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Everything posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. TheBistroButcher666

    I'm going to tag them ПЕРЕСТРОЙК? to troll Last.fm but oh wait I don't listen to them
  2. TheBistroButcher666

    I think getting an entertainment VISA in the US is pretty difficult. From what I remember DespairsRay ran into some VISA issues right before their US tour. Doing a one time show at an anime convention I assume you wouldn't need a VISA since it's just a one time thing but a tour would probably require a VISA and a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit you have to sift through. Then I believe there's also a bunch of obnoxious taxes that follow through but this is all information I picked up from other people that may or may not know what the fuck they're talking about.
  3. TheBistroButcher666

    They look great but the thing on Sui's face reminds me of the thing Kiwamu wore.
  4. TheBistroButcher666

    Ugggggghhh I wish I had seen this! I feel like I missed a golden moment in VK history for us dirty weeaboos! LOL I had upgraded to Windows 7 the night of the festival and didn't have the proper software installed for me to watch it
  5. TheBistroButcher666

    Can someone romaji that for me? I'm on a computer that makes all them foreign Japanese letters a bunch of squares T___T But if it's the same MM live I'm thinking of Bara ni Irodorareta Akui to Higeki no Makuake is probably my favourite. Please understand that I was heavily turned off by Malice Mizer at the time and when I was introduced to this live it changed my mind about the band completely. I was in awww watching it Prior to that my friends where showing me the poppy Gackt songs and telling me that was Japanese metal and being the elitist metal jerk that I was I laughed at them until I saw this. It took awhile for me to open up to the other eras but this live from this era is my favourite MM era. I'm not much of a DVD/live person to be honest. I get bored and just try to skip to the songs that I like Usually I just want to hear what the song I like sounds like live not so interested in the video itself.
  6. TheBistroButcher666

    Wow, soooooo I had no idea there was a Jessica PV.
  7. TheBistroButcher666

    HAH, awesome (suspected that aswell for some time now...^^) I had concluded awhile ago that Trombe was some sort of robot or super human with an abundant amount of useless information about VK. Wasn't SA's music before HIZAKI joined pretty standard VK rock? Then when he joined the direction of the band's sound changed to a more HIZAKI style? I wasn't that heavily into SA so I dunno ~~ I guess though if the reason for breaking up was musical differences than I can believe that.
  8. TheBistroButcher666

    Is E'm one of those bands that in Japan no one gives a shit about but us foreigners love them to death? Also the Dimmu joke is just old now. It's like that guy that just repeats really old Simpsons jokes that we've all heard hundred times before. Plus it's not like it's anything new for a VK band to borrow/steal/copy/imitate from other bands, just saying.
  9. TheBistroButcher666

    Yes! I can't wait Will this be my first purchase of 2011?
  10. TheBistroButcher666

    Started 2011 with a trip to the emergency room because a friend had alcohol poisoning. We party hard!
  11. TheBistroButcher666

    Work T___T
  12. TheBistroButcher666

    True! Also I think KISAKI had posted itsy bitsy tiny little preview photos of their new look a little while ago.
  13. TheBistroButcher666

    Guess they're all best bros again. It's cool TOMOZO is back in a band
  14. TheBistroButcher666

    Ehhhhh Also curious if anyone has a transcript or a video of Rodger's interview. I missed it but apparently he had said some really lulzy stuff.
  15. TheBistroButcher666

  16. TheBistroButcher666

    Good news for Megaromania Curious about his previous bands. I thought maybe the guy from Em~Grief would join because wasn't he doing support for them for awhile?
  17. TheBistroButcher666

    Vasalla - RISE OF INSANITY \m/
  18. TheBistroButcher666

    I'm digging this preview, I can't wait to hear the whole thing but I have a lot of hope for this release
  19. TheBistroButcher666

    Growls or not he's still better then them all
  20. TheBistroButcher666

    My boyfriend and I are four years apart, he is 28 and I am 24. I hang out with mostly older people actually (late 20s or in their 30s) so to be honest if I where single and looking for a new boo, dating someone from my social group of old people friends doesn't really seem like a big deal. It's actually more appealing then dating someone from my young people social group of friends.
  21. TheBistroButcher666

    Pretty much agree with this comment. Video ~ oB-6QhsdTGA
  22. TheBistroButcher666

    I can't believe how much tequila I drank last night. Merry Christmas!
  23. TheBistroButcher666

    Sigh <3 Also Kuroageha and vellaDonna <33333333333. (Even thow the last two get batched in with vis gay bands). I also use to be really into SEX MACHINEGUNS and Galneryus a few years back but overplayed them to death. Also Loudness, Anthem, Seikima II, Ark Storm, Gargoyle and AION are all pretty solid. Even though I listen to a lot of metal outside of Japanese music, I never got that into Japanese metal as I have with the shit that comes out of Europe, US and South America. Dunno why, lazy I guess.
  24. TheBistroButcher666

    I thought it was a session band to begin with?
  25. TheBistroButcher666

    At the Despairs concert in Seattle Zero fell off the stage. I wasn't on that side though but my friend was and said she asked him if he was okay heh.
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