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Everything posted by Elazmus

  1. That's actually really fuckin cool Tokamis album was tight. Hope we can find this
  2. Hope it becomes possible for us too gaha
  3. Blackhair outta nowhere!!
  4. Elazmus

    The album is definitely short but even better than the first!!
  5. Elazmus

    When the PV spot was shared on here, I initially thought it was just a "nice" song with a gorgeous video but somehow a few days before release the chorus started coming to me and made me watch it more. Honestly something just convinced me that the instrumental was gonna be promising and I'm so glad it was right!!
  6. Are you referring to the first demo ones? (Sign etc.) OR have you heard these new ones already?? Sorry possibly confused haha
  7. I'm sorry but police do whatever the hell they like lmfao.Not even saying anyone here is innocent. Bandomen take advantage of fans for money and sex, teen girls lie about their age and ruin men's lives. All parties involved are kind of the worst people ever. but still, don't answer pigs lol. Always hold your tongue until someone on YOUR payroll is listening ..
  8. That's how you know it's edgy enough for 2k16
  10. Yeah I'm starting to not understand these all-or-nothing covers they do...
  11. Agreed it sounds quite good, their songs always have great atmosphere
  12. Elazmus

    Their looks since dogma have just been toned down haven't they? It looks fairly the same but without some accessories like uruhas roots around his torso
  13. Elazmus

    Depressing, they had finally reached a point again where I was excited for their new releases instead of being scared for them. I've listened to them since they started, they were one of the hottest "new" bands when I started getting deeper into the scen. at the same time, I want the best for them and I admire their determination. It sounds to me like they still have band goals, hope they can all find a path in music that they are happy with and in which he we can still enjoy them!
  14. I also think it sounds vocally like their last single but i am HUNGGGYY for that guitar riff as always with sibile
  15. Ai is deathgaze "this is a new deathgaze album to me"
  16. It sounds very basic melodic AvelCain, i find the drumming often adds energy to their songs of this nature. looks excellent for sure, i think instrumentally the rest may be more interesting.
  17. These covers of lawddd But yeah the ghost and syringe look like some Pentagon decorations haha
  18. God damnit but at least we get some news from dead children finally :/
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