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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. Few days to see An Cafe, the band which made me love Japan :)

    1. Tetora


      Nice, I have lots of memories with this band's music.

    2. ricchubunny


      Me too!! I still love them, i already went to a concert but its the first time i'll actually meet the guys that changed my life :D

  2. sorry they aren't getting any popularity yet :/
  3. ricchubunny

    Its るあな (ruana)!
  4. Ugh UNiTE. is just the best band in the world D:

  5. Im addicted to Zonbi lol

  6. The video is making fun of the tanuki girls, but they're just like "HAHAHA IS THIS A TANUKI SONG" and complaining about how much they suck, saying the vocalist should use his head to write good lyrics and his screams also sucks
  7. ricchubunny

    didnt they disband?
  8. LOVE THIS PV ITS ABSOLUTELY AWESOME HAHAHAH They'll get sooooo hated for it EDIT : (btw just checked tanuki and they're all saying this song is the worst thing that a band could do)
  9. ricchubunny

    London? LOL
  10. cant believe they're going to do their first oneman in Akasaka LOOOOOOOOL
  11. ricchubunny

    Thiiiiiiiiiiiis so muuuuuuch, i love you Tetoraaa. I saw this comment on youtube "Plz, aliens who kidnapped SUG, bring them back. This is crap. One more band sold to sex and publicity, like every other. I'm out of here." WOW WHAT A BIG FAN U'RE, probably never watched Koakuma or Fukanzen PV. "wtf? and why is there an american flag? aren't u suppose to suport your own country tsk tsk tsk smh" Yeah, sure dude. Most of all these guys use animu pic, japanese nickname and write stuff like "Awwwn so kawaii >.<" THEN NOW HE'S SAYING TAKERU CANT EXPRESS HIS LOVE TO AMERICA AND HE MUST SUPPORT JAPAN? .......ok.
  12. ricchubunny

    It should be a compliment that she was asked out on a date, right? SOMEONE PLS CALL THE FEMINISTS
  13. ricchubunny

    Love it. The video and the song.
  14. Wow AvelCain vocalist uploaded a pic on his twitter of him cutting his wrist. Its deleted already, but wow...

    1. Miasma


      ^ can we get a link to that?

    2. ricchubunny


      If dorasuteika is talking about this interview http://v-kei.jp/interview/?interviewId=146

      you're kinda wrong cuz he's all positive saying he want their fans to find their 'place' and a reason to live and all

    3. togz


      It was an interview for a shoxx uh I'll look up the issue, but I can't post translations since it's for an app that has yet to hit the app stores but if you guys can get someone to translate it idk. And again I said I don't know if that's what they actually said or if the person who translated it was nuts

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  15. ricchubunny

    Aw thanks Tetora. And gosh, your muscles @_@
  16. ricchubunny

    lemme be your gardener
  17. ricchubunny

    Hikaru said it was just a coincidence...But i dont think so, even the clothes looks like plagio
  18. ricchubunny

    funny thing : their new look seemed like ぞんび plagiarism and they had to change it lol good job heheh
  19. tanuki themed song coming hehehehee
  20. ricchubunny

    actually no? Maybe foreign fans but remember who really support and give them money : The japanese fans. These gurls would totally leave them if they didn't release anything, thats how this industry works. No releases = no instore = u cant see ur lovely idol = boring = 上がる it may be different for more 'mature' bands, but SCREW fans are 15~20 yo gurls
  21. ricchubunny

    they should release Kazuki's last live instead
  22. ricchubunny

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT2eg7wiJt0 Some scenes from the DVD can be seen here (UNiTE. starts aprox. on 15min)
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