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Everything posted by Saaam-chan

  1. Saaam-chan

    yeah thats right~tone not always matters^^ btw love the Deluhi fool mates or what ever live... really powerful
  2. Saaam-chan

    DIM Scene is really a good one! People can talk what they want about Gazette but they can throw good lives! I also think it very depends on how a live dvd got filmed and the location matters too~ and yes Gara is really crazy live! Love the scenes with the school tables xD Plastic Tree have cool lives with athmospheric locations too and the old mucc lives are really really cool too! ah and not to forget one of the creepier Kagerou lives!
  3. Saaam-chan

    I also really like the DeG DVDs, they are really powerful and unique~ Also i really love the older Gazette live dvds~ they were so powerful and cool ... not to forge lynchs first bootlleg DVD with songs like melt.... crazy shit~ ah and UnstaW's last live DVD dont know if this ever got uploaded but i really love that piece of art ~~~ Also i would like to say that most newer live dvds or just partial live dvds are pretty lame... for example mejibray... they really start of very well but the vo. can never hit the notes and stuff~ just my opinion~
  4. Saaam-chan

    the new intro fits more to their recent mini-album... its more theatric and complex... at least thats what I felt~ the visual post before is absolutley right... kyo looked exactly like that~ and the visual backgrounds were really really stunning toshiya weared some kind of mask at the nagoya gig... but didnt wear it at tokyo first day Die was wearing just a tank-top at nagoya, but more fancy at the tokyo gig~ for these who are intrested in some random things i saw: the merch stuff is redicolously expensive... like T-shirts are 5000¥ and hoodies were arround 8000¥ 70% of the merch were already sold out at the last few tour days~ most japanese fans wear diru shirts for their concerts... unlike western people who mostly just wear some random band shirts... at the nagoya gig... were arround 8 foreigner people... while at tokyo there may have been over 50 gaijns~ kyo smiled at every end of the show... and also interacted with the audience... let em sing some parts... usw~ diru let their fans wait arrround 10 minutes for the encore... which is pretty long (at least it never takes that long at other concers i have been to) their shows start really on time... may 3-5 minute later than on stated on the ticket even at big concerts the japanese work with the number system whixh means uh get some nr when uh buy the ticket... i guess japan is the only country which can work out with that without problems xD ah and the new inward screams are totally sick and awesome thats it
  5. Saaam-chan

    yeah the playlist is right! kyo is wearing skull make up and some... maria scarf over his head... it looks totally crazy awesome! die has red hair again like in the older times and also toshiya is wearing more visual related clothes again... the performance was outstanding! my friend (who is a hardcore fan) almost cried xD kyo and everybody else smiled after the last song and the merch was sold out really really soon~ any questions? i will also see them on friday... and just got tickets for the budokan show at march.... or at I tried it... cuz its like some lottery system i dont get xD cheers
  6. Saaam-chan

    going to see them today in nagoya~ and later the first day in tokyo i am so damn excited!
  7. Saaam-chan

    Yeah, thanks! I googled it after I wrote this post XD ~ Ah I remember this song ~ I don't listen so much to the oold oold stuff from them >.< quite wondering how this song will sound at the upcoming lives thanks again!
  8. Saaam-chan

    What the fuck is HADES i am so curious
  9. Saaam-chan

    Just played a few hours so far and really love it The game play is dope and the story-line and the dialogues are fun as fuck the only thing I can't handle yet is the driving XD When it gets too fast everything seems to be out of control and you have no Idea what you do anymore but may I just suck at driving anyway XD
  10. I found the other swiss one... I dont think that they're still active.. but I actually think the singer looks decent...and even his voice is not that bad what do you guys think
  11. I found another horrible Band XD They are from switzerland... my country :0 Seems like they come from the french part of switzerland... There was another swiss band,.. may I can find them
  12. Saaam-chan

    AAWESOME TOtally love this band... but don't think I will be able to see them -.-
  13. Saaam-chan

    LOLOLOL THIS Totally made my day
  14. Saaam-chan

    Does anybody know the diffrence between these two upcoming tours ? IS there some concept or something ? Cuz I will be at Tokyo this octobre and I am planning to visit both Tokyo concerts... Afterwards I can finally die without regrets (joke.. still need to see lynch and plenty other bands again..)
  15. Saaam-chan

    Hey guys !!! Some of you may noticed that I am not showing up that much anymore... and also no uploads anymore... thats because I am in my final semester... and shit got real XD ~ Really have to learn much and work is killing me.... Will be busy till arround July... Also will travel to japan arround april... ~ (I will go to the D.I.D and DEZERT concert, if anyone needs something... just write me.... and I will try to awnser) Yeah.. thats all... see you arround summer !!
  16. Saaam-chan

    Heeey Tsumiya !!!! FInally we get the honor to have you on the greatest board ever ^^ Enjoy your ride here !
  17. Saaam-chan

    Couldn't stand their new stuff anyway.... but sad for the fans
  18. Saaam-chan

    Awesome news! They allways deliver
  19. Saaam-chan

    Thanks Jigsaw ! you are awesome ! one of my top people on this board xD
  20. Saaam-chan

    @Jigsaw Do they just deliver in japan or can I also order oversea trough that site ? or do I need a shopping service?
  21. Saaam-chan

    lolololol This avatar allready made my day ~ XD
  22. Saaam-chan

    Wow~ Das Gedicht ist echt cool! Hätte nicht gedacht das man die beiden sprachen so witzig mischen kann und so ne collabration drauswerden kann... Zur Weihnachtszeit... Ich mag die Weihnachtszeit an sich sehr... wer sich die Geschenke erst auf den letzen Drücker kauft, ist in meinen Augen auch sellbst schuld.... Vorallem kaufe ich den Leuten die mir etwas bedeuten (oh es reimt sich) auch schon was 1-3 Monate früher wenn ich was interessantes sehe... und horte das dann.... klappt aber nicht immer so gut, wie ich mir das gerne vorstelle
  23. Saaam-chan

  24. Saaam-chan

    you are allready awesome
  25. Saaam-chan

    Dir en grey for sure~ I think this forum would not even exist without that band.... Dir en grey raised an army of VK and J-rock loving people... it brought pretty much VK to western countrys... and It brought me to the scene!
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