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Everything posted by Elazmus

  1. YESS! Cant wait! DEZERT doesn't disappoint
  2. Elazmus

    its funn, worse VK Halloween songs have been done XD
  3. Elazmus

    Agreed I'm down for more Black Lily
  4. To me it sounds like a pretty typical soft AvelCain song, as a lot of their recent releases have been. The guitars do give a stronger old school VK vibe than other songs Karma however sounds like he's singing melodies from other songs. The singing itself is not his best IMO.
  5. Elazmus

    Title track sounds awesome, love the use of harsh vocals during the melodic section. I like the other two songs too, the third more than the second, which sounds very much like the album
  6. ugh im glad to even hear this much, very nice sound
  7. Elazmus

    Yeahh... this is about as seriously as I usually take Royz haha
  8. Shir0 is trying to make me get fat.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Even your avas are alomst identical lmao

    2. Elazmus


      Haha that's true actually XDD

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Fuck, I type like an idiot.

    4. Show next comments  186 more
  9. Elazmus

    Oh shit it's so good
  10. Elazmus

    covers look great! im excited for this
  11. FALLEN, COSMOS, MELANCHOLIC all sound top-notch. REALLY looking forward to those. GHOST is very interesting but I need to hear more of it. most of the other tracks sound good, but haven't stood out to me yet. not fond of the singles on this album
  12. I wish we could convince them to add a second guitarist again, anyone? I respect MiA but his style seems to be the biggest problem for them trying to write truly heavy songs, plus I've been concerned for a while now that we have heard most if not all of what he is creatively capable/willing to write. This+ previous suggestions for Tsuzuku
  13. My expectations for MEJIBRAY are also much lower than in 2014. I have mixed feelings about this. I like the majority-harsh vocals, but as I said Tsuzuku falls back on shrill howling that after a while ALL sounds the same. There are present lows and growls in the song, but only for a short line, I cannot fathom why. The chorus is okay but less emotionally driven than VENOMS. The riff is good but decidedly repetitive by the end of the song. (1:00-1:15 is the most captivating part of the song IMO.)
  14. Elazmus

    I know it's kind of a thing on here.. but is there a particular reason that people say every heavy GazettE song is like Headache Man?? I think it's funny and HM is definitely the track to use if you do XD. Honestly though I just don't hear it in most of them
  15. album art is very interesting! different from most bands So excited
  16. Definitely cooler than the previous digitalis. Although even that is based mostly on the b sides
  17. Elazmus

    Ill take SKULL back. Ill take My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND back. Ill take SKULL with Tenten on vocals as was mentioned. ^ This had just better not end with BOTH bands on the shelf for no reason, I will flip a shit
  18. Elazmus

    Wow they are pretty cool!!
  19. Fucking awful... Their last single had it going on too. Seriously though. These were the guys with the mysterious ass band concept, all those videos.. All amounting to nothing I guess. ......sigh[2]
  20. Elazmus

    Hahahahahaaaa oh these guys, I want to see more of these questions
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