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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Did they...stop activities since their name change? This band's history is a mess
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

    He hasn't even done anything yet, but his intro bio already has me exhausted Typically people release content before they start going with the Bionic Woman "Only real music fans are going to like this" rhetoric to justify their choices.
  3. Peace Heavy mk II

    Kids war is a cute deathgaze cover
  4. Peace Heavy mk II

    It looks like labels are getting better about adding all of their artists to Spotify. euclid agency currently has all (I believe?) their artists up there. New additions to the list: -Hakuei (Penicillin's vocalist's solo project. Only his last album-- his material with Universal + Avex are not on there) -Hakueiman (another solo project of Hakuei that's different, but not actually) -ライチ☆光クラブ (this is missing 3 releases, however) -machine (not all of their releases) -Penicillin (region locked, for the US at least)
  5. Peace Heavy mk II

    -Pentagon move closer to becoming a visual idol group, eventually dropping all ties with the scene in general -Versailles members focus on their respective solo projects and then decide to release something later on in the year after they remember it's been over 15 months since their Budokan hype -Related, Teru releases a solo single -Erina releases another solo single that no one will buy / remember he even made solo music -Satsuki keeps trying to be a visionary -Another vkei app of some sort (dating sim / paint-by-number game / A button that goes straight to PSC's gofundme page) -Shimizuya closes -Some sort of Scarlet Club-releated one-time event happens and I'm mad about it because I couldn't be there -Crucifixion joins Starwave -A string of bands that start emulating early 2000's vkei spring up (Mucc / Kagerou / Kaggrra, / D'espa / Merry homage-kei) -Oshare-kei begins to make a comeback -A new mad wink. band -Someone in a proto-vkei band (D'erlanger, zi:kill, color, silver~rose, Dead end, etc) dies
  6. Peace Heavy mk II

    I'm not familiar with his music, but it's always sad to hear someone losing a battle with an on-going illness. RIP
  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    Lyrical Sympathy + RES + Mirror + Dignity of Crest were all influential albums to me, and I liked Termination as well (long after the fact, though: didn't try out 9mm until probably 2012 or so). Didn't realize 2017 was such a big year!
  8. Peace Heavy mk II

    Join me in speculating what a potential best of album could consist of. Via my twitter: -All 3 tracks featured on 「浴槽」「月蝕」「未遂」(again) -All 3 tracks featured on うろんなチョコ冷凍。 (again again) -Benjo 3 -A song called "狭域侵略の交響曲" (tried to translate "Micro-aggression Symphony", idk) -A song about poop
  9. Peace Heavy mk II

    They've got that animu OKANE now, so they've gotta dress like Naruto
  10. Peace Heavy mk II

    2018 is when visaul key dies
  11. Peace Heavy mk II

    I guess they couldn't get a gay drummer
  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    she's unironically retweeting trump so like what do you expect
  13. Peace Heavy mk II

    Mmmmm Greek food is great
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    Imagine breaking up at a place called Bigtwin Diner Shovel How embarassing
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

    Whhaaaaat That's terrible!
  16. Peace Heavy mk II

    I think in some capacity, I've convinced myself that if I can care about all of the world's problems, even ones I am not even going to remotely be able to fix or help with, that when I need it most, the world will care about me back. Chris and I get into fights about that all the time. I want to fix the world, he's content with acknowledging most people in life are inherently evil and you need to be on guard.
  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    One of the things I've struggled with fairly recently is being happy for someone who I do not personally care for. It's a weird sensation of feeling two different, and often contrasting, emotions at once. The biggest struggle is not the ability to do so (a lot harder for me to not feel something, rather than getting myself to have some sort of expression), but to not convince myself that I should feel guilty about it. "This person was bad. Why are you celebrating something good in their life?" I think part of being able to let go is being at peace with this duality. It is okay to remove yourself from a person while also not wishing them harm. At the same time, wishing them well and being happy for their victories is not an invite to allow them into your life and harm you again. The situation I'm vague blogging about is my ex's sister. I've never actually met her, but from the few interactions I've had around her have not been positive. She's married to some son-of-a-super-church-owner or something in Colorado, making tons of money selling faith (this is an incredibly weighted, but different, issue, but I'm more sharing this for the context of her character). When she was getting married, she invited me because ~she had to~; she later called him to rescind the invitation. "He'd make other guests uncomfortable," she said. Needless to say I was pretty upset. I asked him to get her to change her mind. Eventually she did, but I was told to act like his friend, rather than his significant other (again, to not ruin the experience for the other guests). At that point, I uninvited myself and said it was not worth the hassle. I came out once and had no intention of revisiting that experience, so I just didn't go. ---Today--- She had a baby. I am not on speaking terms with my ex, and I don't talk to any of his friends or relatives simply because I have nothing to say to them, and I definitely do not speak to her. However, I am still happy that she had her baby without any issue. I saw a few pictures and she (her new daughter) looked cute, and I wish both of them the best. So here I am, hours before I share Christmas with my current partner and his family before heading home, pondering about whether it is right or foolish that I am feeling like this. It's toxic to dwell over those who have been a source of pain in the past, but just as harmful to fully forget. Ultimately, I will be okay, but I still don't like her.
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    This song is okay. I'm still pretty upset that the throw-away Chariots cover of them is better than anything they or Chariots have done in their whole careers
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    Green: fucking called it Orange: Sort of true / I was close Red: Nope
  20. They also wrote this if the following tweet gets over 83 retweets, they'll publicly release one full song. As its currently at 86, expect a full song soon
  21. Peace Heavy mk II

    Art-kei is a spectrum. High-art: Amber Gris, Moran, Baboo, Hollowgram Gender is a construct, tear it apART: Liphlich, Dali, Sukekiyo Arts'n'Crafts: Pissarro, Medi@lize
  22. Peace Heavy mk II

    I didn't know that baseless rumors found in10 year old forum posts by xD RanDom Weebs counts as "tea" Your well researched thesis didn't even include Dada, who is a for real drag queen lmao
  23. You heard it here first, folks. More details will be shared here once they make more official announcements on their home page or Twitter accounts.
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