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Everything posted by LIDL

  1. LIDL

    lololol fun, try it again:
  2. LIDL

    wow akready? That's even faster than Rihanna annual release! I hope it's well thought out. I like the last album. I hope he can continue with that experimental direction.
  3. LIDL

    U need to login often Mister
  4. LIDL

    No don't. Vita is a flop console. And lack of good titles. the games are either PS3 game clones or just bad and unimaginative plus no backwards compatibility. Worst thing is, thanks to the Vita being released, every single store stopped carrying PSP games (which were actually good). Now I have to order my PSP games from Amazon or search used ones on GameStop. Why couldn't Sony just not ruin their portable consoles?
  5. I got 99 problems, but bitch ain't one!

  6. LIDL

    Hi... who is u before? welcome back. Am loving u Rihsus avatar.
  7. Do you love this new host, i know i did! <3

    1. CAT5


      It's awesome!

    2. LIDL


      ikr! in love with it <3

  8. LIDL

    It is not healthy. To get rid of it? Fill your days with many activities. So that your brain is occupied with lots of things thst is more poditive than this. Good luck.
  9. CD that i bought myself? Definitely this, Rthl_O4_G2o Oh also, never forget this. Many VK bands, hate it or not, have been taking this as example for their "COOL" music. Ypkv0HeUvTc I saved every dime and it was worth it!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIZVaBQupwo This song is the piano remix of Yukari Yakomo's theme in Touhou Perfect Cherry Blossom. Touhou is the new classics tbh!!!
  11. LIDL

    lol i see what u did there.
  12. LIDL

    Cant they do a new season of their tv show now? It will make it less agonizing to wait for album.
  13. LIDL

    Yeah, been in my must watch list for this year.
  14. LIDL

    Ooooh! I got a new favourite animal. A new found rare Brazilian blind snake. Its atin name is Atretochoana Eiselti Why? It is obvious why. Lookie at piccies! Articles: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... -back.html http://karlshuker.blogspot.com/2012/08/ ... s.html?m=1 http://m.travel.aol.co.uk/2012/08/02/ne ... ike-penis/ I feel moist now.
  15. LIDL

    Why vk bands always do things like this? LOL
  16. No~!! MotherFather Beach!! L(゚皿゚メ)」 I hope they will return in new future. Avu Chan I For U~!! (〃´ x ` 〃)
  17. LIDL

    is this new takes? LOL he looked nerdy?
  18. Been awhile since their last EP LOL! Also, that title is so boring + basic now, after the oh-so-deep and religiously themed UROBOROS and MOO. Looking forward to it nevertheless!
  19. LIDL

    It's not happening. Since i came from religious family, i see no major signs of it to be happening this year, so the Mayans thing for me it is a tell tale told by morons.
  20. As far as i know anyone can do it. You gotta change your DNS setting for this purpose. Try them and good luck
  21. LIDL

    You mean one of them. The talented one from NEGA, RAY. The rest of them are peasants. Yeah, I know it's just Ray. "They" there is Kyoka, Mast and Ray they really gotta been awhile.
  22. LIDL

    You mean one of them. The talented one from NEGA, RAY. The rest of them are peasants.
  23. LIDL

    hummmm.... so they will disband, taking hiatus or what? What weird one man live title. If learning from what happen in the scene it is same old same.
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