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Everything posted by ginHigure

  1. LOL! bet he is, even if the acc was fake!
  2. ginHigure

    the rarez train! cupcakes or cake?
  3. ginHigure

    has 3 sigs!
  4. ginHigure

    blue yellow or orange?
  5. ginHigure

    nope like this video: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=dae_1236854361?
  6. ginHigure

    likes lady gaga?
  7. ginHigure

    no wonder those countries remain the way they are, cuz nothing good at all happens there.
  8. ginHigure

    DEG reply or answer?
  9. ginHigure

    likes Ru:natic
  10. ginHigure

    hope its good, since jouei sings pretty nice.
  11. ginHigure

    dont say such monstrosity! Im hoping not, i think i'll to jap release once to see if its good. Tho i hated F1RST a lot. Hope for korean comeback to much awesome.
  12. ginHigure

    depends like mozzarella sticks?
  13. ginHigure

    is still active O:
  14. ginHigure

    poor girl. Sooner or later something will happen to them and someone else will laugh at them. Karma's a bitch!
  15. ginHigure

    THAT MUST BURN IN HELL , oh wait he already is heading there =D
  16. ginHigure

    LMAO! very lame, tell me when they actually do something worth while.
  17. ginHigure

    has had a long conversation with gyakutai
  18. ginHigure

    ^i meant the person above me name! MARVEL ALL THE WAY BABE! ;D Celery or Celebi?
  19. ginHigure

    only was once in junior high when i was in 6th grade. 3 guys bullying me, but then i told my parents and the principal and stuff. Then it stopped and they became my friends. Since then i have not been bullied. Tho in 7th grade 4 girls started to bully me out of nowhere. I was like why mean, and girls even. Then i became friends of 8th graders and 8th graders actually took care of them. Then those girls became my friends, during 8th grade there were no problems what so ever. It was actually fun and peaceful and i was the one who bullied some aholes. In high nothing at all, everything was nice and smooth.
  20. ginHigure

    yes =D is new?
  21. ginHigure

    nope like fruits?
  22. ginHigure

    is a fast poster
  23. ginHigure

    thumbs up!
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