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Everything posted by Nyasagi

  1. Oh wow, someone found download blogs and youtube PV uploads and decided to record videos about them, using dramatic music for this. So exciting. I can totally see people stopping uploading/downloading after watching this... not. It won't be the end of these blogs, blogspot may just delete them and they will open another ones, as usual, lol. In here downloading music and videos isn't illegal, it's allowed to do it for personal use. You can download, share it with friends, etc.
  2. I never expect every person of the same zodiac sign to be the same. They have some traits in common, that's all... you have to watch the person and get to know them, first. I'm always a bit skeptical about the astrology, but so far, people have been proving to me that the zodiac thing is right... for some reason I can see the treats of their zodiac signs in them (same with mine, some things are just misunderstood about Sagittarians, these descriptions of us are flat and shallow, without any depth, only what people see outside).
  3. Nyasagi

    I'm waiting for any band to release a single titled SWAG now. YOLO is also needed.
  4. I wouldn't like to be Japanese. All that pressure in the society... just no. I'm already having a hard time, because people around me are too judgemental and close-minded, while I'm not... so I'm not a very open person, because I don't want to be around such people. It would be probably even worse in Japan as a Japanese person. Plus, I can be fat and get away with it (some people don't like it when someone is fat, but the pressure to lose weight isn't riddiculously high)
  5. People of every zodiac sign may be good or bad, I don't think it depends on the zodiac sign, but yeah, Gemini people are hard to handle, because they don't care about anything. Even Scorpios are easier to handle. They care too much and they can turn aggressive very easily, so they may be very difficult, but they take stuff seriously. Geminis don't. When there's a serious problem you'd like to solve, they may just ignore you completely.
  6. I don't understand all these childish moans of Asian girls, that's not even attractive to me (I'm not straight) o_O. Asian guys - yes, I like them a lot. Asian girls - no no no. Too childish, too cutesy.
  7. I could tell her she's wrong, she wouldn't care. I'm old enough to move, but my country's economy and job market doesn't let me to do that. Anyway, that's not the topic about toxic parents, but about astrology xD.
  8. Japanese people should date foreginers from Europe or North America, then . Our culture is less structured, haha. Judgemental? Well, people are judgemental everywhere, so it's nothing surprising.
  9. Nyasagi

    I totally hate mosh pits, crowds of people pushing each others around to get to the front row, etc. Crowd surfing is the biggest nightmare for me (but it doesn't happen on vk lives). I go to a concert to listen to the music and watch the performance, not to be thrown around like a rag. It scares me and I can't focus on the live at all, because I only think how to survive in that crowd and what hurts me at the moment, or whose elbow is stabbing me. I'm very short, so I can be either in the first row, or completely in the back. It sucks I can't just sit down somewhere in the back and watch everything, though. All venues should have some seats on a higher platform in the back, so people could just watch the live from there without getting interrupted or tired (standing for too long is a painful problem for me, because of the health problems).
  10. digitalbounce, I think it's convenient for my mom. When she doesn't feel like explaining something to me, or she can make me leave her alone (especially when she did something wrong she doesn't want to admit), then she lies. Things are easier for her this way. Even when I know she's lying, I can't do anything about it, because she would ignore me or never admit what's the truth.
  11. My mom didn't grow out of it, she's 64 years old and lying is her hobby. At least she's not overly serious, so when I poured water on my neighbour's head when he was smoking on the balcony (I hate it when I can smell it in my room), she laughed xD
  12. Nyasagi

    Their new look will be something like this: http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/112741/Gangsta
  13. Nyasagi

    Really? I wasn't sure about that, but I had some bad experience with people and I had to work on myself. If you have an addictive personality, you should enjoy spending your time alone, do what makes you happy, without other people. Once you stop needing anyone to feel good, it should help. I do get attached myself, so I know that it's good to keep some distance, in case something bad happens. You seemed very disappointed she rejected you, and kept asking if the whole nation acts like that. To me, it looked like having expectations, that she should have said yes, then blaming her for being Chinese when she said no. That's why I mentioned the "expectations" part. It's not about asking someone out, but rather about dealing with the rejection. When someone says "no", you may feel bad about it, but it's better to get over these feelings. Like I said before, every person has their own right to decide, so unless they're obviously mistreating you (in general, not in this specific situation, because rejecting a person isn't any kind of abuse), you can't blame them for anything and you have to deal with your feelings alone (so it's better to not be bitter about anything, it doesn't help you to be happy). Even if you loved to talk with her, there are many great people around you, for sure. Just enjoy their company . Not dating anyone isn't bad, you have lots of freedom.
  14. Nyasagi

    That's because this thread is full of drama . I agree with Tetora. Meet some new people and move on. I'll also add: Next time don't get attached too much to anyone, because people will always disappoint you when you do (and hurt your feelings again). Don't have any expectations towards anyone either, it's frustrating to the other person (I know this is difficult, but others have their own will, so you have to set them free to treat them well).
  15. Nyasagi

    They have a weed guy in the members... (stupid name, but well... Japanese xD)
  16. Nyasagi

    It's just my pet peeve, people always say that phrase when they want to rant about how much life sucks and how difficult it is, I don't like that much negativity around me. It always sounds like someone is desperate, a loser or they gave up on everything they love. They call it "that is life", "such is life", etc.
  17. Nyasagi

    OMG, when someone ends things with "such is life" makes me barf every time when I see/hear it, because it's always about the difficulties in life and endless negative rants. It ruins the whole thing someone wants to say, imo.
  18. Nyasagi

    Quoting sucks here, so I'll just number the replies to the paragraphs I quoted. 1. Maybe she doesn't want to date? Not all people are interested in it (temporarily or permanently). 2. Lol, when I'm really not interested, I'm really not interested. Don't assume things. In some situations women may change their minds, but it isn't always the case. When someone is totally not my type, I won't change my mind, no matter what. It depends on the person, don't push anyone into anything just because you think they may do what you want, eventually. This is wrong. 3. If I was your boss and I noticed you manipulate me, I'd calm down, smile, thank for the compliment and give you more work. 4. That's creepy. Don't talk to girls like that, dude... unless you're dating someone for a long time and you're very close. Marriage and shit? I'd run away if someone did that to me, unless I was really attracted to the guy, but she obviously isn't attracted to you, so you probably scared her away by that. No offense, I may be wrong (because it's just the internet), but you sound a bit clingy in your posts and assume you can solve everything by complimenting people. While compliments are nice, they're worth anything only if you're honest, not when you're using these as a method to get what you want. That's not what compliments are for, really. Sometimes you just can't get something. Sad, but true. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves and you shouldn't get bitter about it. That's not about their nationality, but about the right to make their own choices.
  19. Nyasagi

    Guys who whine about being friendzoned are just butthurt, because they got rejected by a girl and instead of dealing with it, they keep complaining and feeling superior for no reason. No one is entitled to date another person. No matter if they're male, or female.
  20. Nyasagi

    As a girl who's usually irritated with lame flirting, I say he's right. Once a random guy wanted my number. He asked once, I said no. He followed me and asked again, I gave it to him, because I had that image in my mind, of people saying "you should give him a chance", but I didn't feel comfortable afterwards. Fortunately, he didn't call, but I was really afraid he would. Not all girls enjoy it when men try to flirt with them or treat them like a "date material" just like that. It would be easier to approach me after getting to know me and becoming friends, first (if I was interested, I'm rarely attracted to men in general). However, it may work different with different girls. There is no one, right way to do things. Still, don't keep asking. Just don't. Oh, and if someone else tries the method above... cut that friendzone crap. This is also extremely annoying to girls.
  21. I hate headbanging, because my neck muscles are always sore afterwards and it makes me extremely giddy (to the point I almost feel like throwing up), I'd rather wave my arms, like Japanese people on vk lives do xD
  22. Nyasagi

    She got either annoyed or scared, because you didn't understand a "no". When a girl says "no" it means a "no", NOT yes, like many guys say. She probably thought you were pushy or creepy.
  23. ^ fuck nope, every test like this says something else... I was a Cancer, Sagittarius (some showed it correct, yup), Scorpio, Aries and now I'm Gemini, lol
  24. That's totally Gemini, they have a double face. Never trust a Gemini. My mother lies about irrelevant things even for fun, she has no legit reason to do so. She thinks I don't know she's lying, lol. About Capricorns: my brother is one... and well, this is hell. At one side, he tries to care about me a little, but at the same time, he thinks he's entitled to control what I eat, because he's obsessed with saving money on literally everything and assumes I can eat the same, cheap shit as him. He doesn't even accept the idea that I'm unable to eat the same food all the time, like he does. When I think he's becoming nice, I always get disappointed how egoistic he is. I don't know if all Capricorns act like this, but being stingy is definitely a Capricorn treat. He even complained I bought a bread on a discount for half of a price, instead of baking my own, because it's cheaper (his bread tastes like a salted yeast cake, I'm so NOT going to eat that kind of stuff).
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