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Everything posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. TheBistroButcher666

    My Canadian friends are more fun to hang out with then my American friends lololololololol
  2. TheBistroButcher666

    IMO, It would be gorgeous without the little... narrative That's pretty much why I don't like it
  3. TheBistroButcher666

    The best I have read from a die hard Malice Mizer fan was that Jasmine's death was a fake so they could have a death in the band like Malice Mizer and X Japan did and use that to gain more popularity or some sot of crap like that
  4. TheBistroButcher666

    Not as bad as that Larc one but this makes me cringe.
  5. TheBistroButcher666

    ohhhhhhh snap, sounds awesome! I would love to go to this I hope it's all original members and not like one or two original members and a bunch of support, then that's just no fun (But I still want to go lolol)
  6. TheBistroButcher666

    For me - Eh, if there is going to be stupid DJs and commercials then I wouldn't use it. It also depends on the level of control I have. Can I listen to a specific artist and song when I want and how much I want? Or is it going to be like a radio service where I just got to hope the song I like comes on? I sometimes get into a mood where I just want to listen to the same song over and over and over and over until I hate it and want to vomit. So it just depends on the level of control I guess. That control would also have to include editing songs to remove stupid sections of I want to skip. (Intros with rain/thunder, creaking doors, random breaks in the middle with some asshole talking for a minute, etc). I'd probably still buy CDs because about 95% of the music I have downloaded before buying to it. Also I prefer having a physical copy and I'm also an obsessive collector.
  7. TheBistroButcher666

    Want - My contract should expire about around that time
  8. TheBistroButcher666

    I've always thought the members of La'Mule when not dressed in their tranny costumes are pretty good looking. Except You-ya, I feel like a pedobear even though he's probably much older then me :-S
  9. TheBistroButcher666

    You've summed up pretty much exactly what I feel about this band. Sure they have a female vocalist that can scream but that's really all they have that seems to differentiate themselves from other Melo Death Metal bands. They're not awful and I like a few songs but they get old pretty quickly.
  10. TheBistroButcher666

    I really hate these "Music Inspired By the Motion Picture" CDs. Also SAW is shit.
  11. TheBistroButcher666

    ah, i haven't try skull candy personally. But i do hear many complaints from many peoples that have been trying it. It's model looks cool though, didn't know how the sound quality are. But it must be a bummer to spend some cash to something that not really long lasting yeah, that's one thing i like from sennheiser. The always come with the case, so i wouldn't have to searched all over my brief case anytime i need it anymore. And waterproof too. It produce a crystal clear sounds for the ear. It's amazing. The earbuds very comfy too, wore it for hours and it doesn't make my earlobe hurt or itch. From my experience, i can safely say that my iPod had shorter life than the earphone lol Oh, I didn't see your post earlier but I bought these (link). On the cheap end but I'm considering these a trial pair and if I really like them I'll fork out bigger money for a nicer pair My car has a Bose system in it and to be honest I have never really noticed a drastic difference compared to the built in system that was in my old junky car.
  12. TheBistroButcher666

    Pretty much all of them except Yama-B. I really can't stand any song if it's sung by a Japanese guy with really bad English. The English can actually be good (like grammatically correct) but it'll be their accent that kills it for me. Being a Hizaki and Teru fantard I was pretty excited for Versailles first release and man did I hate the shit out of Revenant Choir because of Kamijo. His English sounded so bad, it was like he was trying to sing underwater while totally shit faced. I can't explain it but if they're singing (not screaming) it just sounds so bad it makes me cringe. I can put up with screaming but just not singing. :-S
  13. TheBistroButcher666

    Oh sweet - Come to the local jrawk meets! 8D We haven't had a meet in almost a year now though but maybe by the time you're here next year we'll be doing them again :E
  14. TheBistroButcher666

    Price isn't that big of a deal, just that awhile ago a friend suggested Skull Candy so I forked out about $30 something bucks for a pair that broke in about a month. :-S Stupid piece of junk. So I've always been a little hesitant to spend a lot because I'm afraid of them just being cheap junk. The one you link with the review I am liking though, especially the case they come with since I travel a lot and always end up stuffing them in my pocket or somewhere in my laptop bag, so I always have to untangle the wires.
  15. TheBistroButcher666

    Dear TW Audiophiles, So my current pair of ear buds are ready to be replaced and normally I stick to cheapo Philips ear buds (link) but I'm looking to branch out and buy something different. In the past I have tried different brands and I always end up with some really awful headphones that super suck and break. So I always just end up going back to my usual Philips ear buds. I'm always afraid to spend more then $25 because in the past I have spent a lot on expensive head sets only to have them break in less then six months. It's not like I'm even really rough with these things Three simple things I prefer with headsets. - Ear buds that clip on. - Cancel out incoming noise and also preferably outgoing to some extent. (So I don't annoy coworkers and people on my commute) - Will last at least six months or more. Would anyone like to pitch some recommendations before I go out and waste a bunch of money on different headphone brands? What are some brands that people here like to use? Feel free to recommend types even if they aren't ear buds, I mostly prefer ear buds as they're just easier to carry around.
  16. TheBistroButcher666

    Most of the time I listen to the OST. Some games such as Team Fortress 2, League of Legends or Star Craft II I will put on some external music but it's usually just whatever I'm into at the moment. I don't have a specific type of music, song or band I like to listen to when I'm playing games.
  17. TheBistroButcher666

    This one wins the thread :-S
  18. TheBistroButcher666

    Keiko Terada!
  19. TheBistroButcher666

    Pretty much.........nothing comes to mind at all. It's like as soon as a band dolls up their hair, make up and slaps on the designer clothes =/= br00tal
  20. TheBistroButcher666

    :x gay. I just lost all my Internet street cred huh?
  21. TheBistroButcher666

    I really like the song Canary from Ayabie.
  22. TheBistroButcher666

    I-JbbZAeb1g Madeth ones are pretty bad but I think Azalea has them beat. There are plenty of other awful PVs but older PVs for the bands without a real budget are pretty bad and lulzy. (But you gotta love it!) If there was a contest I think Azalea would be up there in the top 5. *edit* Wd4dWh1S1zY Another worth posting.
  23. TheBistroButcher666

    I hate Dir en grey and Gazette but I love Vajra
  24. TheBistroButcher666

    Ray looks like he got his outfit from Judas Priest or Hard Gay.
  25. TheBistroButcher666

    LOLOLOL! Fucking trolled!
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