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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    Ryo from 9goats, and that magnificent jawline of his ugghfghhgfhgf
  2. Senedjem

  3. Senedjem

    Naoto and Miko look great, but everyone else is fucked up.
  4. Didn't you know? record company execs get their own harem of trannies in heaven! RIP, Important dude I've never heard of
  5. Senedjem

    I like unsraw and I must agree Shit has that whole "my first photoshop" feel to it.
  6. Woah, he looks so HARDUCORRU now! "What fetish? ??動物顔????生??気?????顔??声 Small animal faces, sassy look shit, voice "
  7. Senedjem

    And I was like "If this isn't a joke I'm going to pull myself through their computer screen and disembowel them"
  8. Senedjem

    I thought all the girls where hideous Fake tans are instant +5000 ugly points
  9. Senedjem

    The death of someone who thinks the elevator will magically still be there isn't a tragedy.
  10. Senedjem

    Russian goths are always weird. Seriously.
  11. Senedjem

    Oh man I love mindfucks So much /x/ nostalgia
  12. Senedjem

    My face split in half when I realised Ricky Martin was playing
  13. Senedjem

    It would be cool if she actually got cancer.
  14. Senedjem

    Eros does have a pretty brootal growl.
  15. Senedjem

    disbanded due to musical differences.
  16. Senedjem

    Not sadie, no Stop it guys
  17. Lol @ oblivous weeaboos in the comments taking it uber srsly omgz don't you know it's totally true that juka forces his fangirls to eat his shit with chopsticks? It reads like a cali≠gari song. ahhgghhggh I always thought he waz the one who keeps children in his basement and eats them!!! my mistake
  18. Senedjem

    That infected penis looks alot like Mao's face
  19. Lol @ oblivous weeaboos in the comments taking it uber srsly
  20. Senedjem

    I liked this thread until the newfags in the silly masks arrived.
  21. Senedjem

    How are cali gari brutal at all?
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