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Everything posted by clow_eriol

  1. clow_eriol

    I'd go to paris or london, If they won't come to spain (I know that can be a little imposible... but I won't lose hope, like VAMPS )
  2. clow_eriol

    They're going to add more locations?
  3. I'm looking for this T-shirt from: Spiral Staircase #15 Europe tour 2007. Someone are interested to sell it?
  4. clow_eriol

    Snatch great like always
  5. clow_eriol

    There are any samples of the news songs?
  6. clow_eriol

    great I'll order the type c for sure. 15th tracks!!! yay!! *¬*
  7. clow_eriol

    waiting for it
  8. clow_eriol

    antoher song like karma album... that's gonna be a big shit =.=
  9. clow_eriol

    I hope the single is not as bad as the promo pic. Tatsuro at least looks good
  10. clow_eriol

    SOAD, D'espairsRay, Luna sea, L'arc~en~ciel, deathgaze. ALL pink-world nyappy song by an cafe
  11. clow_eriol

    There are more parody videos of diru on youtube. But this one it's awesome!
  12. clow_eriol

    it's like "metropolis 2"
  13. clow_eriol

    I think soo that they are alreadey tired with MOO
  14. clow_eriol

    this! lol Im glad with karyu and Giru!!. I think this fusion with despa, vidoll and pierrot will be good.
  15. Los piston I was 10, ok?
  16. clow_eriol

    so pretty and cute gyakutai
  17. clow_eriol

    FF VII Soundtrack. all single of 8cm by X (not x japan era). X japan - Dahlia X - Vanishing Vision
  18. clow_eriol

    It's a great album!!! 4.5/5
  19. clow_eriol

    I wanna see the european tour dates and palces
  20. clow_eriol

    1. Lareine 2. D'espairsRay 3. Kagerou 4. Rentrer en Soi 5. Black:list
  21. clow_eriol

    NIL and DIM by Gazette
  22. clow_eriol

    R.I.P 一志(isshi)...I'm speechless
  23. clow_eriol

    I'm speechless. RIP
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