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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. m*yavi's music stopped being interesting for me really long time ago so I kind of was very surprised to see a dream feat. his spontaneous demo gig or something; 


    she had a white fur coat, snow-white hair (approx gagaku album length but no extensions or anything) and light contacts and the look was a slay; sound was basically industrial noise she abandoned by ha 3rd album entirely.


    whatever i c in the bumped new album thread rn is sound vomit which is like v. funny to me for whatever reason

  2. socially distancing from the fashion Hitler, god bless x
  3. nekkichi

    thank u 4 defending the misunderstoodT suffering angel
  4. nekkichi

    idk GLAY????? they just donated moneys and I can't imagine them throwing scat parties with the gya back in the day anyway
  5. they actually have improved following the departure (-s?). their prev album was neat compared to like a five year long creative slump they've been searing through before that.
  6. thinking of u x



    1. Aferni


      We only stan real talent over here

    2. nekkichi


      stan 『smart weed』

  7. nekkichi

    don't get ur tour van robbed in irkutsk good sistren
  8. nekkichi

    limited edition features feet pics x
  9. anemone sample sounds like a major D track and it's my favorite. silence is pretty cool. I wish king records gave them more promotional money for videos tbh, they're unbelievably boring and visually dull.
  10. nekkichi

    did u post this from 2006 jw
  11. nekkichi

    whats ur fav dead vk bandoman branda
  12. tbh divine chapter makes some points but good sis needs accent reduction training, actually a lot of it if she insists on sanging entirely in japanese. I like her vocal tone, her QuirkY WeeB AcT is cringe and tryhard. they're MILES ahead of shitreign and woahio creatively though.
  13. i'm disappointed no one posted The "XJ*p*n album release date confirmed" thread but it's safe to say we have about three more years of april foolsies for this joke to descend correctly

    1. WhirlingBlack


      It's also been done every April fools since 2009

    2. nekkichi


      smooth brain


      no remembie

  14. nekkichi

    they have been scouting for a new frontman at the maria cross memorial plaque crossing at harajuku but had to postpone this due to kyoronavirus outbreak, if any local vocalists want to try their luck bring a bag of poppers and a cheese pizza in a brown bag signed for kaoru once the auditions resume!
  15. nekkichi

    they were topped by korn ages before mucc hath formed which is not the topic of conversation here x
  16. nekkichi

    アメリア has that 2003 exhumation energy they've been trying to channel since 2009 once in a while & I don't hate it, otherwise that preview is a waste of 10 minutes tatsurou sounds like shit
  17. nekkichi

    never heard of ha but glad they ended マチルダ too!!! the slaughterhouse...
  18. nekkichi

    ohmygod they literally came in to fill the essence missing in VK at the moment!!! ended avelcain legacy with the first PV ✔️ ended R-Shitei/mamireta/DDRM with the second ✔️ the slay.... the slayage...the slaughter....
  19. has good sis Asagi commented if her song and this fact have any connection: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2018/04/animals-disease-health-koalas-australia/
  20. nekkichi

    yass Hiro teaching random overhyped lessers how to look at the essence, we stan 👏
  21. nekkichi

    Satsuki found dead & dewigged in Novosibirsk x
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