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Everything posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. TheBistroButcher666

    Meh, still doesn't beat that Mana photoshop job when the editors literally removed one of his legs, literally the whole damn thing.
  2. TheBistroButcher666

    Ordered through Brand X, see if they send me my invoice. Last time I tried to order from them, they never acknowledged my order, even sent emails and no response.
  3. TheBistroButcher666

    Why thank you :-*
  4. TheBistroButcher666

    Here is my Tumblr and here is my web comic I update my web comic weekly and will try and try not to fall behind on updating my tumblr with illustrations.
  5. TheBistroButcher666

    I'm curious what Natsuki is going to do, be the next Satsuki with a really mediocre solo project? Then agree with the rest of your statement, the rest of the members forming some sort of lame band that plays whatever is the flavor of the month in the VK scene. So curious what the fall out of this is going to be.
  6. TheBistroButcher666

    Not as active :U I looked at how much new music I got since last year and literally less than 10 releases. I just don't listen or buy as much music as I used too. Spotify is to blame for this too. It's a pretty awesome resource to be honest, selection isn't perfect but it's got most metal releases I want to listen too. I would like the SLSK renaissance to be successful because it was my main avenue of getting me into Japanese music. (Grass thread + SoulSeek <3) but I just don't have the time or consume as much music as I did back in the day.
  7. TheBistroButcher666

    I know right? Curious what this will be like, I'm guessing the B side is going to be heavy but wonder what the title track will be like.
  8. 2 kawaii 2 live 2 sugoi 2 die

    1. Jigsaw9


      I didn't choose the suteki life, the suteki life chose me. (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

  9. TheBistroButcher666

    You are so cool. You are the only one ever that doesn't care in the whole interbutts ever. Especially in a thread about OZ.
  10. TheBistroButcher666

    Curious what the members are going to do next.
  11. TheBistroButcher666

    I want that Ru:natic mini they keep teasing us about. More Vallquar would be nice. Anything CELL will be good. Also Dir en grey I mean Greiva release.
  12. TheBistroButcher666

    Owld skewl kote kei was also just a forced cliche and what was popular back then. The crap that's going around now is also just what is popular and in another decade VK will probably be a totally different monster and the fans of what VK is now, will be like the kote kei fans complaining that VK isn't the same anymore. It's not that we don't like conversation here, you're just mad that not everyone is agreeing with your opinion. I like old 90s visual kei and not a fan of current VK but you gotta be realistic.
  13. TheBistroButcher666

    I don't think Umbrella was doing well at all. I know I know, another one of those my friend said this and that, however this friend along with another mutual friend went and saw him at an in store event and basically said that the whole thing was pretty sad. He had a little table in the back of the store selling his jewelry and there was hardly anyone there to see him. After what she told me, not surprising Umbrella is not doing well as expected. I'm not being spiteful or douchey, it's pretty sad. The whole thing with his voice going to hell is pretty sad and then his attempt to stay relevant is also just sad.
  14. TheBistroButcher666

    The new song was fine up until 2:08 and then it just kinda jumped the shark and got stupid. Random tough guy br00tal moment and then a bunch of auto tune electronic dance music? wut? I'm not hating on the auto tune for the sake of auto tune, just the dumb jump from having an okay pop rock song and then a mediocre breakdown and then suddenly dance music? Ehhhh that whole segment was dumb and messes up the flow of the song.
  15. TheBistroButcher666

  16. TheBistroButcher666

    I've been wanting to write a real response but I just haven't had time D: Madeth though is fantastically awesome, would love to see Yuina and Hisui back. Honestly they don't even have to be in a band, if they just hung out in the background composing songs for newbie bands that would be enough to make me happy. Madeth had already broken up by the time I started getting into Visual Kei but since it was only just a few years after that, Schwardix an active band, so fans were still clamoring on about the Madeth. So of course this band along with other classic old bands such as Aliene, Noir Fleurir, Yayoi and Yuuga crap. Madeth was one of those early loves that got me stuck in this VK shit hole with all the other weeaboo scum <3
  17. He said that girls don't need to wear make up and that being confident in yourself so that you don't have to hide behind make up and just being genuine is more beautiful than all the make up, glitter and stickers you can plaster all over your face. I still wear some eye liner though
  18. TheBistroButcher666

    Madeth ist kreig.
  19. My bus stopped in front of the local college and the girl standing outside I could immediately tell she was a VK fan. I can just look and be like YOU PROBABLY LIKE GAZETTE YOU WEEABOO SCUM. We have something in common lets be friends <3 <3

    1. DistraughtK


      Oh God I'd love to see that, I be cracking the fuck up.

    2. TheBistroButcher666


      Despite my weeaboo senses going off, she wasn't dressed horribly like most weeaboo VK scum.

    3. orangetarts


      LMFAO im that way, too and then im like oh god what have i done

  20. My bus stopped in front of the local college and the girl standing outside I could immediately tell she was a VK fan. I can just look and be like YOU PROBABLY LIKE GAZETTE YOU WEEABOO SCUM. We have something in common lets be friends <3 <3

  21. TheBistroButcher666

    What drives me up the wall with Western VK bands is no one seems to tweeze their eyebrows. It's like messy caterpillar across their face. I mean, if you're gonna try and be VK be prepared to shave off your eyebrows and pencil in some. It's a rite of passage if you're going to be VK. In any case, Maa sums it up perfectly. VK is full of a lot of cliches but if you're going to follow all the VK cliches for fuck sakes do it right. ...and do something with your eyebrows.
  22. Vocals are a bit grating on my nerves but ehhhh, could be something I might like. Also bias because ELE-MUSIC lulz
  23. TheBistroButcher666

    Vior gloire's album is really really good. Also otherwise DESTROYER 666 24/7.
  24. TheBistroButcher666

    Haaaaaaaaa....that made me laugh. The song is pretty mediocre but I'm not into shitty pop ballads like that, the video is also pretty cringe worthy. I know people hate him for the sake of him being a weeaboo tryin to be VK but all his songs so far have been pretty bad. I thought he played guitar and did cool guitar stuff?
  25. Well I'm pretty late but finally listening to Vior gloire's album and it's fantastic.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Lilas To Sophia is one of my favorite songs of 2012.

    2. Jigsaw9


      Cool, I had a hunch you might like them. :) Great stuff indeed.

    3. fitear1590


      :D Glad to hear, Arith.
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