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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    I should have said that I also like this idea. It would be really convenient! I just don't know how easy it would be to implement since I'm clueless about these kind of things.
  2. doombox

  3. doombox

    Not too bad. Wish the vocals were a little more interesting, but it's catchy and fun.
  4. doombox

    Also super close to my birthday so yay!
  5. doombox

    Full Devil Jacket reunited, holy shit. The video is LOL but the song ain't too bad. o.o Full Devil Jacket - Valley of Bones
  6. doombox

    Hahaha. Genius!
  7. doombox

    Hope there's more new material in the rest of the tracklist. looking forward to the album in any case.
  8. doombox

    Well there was the "sexy voice" theme....
  9. I don't even have words anymore haha XD
  11. I gotta say, MH did the best trolling of all the sites I visited today.

    1. beni


      So this. You've had to suspect literally everything. x'D

    2. Aferni


      this was beautiful.

  12. Ya'll know I'm screen capping the fuq outta this right? XD
  13. New day. New bandoman crush. *sigh*

    1. beni


      #life. XD

    2. doombox


      LOL You feel my pain. XD

  14. doombox

    Someone played a Malice Mizer pv in plug.dj today and I noticed that mustache kei goes back a long way...
  15. doombox

    Also, I'd just like to say... a lot of the news threads here have video samples. So you can preview all the bands that are releasing music and see what you like that way as well. That's basically what I do.
  16. doombox

    I know bands like Buck-Tick and D'erlanger started in the 80s... Both have lots of great music too. Edit: Sorry, I was too slow to see the previous post. X"D
  17. doombox

    WOW! Can't wait to hear it. Thanks~!!
  18. doombox

    I love best tracks days. I just sit here and play through each song and have a blast. I almost wish I could make these into some kind of playlist but that's hard when I don't have all the songs on hand yet hehe. @fitear1590 acor and UNiTE.! <3 So happy you're on the acor train! I've never heard of Cuushe before this. I'll be keeping an eye out for that upcoming release now. @CAT5 Daoko~ yay! I've really enjoyed the last 2 albums. Nice to see her on the list. You and Beni got me sold on Chara. I'm gonna be looking up her discog soon. I am working through a lot of pop/dance music at the moment though so it might be a little while... And that Sundays & Cybele! This is perfect.... Is it posted around anywhere? I have a mighty need. I really should get to checking out Yamaji's solo stuff since I love dip, but damn so much music, so little time! That song sounds great, though. @beni Like I said above, you guys are doing a good job selling me on Chara. I'm looking forward to listening to more from her. I was really close to adding that The Black Swan song. It's great! I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed a lot of music coming out this month. The Koda Kumi album is on my list to check out soon. Like that song! I'm happy you liked so much of my list this month too. \o/

    1. beni


      MH will always really be Cat heaven.

    2. paradoxal


      i can't see that banner :(

    3. Show next comments  279 more
  20. doombox

    I couldn't date more than 5 years younger or older than myself now. I used to think up to 10 years older than me was okay, but now that I'm 30 and that'd make them in their 40s and it feels too weird. I don't know why 20 to 30 didn't seem that way (at 18 my bf was 29), but it does now. And 10 years younger than me would just annoy me to no end because of the life experience difference. I'm not keen on feeling like someone's mother figure. No judgement on people into that, whatever floats your boat, man. But that's not for me.
  21. Hoping for heavier songs with harsh vocals in the future. This ain't doing it for me.
  22. doombox

    I am liking that preview. Sounds promising.
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