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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. I like the concept behind this and it's a cute idea but damn kiwi could've rented out a church or a fucking random rosarium with the discounted covid entry prices it's not like anyone is doing weddings and all that shit this year, vk could have its brief outdoorsy moment too
  2. we rly should mob miyavi's utube comments with iterations of "stream re:plica" shitposting 



    1. reminiscing2004


      this is my new ideology

  3. nekkichi

    electric chair @
  4. nekkichi

  5. their first track sounded like a malformed misbirth but they insisted on forcing the entire thing out???? we stan a conceptual artist....
  6. nekkichi

    if you want a bit of perspective, people were getting bored of vk and moving onto kpop back when kpop was a niche scene (think 2007-ish), most of them never returned; newer fans came in. when @sleepy coffee noted that kpop stans started a cross-over to our underdog glam cumhouse genré I couldn't kinda believe it but times change; I was surprised that kamijo has new stans in their early 20s and they are men, so I guess VK does something right to bring in fresh blood. I tried branching out in the western metal a few years ago and the potential effort in finding decent sounding bands with somewhat not braindead online fanbases for the most part wasn't worth it.

    points were made

  8. moon's gonna be in pisces in a few days which is v. good time for meditating and reflecting on your childhood issues, hope this helps!
  9. thank u!! I have a minor dejavu rn as if I've asked this already some time ago, but the opportunity to request this again came knocking lol anyway.
  10. nekkichi

    that weave would look stunning during a femme fatale revival I'm just saying x
  11. nekkichi

    I'm glad VK scene is healing from the covid drop in sales!
  12. VK fad I wanna see OUT:


    90s europop beats


    VK fad I demand to step IN:



    1. Jigsaw9


      NO eurobeat will NEVER DIE!!!

    2. nekkichi


      can't wait for gzt to pioneer their own take on


      (how do I  sadreact to my own comment?)

  13. nekkichi

    I think a lot of people I see on the internet over the past week would generally benefit from picking up a book or something, but here's a useful couple of tweets that will help you out once damned SJWs and cancellation/validation culture arguments start pinging over your brain hemispheres again ❤️
  14. nekkichi

  15. due le quartz walkman bootleg realness
  16. linetrap found dead in the ditch teas
  17. nekkichi

    don't blame u tbh (2)
  18. does anyone else only listen to nightmare in the summer months?


    this will be my 2nd year blasting them p much non-stop through june - september and I will completely drop them until next summer after that

    1. IGM_Oficial


      wtf this is so randomly specific

    2. reminiscing2004


      interesting af because the first time I revisited nightmare after like 5 years of dormancy was in July 2015 🤔

    3. nekkichi



      right now it's best of [~ćløwns~] CD on repeat, otherwise I don't have a top 10. their VAP albums are the best overall.



      see 👀


      I think one of the reasons I actually crave them so much rn is the immediate "summer is cancelled 👏 👏" vibe they tend to build up really quickly that just doesn't work during other seasons but I'm glad I'm not the one sharing the sentiment omg

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  19. nekkichi

    that wig.... that ring... the vocals..... the serve of it all
  20. nekkichi

    cancel moix diś moisse and give us femme fatale with Mana taking over iori 😭
  21. just because you've just discovered a seven years old thread specifically started to ridicule asinine visual kei self-parody acts doesn't mean anything about it is ridiculous itself, dldr. the most sinister thing about Yugiohio on this board to date is his weird scandinavian stan with 20 accounts arguing with each other and dragging other users into their madness.
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