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Everything posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. ShanethVarosa

    Thank you so much!!!!!
  2. ShanethVarosa

    I've been in credit card debt since February because of having to get brakes put on my car and buy books for school which put me in pretty sizeable debt, as it turns out, my mom had been putting money aside for me from my monthly payments to her, so she decided that now would be a good time to utilize this money and help get me out of it, and it helped a lot, it got me down to around 400$, but the problem I ended up facing after she gave me the money (circa March/April), was that I couldn't figure out how to budget my money appropriately and pretty soon I was back up to 500$, then 600$, then 700$, the good news is my grandmother gave me some money and I was back down to 400$ and I did some serious budgeting with my paychecks. The problem with those is, the ones I got during summer were more sizable, but I went on a bunch of trips this summer so I was only making minimum payments to the account, but now that I'm in school, I have less things that cost money, but less time to go to work, so I'm only getting paychecks of 250$, and I have to budget money for gas, money for the credit card, and money for me so I can still do things outside of paying off debts. My problem and the point of this whole rant is that I'm at about 520$ right now and with my coming paycheck I'll have to pay my mom an extra 70$, pay off my Target charge, and budget in gas money and credit card money. I think I've done a better job at budgeting because if I hadn't then I would be farhter in debt than I am, but my mom is getting all up my ass because I'm not completely out of it, but things keep coming up, like running out of money, so I have to charge things like emergency gas and car expenses which is what's getting me now, not frivolous spending. I just hate how much of a bitch she's being because NOW I know what I'm doing and can have this payed off within just a couple of months if I keep this up, but she's STILL being mean. (I hate the word mean, but that's a different rant, but that's what she's being. Mean.)
  3. ShanethVarosa

    Had school until 2, then just relaxing until I have to work until 11:30 tonight. =/
  4. ShanethVarosa

    Non-food related would be Taylor Swift: Speak Now and Sex and the City 2.
  5. ShanethVarosa

    I'm not getting out of card debt this year, I've come to terms with that and so should you, mom. Seriously.
  6. ShanethVarosa

    Calls: Summer Boy by Lady GaGa Texts: Beep Alerts: BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP!
  7. ShanethVarosa

    I've had the LG enV2 for almost two years now and I fucking hate it. The battery doesn't hold a charge for more than 2 days, the front buttons don't work: to dial a call or answer a call you have to open the phone. The inside keyboard sticks now, so I either get one too many letters, or not enough. It will turn off on it's own randomly, it's not a data issue because I only have one ringtone and a couple of pictures on my phone... I'm getting an upgrade next month I think and I really want the Samsung Fascinate. Is this a good phone?
  8. ShanethVarosa

    shanethvarosa.livejournal.com Some reasons why I'm ashamed of this blog: - The oh-so-creative name I came up with to call it was "Visual Kei Blog" because when I started this I was really only intending on writing about Visual Kei matters, much in the vein of Shattered-Tranquility, but then some major shifts in my life occured and I started writing mostly about my own life, but there's some JRock topics covered from time to time. - The background hasn't changed since I opened it and it never will because my friend put up the background for me and I have no idea how to remove it. The good thing is I like how it looks. - It is (mostly) friends only. - It can get kind of emo-sounding at times, I try not to be so whiny and "woe-is-me" sounding, but since all I do is help people with their problems irl and no one helps me with mine, I write about them.
  9. ShanethVarosa

    http://perezhilton.com/2010-11-09-danci ... ing-season
  10. ShanethVarosa

    Turkey and cheese sammich.
  11. ShanethVarosa

    I got "Noble" on my left wrist and it didn't really hurt bad. It's my first tattoo and I don't have any piercings and granted it is only small, but it's nothing to concern yourself with. Shading is definitely the worst of it though.
  12. ShanethVarosa

    Thanks, dear!!
  13. ShanethVarosa

    I've never heard any of Zoro's music, so I can't judge. Maybe I should check out some Zoro if they do sound like this because I'm IN LOVE with these previews.
  14. ShanethVarosa

    I actually thought PLANT was the one that sounded more like NEEDLE.
  15. ShanethVarosa

    Just got done listening to the previews. HOLY FUCK. How was he not the singer to begin with? Fuck Aoi, he's trash compared to Yume.
  16. ShanethVarosa

    Stargazer, Shinkirou, Karma lyrics, but mainly just stargazer if anyone has them. thanks!!
  17. ShanethVarosa

    Just another thought I had about this single, and other Versailles singles for that matter. I feel like when they do singles, it's not just extra tracks from their last album that didn't make the cut, like some other bands out there. I feel like they do all original compositions every single time they release something.
  18. ShanethVarosa

    I only listened to them once so far, but honestly I'm the opposite I was really impressed by this single. I think it had more substance in less tracks than Senkou had, at least. Stargazer was my favorite on the single, Karma was my least favorite, but it wasn't terrible. Shinkirou grew on me as the song went on. I just hope that when they do their next album, it won't suck as bad as VANDALIZE did. I mean... VANDALIZE's singles were good... Mirrorball, Rainbows, Cross Game... I liked them, but the whole album sucked. This one... Hana, Senkou, and Stargazer... I like these a lot more. I have more hope for this album.
  19. ShanethVarosa

    I'm shocked by all the positive thoughts on the samples, I thought for sure this would fail. But, now I'm pumped to hear these! I can't wait until I get home to finally experience them
  20. ShanethVarosa

    I've listened to the album several times by now and I can't honestly say I'm blown away... it's not bad but I feel that nothing on this album can compare to MIGRANT, LAST Shell, and DETOX from the last album... I will say that BIRTHDAY is one of the better intros to an album I've ever heard in my entire life, ROTATE, Pressed Flower, and Sky High are very good as well... other standouts... Plant and Strings, but not much else. Lead didn't really do a whole lot for me, but Thrust was the only song I really did not care for at all, whatsoever. I give the album a 6.5/10
  21. ShanethVarosa

    Well at least I comprehend this stupidity now.
  22. ShanethVarosa

    Okay so what you're saying is the other 4 members left and formed a band of the exact same name without Aoi and Aoi has his own solo project unafiliated with Ayabie or any of it's members? That's retarded.
  23. ShanethVarosa

    This is fucking stupid. This is what I gather here: When Aoi left 彩冷える-ayabie- the other four members also left and started a new band, but the new band's name was AYABIE. AYABIE is now releasing an album, while the fate of 彩冷える-ayabie- was sort of left in the balance. So, 彩冷える-ayabie- is going on an indefinite hiatus so AYABIE can release new music. Am I in the ball park?
  24. ShanethVarosa

  25. ShanethVarosa

    I'm LOVING Sky High and ROTATE. And if that was more LEAD at the end of the first preview, then yes I'm oing to love that one too
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