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Everything posted by LIDL

  1. LIDL

    Well, hope Jin will actually use his pipe this time, if he have any
  2. LIDL

    Anything but electro pop please, they suck at it, sorry. Their last 2 albums is non existent to me. Never heard it.
  3. LIDL

    Doesn't really need it. Still have my netbook for PDFs. Otherwise i'll read the real book. There's still a few book stores around.
  4. Too bad. Why not Nickeback!???
  5. LIDL

    Welcome there. Candy here at your service Hope you enjoying your time here.
  6. LIDL

  7. LIDL

    y u hate infuse into?!! D; I think that's the best intro they ever did tbh. They have electronic lately in their music, but they did it pretty well done actually. So not gonna against that. Unless until they didn't know what to do with those synth like Girugamesh did.
  8. LIDL

    oyayaya, have a good trip Bio! Slay some viking for me! O, btw don't forget to take something to nibble on in case your flight got delayed somewhere in EU.
  9. LIDL

    I just wish their vocalist is well is all. They were good.
  10. LIDL

    lol before we know it, they will be like "LOL Just a joke gais, we never disband, sorry for the tears!"
  11. Interesting and random with TLC and B II M especially. Curious now. Thx. They'll going to make Niji sounds like Water Fall or even, No Scrubs
  12. LIDL

    But how about the mention thingy? have you ever seen applicable mod for this in other forums? So far, not. But may be possible, but i guess it gonna need new field in our profile page then. So we can view who mentions who.
  13. LIDL

    I believe there is such kind of mod that Number Girl just mentioned. Because there's a forum i joined been applicating it and even a costumized background on profile.
  14. LIDL

    Yet i could not arsed myself to check out how they're sounds like. Need greater motivations.
  15. LIDL

    You just need to into it. meth?
  16. LIDL

    So will meet 5 again? Probably share a glass or two backstage?
  17. LIDL

    ^ yes this is. senedjem that's funny!
  18. LIDL

    One video from concert last night. mdc2X4mGr0Y Tetsu is doing an MC in Bahasa, so cute xD He was saying/asking "Where's your voice?", "I am SuJu from Korea", "Do you want my banana?", "Do you wanna lick my lollipop" and finally "Should we go on?"
  19. __HeE6NWmDE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__HeE6NWmDE My Anthem right now. Deal Hot girls, we have problems too. We just like you, except we're hot!
  20. LIDL

    KAi, that new jacket, is so new and awesome! My casual pic just to disappoint most of you Taken before my 19th birthday, I look very pissed off TIRED. Hi QT
  21. LIDL

    HM, the interview isn't very deep is it? Wish they would answer more serious questions than "what your favourite super power" etc. That Avex Trax one would be interesting, but guess we have to respect their wish to not talk about it.
  22. LIDL

    [2] cooking thread as in planning for a thread? LOL j/k i want it too.
  23. LIDL

    That is not necessarily making one unfaithful tbh. Just because you look at the menu, doesn't mean you have to order. You know what i'm saying? Unless your GF is totalitarian and super possessive which is a drag
  24. LIDL

    Jakarta, Indonesian's date just finished! It was raining heavily, and it's an outdoor venue but it's so cool that none of the people deterred! Still rocking and partying with the band. Such an awesome show. And we have Fire works at the end! Wooo~!!! And it is recorded for the upcoming DVD RULES!
  25. LIDL

    I hope more promo in that particular area. Unless he didn't tour Aus and CAnada anymore
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