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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox


    ? ? 01. OCEANS 02. PROVEN 03. ASSIMILATION 04. VERGES - feat. Yosh from Surivive Said The Prophet 05. MESSENGERS 06. KRONOS 07. ESCAPE 08. SOLARIS 09. THE BITE 10. RUSTED - feat. Dan from INFECTION, Makimura from OTUS ?
  2. doombox

    Does It Escape Again - meniscus

  3. doombox

    Yep. They host Space Shower Moster Rock. http://www.spaceshowertv.com/monsterrock/
  4. We still need 1 more person to even out the partner list in the trade off, any takers?

    1. doombox


      It's all good, we got it covered. ^_^ You're in!

    2. togz


      oh my god my partner. I think I died a lot. Contemplating on revamping the entire mix xD

    3. doombox


      I'm 100% positive he doesn't want you to worry that much about it. XD Just have fun!

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  5. doombox

    *uses as excuse to listen again* I didn't catch the editing, maybe it's more obvious when you've heard it live? The guitar in this gives me so many Mucc vibes. I love it. Hahaha aww cute. XD And dat arm porn. Someone must pester him for more drum videos... but who?? XDDD
  6. doombox

    Yuki tokei is gorgeous, both video and song. ♥ I like their heavy stuff but they are amazing at ballads. Also yay for drum videos! You can still tell he's really solid and his meter is pretty damn on-point.
  7. doombox

    I feel like I've heard this song before but I can't place the artist. Where is he might know this.
  8. Also how awesme did this show have to be? Plastic Tree, Mucc, The Novembers, & Ziyoou-vachi?

    1. doombox
    2. CAT5


      That's just awesome!

    3. fitear1590


      What kind of MH-wide greatest hits realness? That's just awesome! [2]

  9. Just pre-ordered that coldrain album. :3

  10. doombox

    This is gonna sound super cheesy but, I've been there (that place where you give up on life and yourself) and things will get better. You're not as easily replaceable as you think. But most of all, you gotta care about you. It sounds kinda stupid but you only get to ride the flying rock in space once, lots can happen after today. Lots of good things can still happen if you give them a chance.
  11. doombox

    As much as I like Dadaroma, I'd be so happy to have NAINE back. ;; I can't even lie. Lol
  12. doombox

    Bby ;w; this gives me too many feels. <3 I miss his voice so much.
  13. モノクロ天大好きだよ~めちゃ可愛い!

    1. yakihiko


      ??りー??ん??新モノグラム好???????り????ん… ????????新ニック??ーム大好?????( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

    2. doombox


      @Kira_Uchiha The staff have become full weeaboos. lol (I hear it may be temporary though. ;3)

      @yakihiko マークさん、モノクロ天スタッフは改善していきます。(^^; )ありがとうねwwwwwww

    3. Kira_Uchiha


      Okay ._.

      Well that's pretty entertaining at least :3

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  14. doombox

    I hope you get to sometime! This year at Warped Tour the event was on the waterfront and as soon as they finished their last song Loz jumped off stage, ran across the park and right into the ocean lol. A re-recording would sound pretty awesome. I'm sure they'd improve the songs just from playing them so much at this point too. Brainwashed did grow on me and I love it now, but in a different way. Like you said, it's got a different feeling than the others. But at the same time it reinvented them too, and I admire that they aren't afraid to change up their sound.
  15. LOL I missed this. XD But yes, it totally is, Major Catsunagi! There is seriously so much music to listen to these days, it's kinda crazy trying to listen to every definitive band in every single genre/subgenre. I need more days in the week!
  16. I know I'm like 6 months late but that PTV "King For a Day" cover was great! I also really loved "Yurameki". And even on the newer videos you're showing a lot of growth and got some cool text intros now? Nice.
  17. doombox

    I really enjoy this band. Their live shows are also insane. They give 200%, and seem like all around nice guys. They also seem to work with Japanese bands lately (Crossfaith, and right now they are touring with coldrain). The newest album took a little while to grow on me for some reason but I dearly love The North Stands For Nothing and This Is The Six.
  18. doombox

    I've bought a few chekis because it was the closest I'll ever get to seeing the band and I was scared my fave was gonna fade into obscurity when they break up. And now that they have broken up I'm happy I have a little something from them.
  19. doombox

    I didn't notice any of that. O.o But that is insane. If they have proof of scamming (like through the AH) they should compensate them. That's really messed up.
  20. I have a few avenues for exploring. First is recommendations from my friends. That's the easiest, hehe. Then I spiderweb out from bands I already like. Who do they endorse? Who do they play shows with? Who do they have featuring on their albums? A lot of bands have their own little cliques with other bands and usually share a lot of the same fans so sometimes their fans are who lead me to other good similar bands. And when all else fails I check out recommendations from music publications/blogs I tend to share musical tastes with.
  21. doombox

    Oh, okay that makes more sense then. Thanks! XD
  22. doombox

    I love this band but I'm not stoked on "狂乱 Hey Kids!!"... But I still wanna hear the other songs anyway. That opening also doesn't feel like it lines up very well with the song, like they made it beforehand and left it as is. Or was it something fanmade?
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