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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    i just wanna go on record & say that Akuro no Oka is kinda boring also i still don't get why people seem to hate Midwife so much.. i think it's one of my favorites on Arche (though i'll admit the ''Kyo squeaking like a hamster at warp speed'' bits feel kinda recycled from DREAMBOX) . As far as Arche tracks go I find Soshaku much more uninteresting
  2. who's gonna be the crazy motherfucker that'll make the 'worst to first' thread for Buck-Tick

    1. saishuu


      now I feel like doing one for B'z smh

    2. Tokage


      don't b'z have like 40 albums at this point?

    3. saishuu


      probably idk I lost track long ago

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  3. cant wait for Diru to come through with their Rendezvous cover tbh
  4. absolutely here for these can't believe it took this long for Der Zibet to pop up on one of these though
  5. Tokage

    10 years ago we had steve dimlim, bob kizu and johnny sukekiyo
  6. Tokage

    Tried giving 300.000.000 by Blake Butler another chance cuz I dropped it partway through the first time around. I'm almost done with it this time but I've REALLY had to force myself through it at points. Sometimes there's some genuinely interesting and grotesque imagery sprinkled throughout and some of the ideas are certainly quite cool... but at the same time a significant chunk of the novel's text just reads like edgy schizo-tier word salad and it gets to a point where you just kinda feel your eyes glazing over when you spend more than a handful of pages on that kinda stuff... also the author really noticeably overuses certain words & metaphors - you can pretty much create a drinking game based on the number of times the author uses the words 'cream' or 'creamy' in some variety for instance.
  7. just stating my onion: masami tsuchiya.... underrated......

  8. Tokage

    that is definitely anisong garbage
  9. Bumping the thread just to say that two tracks off the upcoming album have been made available for purchase on bandcamp! Check 'em here
  10. ^ ''Yo visual kei is dying bro'' Anyway fuck. This sucks! They've had a stable lineup for AGES and truly felt like one of those dinosaur bands that would just keep trucking along forever. Fingers crossed they can maybe somehow pull some ex-Guruguru Eigakan members out of limbo 😕
  11. Tokage

    imagine checking one of those setlists and seeing [new song] written on there..........................
  12. tfw to inteligent for visual kei

  13. Tokage

    Seikima-II is quite clearly the superior glam-influenced metal band anyway t b q h
  14. Tokage

    this new dezert album sounds weird
  15. Tokage

    Bubblegum bass / pc music / whatever you wanna call it is absolutely hot fucking garbage
  16. didn't Yomi completely fuck up his voice at some point?
  17. cant believe zin-say did a cover of snufkin's theme & i only realized that's what it was recently.........

  18. Didn't he already release a Full album just this summer?
  19. Tokage

    streaming killed music
  20. iirc there's always been this ''myth'' that some of the higher-end gya moonlight as escorts or are involved in some other sex work-related shit but idk if that's actually true or not
  21. *10 people who all happen to be loaded japanese gya
  22. Tokage

    just paint a picture of society today.... cuz we are living in one (1) giant pile of shit!!!!!! xD
  23. did anyone end up ordering the custom song gig?
  24. ''deliver it directly to you''... aka he will ride up to your house on a shitty old bicycle in full costume and chuck it through your window
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