trades these kind of files. Anyway, it's forbidden to record concerts (audio/video) in japanese live houses, so that explains why we don't even find updated tereko lists anymore. PS. It would be nice to find and listen to all of these old tereko files, it seems like a lot of lost concerts for western jrock fans, rare gems.
  13. wesjrocker

    What old(er) video game consoles do you still play? - Mostly SNES, but sometimes I play the N64. What are some of your favorite games? - Impossible to answer it, but I'll try. (Legend of Zelda [the classic ones], Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Harvest Moon [1996], Donkey Kong Country Trilogy, ...) Do you still buy "retro" games? If so, where? - Rarely, but when I do, I buy it on ebay. Do you feel older games offer something that the current generation games cannot? - Difficult to answer it, because we don't have just the console and pc generation nowadays, but also the mobile platforms, Indie games and/or other social media game platforms. I like to visit websites like hardcoregaming101 to find rare gems because it feels like older games has something different to offer, but at the same time, modern indie games are trying to follow this same "line" which focuses on gameplay and not just on realistic graphics or super productions. I love older generations and I miss them a lot but I can't say the new one is worst, it has just changed a lot and I don't seem to understand what new gamers want, but I don't criticize them. PS. I like Nintendo, Sega, Atari and Sony consoles plus (MS-DOS,Win9X) games. It would be impossible to choose one of these "companies" because each one of them is different from each other. Anyway, I could spend a whole day talking about this.
  14. wesjrocker

    - Ningen Shikkaku - tatoeba boku ga shindara (1994) [really good, a dark/high-school kind of drama, unfortunately it doesn't have subtitles for all of the 12eps yet] - Shota no sushi (1996) [really good, I liked this one because it explains details about japanese food] - Mukodono (2001) [nice drama about a male jpop singer] - Densha Otoko (2005) [classic, really good] - GTO (1998) [classic, nice high-school drama] - My boss my hero (2006) [funny high-school/yakuza drama]
  15. wesjrocker

    Instagram: Val (ex-DuelJewel) @val.on.drums Natsuki (ex-DuelJewel) @natsuki_bassist Emiru (ex-Lareine) @emiru_official
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