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Sakura Seven

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Everything posted by Sakura Seven

  1. Sakura Seven

    I had no idea they were on Speed Disk! : O
  2. hello my name is danny and i am getting into kagerou. in 2014.

    1. kyoselflove


      It's never too late.

    2. Jigsaw9


      better late than Nawa

    3. paradoxal


      ooooh nawa is so good <3 XD

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  3. Sakura Seven


    Welcome. Nice taste (DEZERTTT!)
  4. I knew there was a catch.
  5. Sakura Seven

    Loving the duality of opinions W/R/T to aqua.
  6. Sakura Seven

    cool & totally necessary thread
  7. Sakura Seven

    You should check out JILS! They were pretty big in their time. Kain has been a mess since their formation, but their full-length is alright.
  8. Sakura Seven

    DIM is a lot more atmospheric and coherent throughout - something I like to see in albums, so that's my vote. NIL has some good songs, but it's a lot more disjointed and doesn't seem to have any sort of guiding concept behind it. DIM appeals to me more on this basis. I really think DIVISION is stronger than both.
  9. BOO. Hope they're on the supposed album. Cell promised the same thing and didn't deliver in the end.
  10. Sakura Seven

  11. Sakura Seven

    I think there's been several, actually.
  12. the guy i went on a date w/ tonight told me he loved the lycaon pv i sent him (akujo no hohoemi). yuuki ha impact!!!!!

  13. Sakura Seven

    This is fantastic. VK is so exciting recently.
  14. Sakura Seven

    That look is EVERYTHING.
  15. Sakura Seven

    The first track is so GOOD. I keep replaying it and ignoring the b-sides.
  16. 62 days online..granted i always leave mh open in a tab even when i'm out but yikes..

  17. Sakura Seven

    What does everyone think of the new single?
  18. Sakura Seven

    They're a band I always thought I'd like but never really bothered to listen to - I remember their first single being really nice and I really liked Kazoku.
  19. Sakura Seven

    Interesting - I wish I had stanned Lycaon when this album first came out. I'd have snatched it up in a heartbeat. Thank you!
  20. Sakura Seven

    I want it too - CDJapan has it, but it's categorized as a "collectible" and about as twice as expensive as other albums. I don't know what's up with that.
  21. That picture is tripping me out.
  22. Sakura Seven

    That voice is unreal. I'm seriously impressed.
  23. I study the language (French, too) as a hobby and have done so since I was a kid - I don't practice writing and speaking as much as I do with studying grammar and kanji, so my abilities are kinda spotty. I'm excited to study it formally next year when I attend Uni.
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