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Everything posted by Nyasagi

  1. -OZ- Valluna Lin -the end of corruption world- Vallquar UnsraW Matenrou Opera DELUHI brodiaea Nega Megaromania Black Mary
  2. Nyasagi

    I live in a big city, so I even don't know which artist I should choose... that's difficult. I also want my tattoo to be something personal, but I don't know what's so special about me. I don't want to regret anything later or get bored with it.
  3. Nyasagi

    I don't like when someone posts "Please" in the requests threads, it annoys me, dunno why.
  4. Nyasagi

    KICK!!! Liberal political views?
  5. Nyasagi

    Doesn't like Nega D:
  6. -OZ- Valluna Lin -the end of corruption world- Perestroika Vallquar UnsraW Matenrou Opera DELUHI brodiaea Agalloch Nega
  7. Nyasagi

    Her zodiac sign is the same as mine.
  8. Nyasagi

    keep, better than nothing if you don't have the real one xD lacy thongs?
  9. Nyasagi

    Has last.fm.
  10. Nyasagi

    I've seen a nice photo of a spider tattoo on dA once, but I forgot the user Actually, I'd like to ask someone to design a tattoo for me, but I don't know who and I'm not sure what I want...
  11. Nyasagi

    She's 16 years old.
  12. Nyasagi

    I've heard about it too, actually.
  13. Nyasagi

    9/10 it's beautiful!
  14. Nyasagi

    Owns a tablet
  15. Nyasagi

    7.5/10 nice photo, but you sharpened it too much
  16. Nyasagi

    ??覧?????????り????????????????。 アーティスト?:AUBE タイトル?   :Cinderella 発売日    :2010.11.01 備考      :ex.Shulla??vo.海斗??Gu.yu-ici??saeを中心????????れ????ンド??AUBE??CD????。会場??期間??定??販売??れ??も????????在入手????????。 美??????。 ??札手続???出??る????早???最低??も12時間以内????願??致??????。 ????らも迅速??対応を?????????????????。 ??????買??????決交渉大歓迎????。 他??も1000円??ら多数出????????り????????????????覧???????。
  17. Nyasagi

    I really would like to have one, but I don't have any ideas, I've been thinking about a star, butterfly, flower or spider, on my right forearm, hand or cleavage... but I'm still not sure about it :/
  18. Nyasagi

    Ohhh, that's bad . I hope they will find a new drummer soon!
  19. Nyasagi

    Is taller than me.
  20. Nyasagi

    11.11. 13:21 Zdun 121,27 zł -4488
  21. Nyasagi

    Her b-day is one day before mine ;D
  22. Nyasagi

    KEEP *loves tuna* a dildo ;p
  23. Nyasagi

    Has beaten my highscore D< @gin: Noro encouraged me
  24. Nyasagi

    Keep <3 Female panties worn by a man?
  25. Nyasagi

    Noro has a dog. (if my memory didn't fail xD)
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