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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. As my last message I only have two words:


  2. tetsu_sama69

    Twitter: @Hobihoneywind86 Discord: Honey#6354
  3. I can deal with this shit quality because I just miss this dude doing anything vk related since he excels at it in my book.
  4. tetsu_sama69

    I actually like this and it's a pretty solid jam overall. Don't mind the melodic turn at all and instrumentally it's pleasant. Unpopular opinion time: Just cause someone doesn't like something doesn't make it bad for everyone else.
  5. tetsu_sama69

    Sounds pretty good so far and I like that they are keeping the identity of their new member hidden.
  6. tetsu_sama69

    Just done touched that 2000's kei I needed in my life. Also the vocalist took my body places I never expected to go or even like.
  7. tetsu_sama69

    This sounds alright cause I like his voice and purple stone was more of a pop rock style vk band but i'm dreading it turning into the super safe soft style most vk dudes take up.
  8. tetsu_sama69

    I answered other for a kinda mixed reason. I have no real desire to have children because I've already had one. Granted, I did not keep her. I wasn't in a good place at the time and decided it was best for someone who couldn't have a daughter to take care of her as much as I wanted to. Also... I don't handle children well. Even if they are blood related I have always had a short leash for them and even disliked being around other kids when I was younger as well. Something about the unpredictability and not being able to be left alone just makes it too much for me.
  9. Fuck, this blows. I really liked these guys a lot.
  10. Happy birthday to me this weekend, I got fired. So... good gift.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tetsu_sama69


      @JRD Thank you for the kind words. They help more than you know.

    3. JRD


      @tetsu_sama69 Np, I like to stay optimistic. I really do hope you find your calling. Trust me for the first 3 weeks after I was fired I was crying in my room, but I told myself, nothing is going to come your way unless you go look for it.

    4. tetsu_sama69


      @JRD Yeah, I've got the ball rolling on a couple things but it just hasn't taken the sting off quite yet. It's mostly a series of bad luck that I feel I've picked up on. Had a small unscheduled but imporant clean up i had to take care of that was a hassle, injured myself on complete accident, and then this happens within a span of two weeks. I'm trying to just write it off but it is what it is.

  11. tetsu_sama69

    [angry tree sounds intensifies] Other than my bad jokes, they actually sound pretty good. Tainted with that good old indie dirty sound that I vibe with.
  12. I haven't even heard a sample of this single yet and I already love it. That's how hype I am for this band.
  13. tetsu_sama69

    L~Arc~en~Ciel Kagerou Masayoshi Soken TVXQ BTS
  14. tetsu_sama69

    It's not the best thing on the planet but the fact that it reeks of how indie they are is kinda making me interested in them. Also a pretty unconventional voice but I'm finding I like it cause even though it's not the most stellar on the planet, he's not trying to sing like other vocalists and sticking to his style. Something to keep my eye on and see where they go with some improvement.
  15. tetsu_sama69

    Welcome back!
  16. Just spent the last few hours playing Carrion and goddamn that was good. If you like metroidvania's and horror/sci-fi then play it.

    1. Demivee


      Thought about trying it out yesterday. Your shoutout sounds promising! 😁 

  17. tetsu_sama69

    It's nice to see him performing again. Though it may be best for him to just remain solo and swap out support as needed so he can work at his own pace and follow a schedule as he wants.
  18. tetsu_sama69

    Honestly my hope is that Genki will just go off and form his own vk solo project. Would be best for him.
  19. tetsu_sama69

    later, skaters
  20. tetsu_sama69

    Ah yes. They haven't changed their form at all so I'm 100% for all of this mess.
  21. tetsu_sama69

    This new look is white kei as hell and I'm looking forward to it cause they are the masters.
  22. This just feels like current gen oshare kei with a new tag to try to make itself more relevant.
  23. I hope the surgery goes smoothly. I really hope he can be okay.
  24. I finally got a job!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. inartistic



    3. fruitfork



    4. Alyx A

      Alyx A

      Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your new job and receive a fair wage! 😊

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