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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY Just 1 date released so far, but holy shit if they're coming to belgium/germany/the netherlands I will happy as fuck all ova so far it's just Hellfest 2011 in Clisson, France June 17th but i hope there will be more :>
  2. Tokage

    >mfw Keloid Milk live on the dvd sounds EXACTLY as good as it did on Kisou
  3. Tokage

    There has indeed been a leak, but it hasn't made it's way onto this forum yet
  4. Tokage

    fuck yeah La'royque indeed also I like Plastic Tree's lyrics alot. MERRY, BUCK-TICK, Mukai's bands are sweet as well. Eiji usually has pretty whack lyrics. cali gari's are okay, as far as I know ( not alot of translated material around ), same goes for guruguru eigakan's and inugami circus dan's. metronome's are kinda... simple. Deathgaze, Sadie, Girugamesh and such are kind of... I dunno. I don't like 'em Edit: Almost forgot - 9mm parabellum bullet has some interesting lyrics at times. Envy does, too
  5. Tokage

    It is indeed a radio edit
  6. Tokage

    i have a radio rip, it's bad quality, but... It sounds nothing like hageshisa at all.. Let me just say that first off. The only similar part is the chorus. Other than that, I haven't really even heard as much as a grunt or a growl in it
  7. Tokage

    > 07. Pimp My Cars I laughed I really laughed
  8. Tokage

    i'm kind of curious how the thing with the girl is gonna turn out also i like the way the band is positioned, at least in this clip.
  9. Tokage

    Though I guess with groups like Guruguru you could go and say that they are essentially just theatre troupes as well, seeing as a big part of their liveshows consists of performing skits or stories on stage as well
  10. Tokage

    Wow, deshabilliz is apparently a death magnet like all of the deaths in the OP post are ex-deshabilliz or deshabilliz members
  11. Tokage

    that clip is actually a fan singing over the original what the new version sounds like, not an actual sample of the song
  12. Tokage

    i kinda hope they'll do more stuff that's sorta traditional japanese-sounding, that wasn't too present on FYIW
  13. Tokage

    Sweet. For you, I will was pretty good so this should be good glad nothing of their 2nd single's on here tbh
  14. Tokage

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA brb laughing forever
  15. Tokage

    Ryuutarou from PT Mako from Deadman Susumu Hirasawa the guy from The Birthday / Rosso / Thee Michelle Gun Elephant, mostly because his voice is that perfect 'rock' voice also, I don't like their music much, but I always thought Asagi was pretty good, even though he overplays everything a little bit too much sometimes
  16. Tokage

    I have to say, I still hate Sharaku's high-pitched voice ( the one he does in Computer, for example ), but then I like his voice in FLOPPY and when he does a deeper voice, like in Cuckoo
  17. Tokage

    I have high expectations, because Dona Dona was one of their best things ever, especially after the letdown Utsusemi was. Though yeah, IDK, the disease thing COULD be a coverup for something else ( tarou on the drugs again? :U ), but I'm pretty sure that's not the case with these guys
  18. Tokage

    Puppet Show, i like the instrumental sounds in these songs the most. Also, the vocal parts are cool. I think this is my fav. old PT album New-PT fav is probably Nega to Poji.
  19. Tokage

    i loved all 3 of those pvs so bring it on
  20. plasticzooms, munimuni just for starters true post-punk stuff is kinda hard to get by, lotsa new wave tho.
  21. is this 2001 live the same one they released on another of their best-of cds? also re-recs of re-recs? wut
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