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Everything posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. TheBistroButcher666

    Okay neat, so basically if you like ~†owld†skewl†~ visual kei or the recent output from good old Grieva you'll like Gauzes. I don't think their music is anything THAT outstanding but it's entertaining and a good listen. I like it better than Grieva's recent single if that says anything. I'm trying to think of an older band to compare them too but I'm drawing blanks right now. It's not too hard to order from that site, you can install Google Chrome and have it automatically translate the page for you, so you'll know where to add the correct information. The set up is similar to Closet Child's webshop too and they have instructions in English.
  2. I should not have eaten all of that mozzarella BUT WORTH IT! ~ lactose

    1. CAT5


      Ito, you're a cheese-head tho right? XD

    2. TheBistroButcher666


      Cheese is fantastic but I don't digest dairy very well :C

    3. Ito


      Hell yeah I am, Cat. XD

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  3. TheBistroButcher666

    I would never use my debit card but a credit card offers more protection. So I'm not that worried, if there's any fraudulent activity I can dispute it and clear it up with the bank. You should always do what you're comfortable with but I think as long as you're using a true credit card with protection it shouldn't be something to fret too much over. Anyway, they said they shipped my copy but it's going SAL. So I probably won't get it until the end of this week at the earliest or sometime late next week. My copy of the album and two singles came today woohoo! I remember that there is a comment box, so if you're address is a special format you can add it there and let them know this is what it needs to be.
  4. TheBistroButcher666

    You don't need a shopping service, they accept overseas orders
  5. The little Korean dive is closed, no cheap bibimbap for me tonight :C MY LIFE IS SO HARD!

    1. TheBistroButcher666


      Time for spam and eggs lololololol.

    2. TheBistroButcher666


      Oh hell naw, I'm totally gonna make me some spam and egg nigiri #weeaboo

  6. TheBistroButcher666

    If you think just the user titles are offensive then you're going to have a bad time on MH.
  7. I should draw but I think I'm going to walk around downtown and eat gelato. THUG LYFE!

  8. I think another contributing factor is you either need to go all out if you're going to do an alternative VK/goth style. If you half ass it, you'll always look like bad. Though this coming from someone that doesn't dress up or do fashion but that's one of the reasons I don't dress up and be fashionable haha. I just don't have the energy or interests to really go all out with a fun and funky fashion and will half ass it and will then of course look really bad LOL. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, I been trying to find this Moi dix mois cover band with a bunch of nerdy kids playing with cardboard instruments. However I think it's just a fan PV but it's still pretty bad. Don't think that counts then but it's pretty funny. They're probably just having fun but I would have made the video unlisted. I guess I can contribute AKADO http://youtu.be/Q3jRO2DO_3o I don't think they're terrible though. I guess an example of taking VK influences but not trying to be ~✮Visual☆Kei✮~ and turning into a horrible awkward mess. Instead they just do that industrial goth thing and so it's not all that bad really. If I liked that kinda stuff, I could get behind this but industrial goth stuff just ain't my thang dawg. I know right!?! Just give them slightly better production and they could easily be right up there with Matina bands. They're the special kinda Matina bad but with awful productions and the unfortunate stigma of being an icky gross foreign band.
  9. Rule number one: Do not sing in Japanese. Rule number two: Do not try and be ~Visual Kei~ I think the biggest thing that leads to failure with all these bands is trying to be ~Visual Kei~ instead of just being a band. There's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from VK bands but trying to be one just doesn't work. Also jesus learn how to dress too! Know you're body type and know what will work with that body type. If you're a chubby dark skinned man then the VK style isn't going to work for you, it's for skinny little Asian boys. You're better off putting together an outfit that compliments your body type, you can take inspiration from VK bands. There's plenty of cool ideas that you can put together but wearing little booty shorts with your thunder thighs is going to make people puke. Also make ROMANTICA Japanese and kote kei VKKK stans would love them.
  10. TheBistroButcher666

    VK is more about the image than the music anyway. It's not surprising chekis became a standard way to make some extra cash at lives since fans are mostly superficial people primarily there for the image. I don't think it's a bad thing, some have said why don't bands make enough from CD or merch sales. I'm under the impression it's the same situation that western bands run into. Most of the profit from initial CD sales is gobbled up by the middle man before it even reaches the band. So the band is stuck with making most of the money back from touring and selling merch and CDs at their lives. This is the case with metal bands and why I wait and buy CDs when the band is in town. If metal bands could make money by selling chekis I'm sure they would do it but instead it's guitar picks, patches and stickers. If I could go to VK lives, I would probably buy their CDs and merch there in person and also pick up a cheki or two as a memento from the event. However I wouldn't buy entire boxes of them though because that's just crazy. It's no different than me grabbing a patch or sticker at a metal show. That's like me buying out all the stickers and patches the band has for sale. Also posting from my phone so ignore typos and grammar :C
  11. TheBistroButcher666

    I think because Grieva doesn't try to hide it so people are more forgiving. I find them entertaining but their songs do run out of steam pretty quickly after the third or forth listen because it's all songs I've heard before. They have some promising tracks but if they keep up rehashing old songs we've all heard before, they're not going to last. Also I think Sadie gets unfairly picked on. Besides Mao who was vocal trained by Kyo, their songs don't sound like Dir en grey songs and take on more metalcore(?) influences.
  12. TheBistroButcher666

    Awwwww thank you <3 I recently got a new pair that are red framed and Iove them so much. Glasses are the best, contacts are for chumps >:C
  13. TheBistroButcher666

    I'm excited for the single. I'm thinking his tone/pitch or well the actual sound of his voice will take some getting used too since most people have only heard HIZAkI with either Kamijo or even Juka instead of the number of shitty vocalist he's worked with in the past. I want to hear a Teru song with his vocals C:
  14. TheBistroButcher666

    I'm trying to decide which one I want to preorder. The standard edition or the DVD edition >:C
  15. TheBistroButcher666

    I agree, 500 yen is fine and I have no problem spending that. It's when it's 500 yen plus shopping service fees, shipping and other charges it's not worth it anymore. I can't justify paying that much for a little Polaroid. When you lay down the costs after all that, I rather buy something with more substance like a DVD or an album from the band instead of a cutesy little kawaii picture. In my tiny little collection I have two I really appreciate and am happy to have is one of Kon back during the La'Mule revival and the other is of Kyouka with his random gaijin friend. The first ever cheki I got was Kijin from Ru:natic and it was a bonus from ordering their single from the band's webshop. I was recently surprised to receive a ton of chekis of whatshisface from the Vampire Rose solo project, they also came as a bonus from ordering his singles. So that was neat. Then of course all the CELL chekis my friend recently picked up at a live, I thought about getting more but instead asked her to get me the super neat live DVD instead.
  16. TheBistroButcher666

    I don't really buy chekis but I recently bought a few CELL ones my friend picked up at a live. Otherwise, I don't actively try to buy them. The ones I normally get end up being bonuses that I got from buying a CD directly from the band's webshop or a special promotion from a vendor.
  17. I'm so excited right now! :D :D It's a secret but I don't know if I want to give hints. Either it's too vague or too obvious! UGH!

    1. Sakura Seven
    2. Ito


      You're naming your kid Toasted Waffles?

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
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  18. TheBistroButcher666

    Matenrou's is what I expected. I want to hear more from CELL's preview and Grieva's doesn't sound all that interesting. Also agree, the UCP one just sounds like a big UCP boy band with Riku's play back louder than the others.
  19. TheBistroButcher666

    Ohhh as a casual Matenrou fan, their new album was quite good! I really enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to future releases, I hope they keep on doing what they've been doing.
  20. Sometimes I wonder about folks and their confounded techno beeb bop music. Mostly the fact that I have some friends going to a big festival and they seem more excited about all the drugs they'll be taking instead of the performers and what's playing all weekend. That's the part that I just can't relate with I guess.

    1. Pandabear


      I like techno beeb bop music, but I don't get the drugs part either.

    2. TheBistroButcher666


      @Nekkichi - I don't even know what those words mean. You and your techno beeb bop rabble!

      @Pandaber -

      I don't mind have a beer or two when I see a band but I don't go to a concert excited about all the beers I'm going to drink. I guess just the focus more on the drugs and not the music that I just don't get with them sometimes.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
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  21. TheBistroButcher666

    I want to go but concerts at Anime Cons are really a drag. If LA wasn't a shithole and I didn't have to deal with con-goers I would consider this. Yet it's two things I just don't like, a smoggy city full of pretentious image centric people and a convention full of mouth breathing weeaboos :C
  22. I question if it was really worth buying the CELL PV DVD because the video was just so dumb :-S

  23. TheBistroButcher666

    Animal Crossing New Leaf the past two weeks buuuuuuuut it's starting to become grindy. It's going to cost me several million billion Bells to upgrade my house and the towns people want this and that built and I have no way to tax those ungrateful little brats and have to pay for it all myself! AGGGH! So now it's onto Fire Emblem and oh my God I'm so addicted. I also killed half my team already and should probably start over. I'm only four - five missions in soooooooooo yeeeaaaah, I kinda suck at this game BUT ITS STILL FUN!
  24. TheBistroButcher666

    I already know the ending. He dies of cancer. Plus there's already been a movie.
  25. TheBistroButcher666

    It's okay, most people that like La'Mule didn't even know what VK was when they were actually an active band. Myself included as well, they broke up in 03 and I didn't get into VK until around 2004 haha! They're worth checking out, they have your standard indie gawffy "kote kei" sounding songs that were popular in the 2000s and then some really well done and well written mature sounding songs. While I like pretty much ALL La'Mule stuff, their later stuff when they started toning down their Visual-ness has some of my favourite songs. Totally worth your time listening to them, it's not your usual over hyper owld skewl crap bands. There's a reason they were popular and are still well liked by people and it's because they wrote good music.
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