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Everything posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. ShanethVarosa

    All the shirtless ones 👀👀👀
  2. I think he retired because his bands weren’t very popular. I remember reading that VII-Sense almost never drew in a crowd and he stopped his solo project because of his health issues at the time. Sucks that Mana kicked him out of Moi dix Mois because I liked his performance there more than anything and definitely more than Seth. I was watching the Instagram videos too and thinking it’s such a shame he stopped performing. He really is quite talented.
  3. ShanethVarosa

    Teru is on Twitter all proud of himself but it’s like a photo with a bad Instagram filter and a Snapchat siper imposition of words.
  4. ShanethVarosa

    This all looks totally magnificent to me! I'm very excited to hear this album, even more excited than the last one tbh. I didn't like them for a number of years, or found their work to be really hit or miss, but this one is promising and their last album really did it for me.
  5. ShanethVarosa

    I am freaking SO READY!!! This is the exact VK/Gay Culture crossover track that will save the world.
  6. ShanethVarosa

    For me personally Anzi was a majority of the draw to this band. He’s insanely talented, and itnisnt as though I’m not accustomed to sudden Band changes, but I think there is a je ne sais quois lacking at this time without Anzi. And now to be down the drummer as well... idk I just can’t see this being a good thing. If they release another EP and it isn’t at least back on par im not sure I can really continue to follow them.
  7. ShanethVarosa

    Stick a fork in them, they’re done
  8. Looks like he’s already doing The Most™️ This is a pretty confusing sort of layout, but I’m glad Genesis is getting a physical release. I hope the new version isn’t too different tho, I love the original.
  9. ShanethVarosa

    Crystal Float, absolutely, is a jam. But 久遠の命 was one of my first VK loves. Spiral Humanity also is one of the best. Just started really listening to them again after Sui’s Solo project started. Never cared much for his work in Megaromania or 凛.
  10. ShanethVarosa

    Perfect as usual. Can’t wait for the full thing!!
  11. Just so I’m reading this correctly, the mini-album is coming out in June of 2018 and is not currently out, correct?
  12. A recent passion project of mine once I got my physical copies of both Licht and Dunkelheit was to take the raw kanji and romanize it and then translate it into English. I understand that there have been other romanizations and translations available, however I had noticed several errors in their romanization that lead me to believe most of them were incorrect. In any case, these compilations had severe songs that were never romanized or translated, so here you go! Please, please, if you use these lyrics elsewhere, give me credit? I worked insanely hard on these. THE BEST -LICHT- 1. TESTAMENT 2. RISE TO HEAVEN 3. PROFANE GENE 4. CURRENT 5. LAPIS LAZULI 6. GENUINE -RECURRENCE- 7. TRANSIENT 8. EMERGENCE OF SILENCE 9. FLEETING BEAUTY 10. HYPNOS -LICHT- 11. PREDICT -ROSEN CLARION- 12. PERFECT GARDEN -SK0520MIX- 13. NEW VOGUE CHILDREN 14. LAST HALLUCINATION 15. HAVEN THE BEST -DUNKELHEIT- 1. BLAZING DARKNESS 2. RELEASE ME 3. ADDICTIVE EPICUREAN 4. QUEEN OF DECADENCE 5. LILITH 6. THE ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS -EXPIRE- 7. CORRODED CAGE 8. FESTER LOVE 9. COCOON -FALLEN- 10. CREEPER 11. SLEEPING MADNESS 12. SYPHILLIS AND DISORDER 13. SUCCUBUS 14. APOCALYPSE -ECLIPSE RING- 15. SIRIUS -DUNKELHEIT-
  13. ShanethVarosa

    @desertflower304thanks for letting me know! I like this a lot but totally see where you’re getting a melancholy vibe from
  14. ShanethVarosa

    Video isn’t available in my country I’m sure I’ll be able to check it out later on some other site tho
  15. ShanethVarosa

    Interesting, I kinda figured something like that was gonna happen. Like it would have its own single. But I guess if the album is “Sang” as well, then the album may have a version without Miku on it.
  16. ShanethVarosa

    This sucks, generally. I hope they do continue on without him, but totally understand if they decide to not do it without him. I just hope Danchou doesn’t quit music next.
  17. ShanethVarosa

    Tenchi (Ametsuchi) iki kuru kofune is probably just an instrumental intro. Tsukikai no Miko sounds incredible. Kashikoki Umi e Kaeryanse also sounds incredible. Hanagumo no Ran sounds pretty good. Komosakura sounds incredible. Keika sounds incredible. Daiyamainudake ~Tsukiyo ni Hoe yu~ sounds pretty good. Fuyutsubaki ~Shirotae no Kenin~ sounds incredible. Hakumenkinmoukyuubi no Kitsunebidama sounds alright Onimura sounds great Kumo no Kayohiji sounds nice Youtou Gyokutou sounds really interesting Mononoke Soushi sounds incredible Asagi Madara is amazing So yeah, overall this album has me pretty hyped.
  18. Yeah the band name sucks, but I’m a huge enough fan of these musicians I don’t mind as long as the output is good.
  19. ShanethVarosa

    I have many opinions on this. First of all, I think something other than Kaz’s hospitalization was happening to this Band. When they reformed their music was top notch, to me anyway. Their Shinku ni Yurameku EP was... stellar. Out of this world. And then they come with Succubus which was produced well but not a great song. And then Revenir?! It sounded like it was recorded underwater and the re-recorded tracks were worse than the originals. I was hoping they would take an extended break to figure out what the hell is wrong here and come back, but maybe this is for the best so Riku can try something else.
  20. ShanethVarosa

    About time after all those singles. I’m looking forward to it, somewhat. The singles this time didn’t do as much for me as last time except for Raven.
  21. ShanethVarosa

    Well that was lovely. As far as I'm concerned, this band can do no wrong.
  22. ShanethVarosa

    Okay wow y’all are going cray over Kids War I guess I’m gonna have to look this up. Im agreeing with he sentiment that the Dadaism EPS being over is kind of a good sign. That last one was totally mediocre.
  23. ShanethVarosa

    They're really doing the most aren't they. I hope this has some variation and some interesting aspects. Definitely at least one particularly heavy song, one good ballad. I feel like they're really throwing together a ton of ballads that sound the same.
  24. ShanethVarosa

    I’m lukewarm on it, I think it sounds nice but would I really end up loving it? I doubt it. It kinda does sound a lot like U2.
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