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Sakura Seven

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Everything posted by Sakura Seven

  1. Sakura Seven

    Sad Suzaku gets a PV and VG doesn't. :'(
  2. Sakura Seven

    Dolly - Jolene (Dolly Parton Cover) can be obtained if purchasing both types through official Web Shop.
  3. Sakura Seven

    Sui's look would be so much better if his hair wasn't in braids. :/
  4. Sakura Seven

    No wonder you think VK sucks nowadays if that's what you're listening to.
  5. Sakura Seven

    I'm so over them and Dada's constant drama. His Facebook killed it for me.
  6. Sakura Seven

    I REALLY wanna try Persona 4: Arena. I'm a huge Persona fan. I still haven't played BlazBlue, but I heard it isn't as fast-paced as Guilty Gear so I'm not all that interested. Like Tekken or something.
  7. Sakura Seven

    My favorite was always Guilty Gear. I'm a total beast I-No!
  8. Sakura Seven

    Looks like someone discovered Tumblr.
  9. Sakura Seven

    How dare you. This isn't just a "concept single"! It's an Ultimate Concept Single. There's a difference.
  10. Sakura Seven

    The new PV is making me lose my mind!
  11. Sakura Seven

    Moran don't really have "happy shizzel" songs TBH.
  12. Sakura Seven

    Sounds fabulous to me. Will be getting this, but I'm more excited for Heaven's Novel.
  13. Sakura Seven

    Are you being nasty?
  14. Sakura Seven

    I love Asobi. Can't wait to hear this.
  15. Sakura Seven

    I'm excited. Everything they've released is awesome.
  16. Sakura Seven

    About time!
  17. Sakura Seven

    Sad they can't keep it together. I used to be into them.
  18. Sakura Seven

    Million Dead Baby Songs by amber gris. It's actually a kinda sad/bittersweet love song.
  19. Kamijo's lyrics suck, anyway.
  20. Sakura Seven

    I love them. Favorite song is probably Obsession or Green Fingers.
  21. They're probably just a bunch of demos.
  22. Sakura Seven

    Neato. I liked Shion a lot.
  23. Sakura Seven

    LAREINE. I've been a fan for an absurdly long time. Versailles is too metal for me.
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