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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    totally not excited they should take a break (... or break up and go into different projects). singles are generally the best part of their albums, and their recent singles were weak. and 2nd cd will be totally made of ruined indie tracks with lame ass recording. not that I think of it... Teruki and Bou and what was his name haven't surfaced in a while I think it's about time to launch An Gamesh, with two guys from giru and two kafekkos.
  2. I didn't know that too, thanks. I though he jumped to soroban straight from primrose (that had a similar line-up)
  3. nekkichi

    I fink hews just twying to bwe relaxid and wely kuul but ends up wooking wike a total woushe, you'we raiht. (I can't fucking stand his English, that fucking speaking manner of him is driving me nuts DD:)
  4. nekkichi

    thewiz an inttewyu on maiswace wiv miawee and goot chawlotteh - http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... =106857576
  5. He never was in Hybrid Zombies, and their vocalist was a chick, btw. Yumehito was composer and guitarist for Soroban (read - Zoro, it's almost the same line-up.) First two tracks of Ayabie with him were essentially soroban rip-offs.
  6. if they hire a decent sound engineer, any vocalist will do better than Aoi's drowning cat singing.
  7. nekkichi

    bastard and oborozuki are literally the best songs they've done for the past three or four years, kaede sort of sucks, and lost isn't much rememberable I'm really happy with this release, anyway, it's way closer to visions (their best so far), than the garbage they've been pumping out recently. last two LP's were horrible, and will was really average.
  8. wow, that was fast I guess they had a lot of rough demoversions before Aoi left Last track would make more sense called SITAR PLAYER btw.
  9. nekkichi

    This is so... wrong D:
  10. nekkichi

    ANOTHER re-recording?
  11. nekkichi

    I hope this album will be different from their generic 70 % crap 30 % awesome formula :\
  12. nekkichi

    Homophobic? Hello kitty, ur speaking from closet? Not even to mention that gay fashion police hq's would burn Jasmine You alive for the explicitly vulgar style and clothing. (that may explain the fact he was cremated though.)
  13. nekkichi

    I'm looking forward their new releases, and their current style is very nice as well but ugh, the recent album was so bad
  14. nekkichi

    Oi Deluhi, is it really so important to announce a pause between sequence of crappy same-sounding releases? I never got into this band, but all the hype and drama around 'em are genuinely amuzing
  15. nekkichi

    Oh I'm sowwe I've somehow insulted your feelings towards a dead queen I totally didn't mean that of course.
  16. nekkichi

    Thx no
  17. nekkichi

    UGH, dude had the same birthday as me, that's certainly new news for me. but LEOPARD PRINTS? a leopard room? I bet he was taken away by AIDS, leopardmania screams he had it.
  18. nekkichi

    I get the sarcasm, but if miyawee kept the amount of engwish in his swongs to ve minimoon, his recent awbum wood be laik 120 % bettar.
  19. nekkichi

    more like gazetto and lady gaga, the gagazette
  20. nekkichi

    someone on youtube said that single version doesn't have Miyavi's guitar part, album version would... or something. btw it's HILARIOUS how hard he's trying to get to the US market now.
  21. may Jasmine You please him in heavens, they've been on the same label and they deserve it
  22. nekkichi

    lol No. why not? they would be playing pretty much the same music as they did in Res since 2007, except Satsuki is more into lullabies and famewhoring atm. not to mention Takumi did some arrangement work for Seven, and it was a quarter decent album.
  23. nekkichi

    they could either get an ex-rentrer en soi guitarist, for example, or disband. they will make pretty neat music under free-will, but in any case, I can't see them lasting longer than another two years. They will probably release about 5 new singles and a full album, and than psshhhhh, they will disband eventually.
  24. nekkichi

    Does selling one band as two completely different projects sound revolutionary enough? I mean, there've been alter ego bands here for 12012/d'espa/nightmare and so on, but the whole perestroika marketing is really new, even for Kisaki.
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