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Everything posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. TheBistroButcher666

    Good shit. So okay, while they are not perfect (bloodshed) and have a few boring ass songs (God of Megaromania and Transparent Shrine...oh wait Kisaki wrote that) they certainly did grow on me, their releases are pretty good shit and for the most part a solid band. One of Undercode's more stable acts
  2. TheBistroButcher666

    Visual Kei (Kote kote kei). Catchy choruses. Folky shit. Bad singers who just try so hard (Mostly VK). Sweep picking and other douchy guitar tricks. Bass playing that actually stands out and is part of the song. That is all I can really think of at the moment.
  3. My rule of thumb with VK bands these days is to just wait for the album since the majority of the singles they released that year is going to be on the album anyway LOL
  4. TheBistroButcher666

    lulz are they playing the same location that Rouage and Phantasmagoria once filmed PVs?
  5. TheBistroButcher666

    I had typed up a list at work but forgot to post before I left xDDDDDDDDDD Everyone from Kuroageha times a billion Goma (vellaDonna) Yuki the bassist from La Feerie. He composed most of their songs. KoHey (Sleep my Dear) Hideki (Vasalla) DAISUKE (NeiL) Yuina (Lamiel) Hisui (Madeth) HNNNNGH THIS Yessssssssssssssssssssssss
  6. TheBistroButcher666

    I was literally in tears I was laughing so hard after watching this. Who the hell wrote the English script?
  7. TheBistroButcher666

    TlLFNM_1o-8 I can't stop laughing, who the hell wrote these lines!!?
  8. TheBistroButcher666

    Oh gawd, a perfect thread for me.
  9. TheBistroButcher666

    The way he talks is just so creepy!
  10. TheBistroButcher666

    S4YyZOeL_WE This was one of the first JRAAWWWWWWWWWWK songs I listened too.
  11. TheBistroButcher666

    Being mostly single up till my 20s I have disliked this holiday for the most part. However there are some fond memories tied to it, for example my Mom always gave me candy LOL! Moms are the best! Also in elementary school, I remember when we would make little paper mail man cars, spending the morning decorating them and then hanging them all up for everyone to see. We make little pockets for the Valentines cards my classmates would stuff in there and by the end of the day you empty it full of Valentines from everyone. Of course the teacher and parents would bring in sweets, so it would be a day of devouring candy and cup cakes and was just a lot of fun. Anyway, fake holiday is fake and a waste of money. My boyfriend and I don't celebrate it because we don't need a lame holiday to celebrate our love. Plus I have work today and won't be home until around 8 anyway
  12. TheBistroButcher666

  13. TheBistroButcher666

    Ah yes, that's a pretty big dick move. I guess that part about people having to wait went right over my head
  14. TheBistroButcher666

    I do that at home I actually did when I played WoW lololol. Usually the laptop ran a movie or something while raiding.
  15. TheBistroButcher666

    I am the same way, if they came to the US and played in California, Texas or New York I wouldn't bother going. Aw well, have fun those that go
  16. TheBistroButcher666

    This! I am going to play so much Desert Bus!
  17. TheBistroButcher666

    I read the band's name as -the Milf-
  18. TheBistroButcher666

    Best thing ever
  19. TheBistroButcher666

    This Last.fm scrobbling ftw~~ I also get a super sweet corporate discount towards my bill. One of my coworkers is the senior citizen type. She recently discovered how to download apps and was going around showing everyone like she had just discovered gold or something.
  20. TheBistroButcher666

    Their stuff that doesn't have guitars or singers and is just pure cello is awesome.
  21. TheBistroButcher666

    It doesn't surprise me it's a boring ass ballad, I've always associated Vidoll with really boring ballads. To be honest I have always thought Jui's voice was boring. Please don't flip your shit and think I'm calling him bad, he certainly can sing but just boring. All his collaboration projects with KISAKI = boring as fuck. The actors playing air instruments are pretty lulzy and kind of embarrassing to watch. Who thought this was a good idea lololol?
  22. TheBistroButcher666

    I use to get this magazine and one issue I got this Ayabie CD with the song Canary. I really like this song actually but I've tried other songs of their (stuff that was PVs on YouTube) and didn't like any of it. Is there other songs in their disco that is like this or another band with a similar style? Thanks Il-n6GxeAF4
  23. TheBistroButcher666

    Soooooo much bad 90s clothing Apparently there is a Bleach musical, huuuggggghhhhhhh
  24. TheBistroButcher666

    Oh the song with just the inner scouts?
  25. TheBistroButcher666

    Yup! Anza will always be the perfect Sailor Moon!
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