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Everything posted by Nyasagi

  1. Nyasagi

    All these new, colorful bands sound awful. What happened to oshare kei?! Stop making that autotune-crappy rap-autotune-autotune crap D:
  2. Nice look, I really like it. White looks very good on them.
  3. Nyasagi

    mp4 is the file type, h.264 is the codec. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.264/MPEG-4_AVC
  4. Nyasagi

    http://forums.macnn.com/t/334326/suppor ... od-formats Is it helpful enough?
  5. Nyasagi

    I would rather see them disbanding, than joining this shit label that ruins bands... maybe 2 years ago I wouldn't hate this idea, but now I do . All their bands sound awful, at the moment. I hope that shit label won't sign any bands I like anymore. Seriously.
  6. Nyasagi

    I think there are various codecs for mp4, maybe iPod supports just one of these?
  7. Nyasagi

    Dear Dolce bands disbanded because of the label, so it's possible. *** please, because of the label? or because they made shit music and nobody cared of them? They disbanded when the label closed. But you can keep your comments to yourself, I don't run around and say I care only about NEGA and other bands are this and that, just because I don't listen to them. I liked Dear Dolce bands and if you didn't, it's your problem. I just explained you why people are worried that Undercode bands may disband.
  8. Nyasagi

    Dear Dolce bands disbanded because of the label, so it's possible.
  9. Nyasagi

    OMG, no no no no no... I hope it won't affect NEGA in any way...
  10. Nyasagi

    Rip the video from youtube? Theoretically it should work, but I didn't try it, I don't use my iPod for videos xD
  11. Nyasagi

    More for a grown up girl? Please... Kpop fandom is even more annoying than Gazette fans... I wouldn't call them grown up.
  12. Nyasagi

    I don't understand it either. I tried to listen to kpop, but I got bored easily, all these boysbands sound the same. Apparently I care about music too much. Korean tv programs can be really funny though, but it's nothing music related. I've always thought that pop isn't very much about music in general, but more about promoting something, so people spend their money... or just the tv pays these stars to appear there. Coat west porn actors don't do anything else except having sex, so girls need to look at some guys doing something funny, I guess. VK is a bit about the image and promotion as well, maybe that's why some girls like both...
  13. Nyasagi

    I wouldn't say these bands sound mediocre... they sound like the crappiest vk indie bands everyone makes fun of... I wouldn't care about their bad appearance, if the music was good, but it seems they try to be more weaboo, instead of practicing. Japanese musicians practice a lot (I heard of a Japanese band renting a practice studio for the whole night, to practice there), that's why they sound better. People forget that music is the most important, it's easier to get nice, body fitting costumes, than make good music, but these bands have neither good music and appearance.
  14. He's a great vocalist, I hope he will get better.
  15. Nyasagi

    I went there with my iPod, a huge "iPhone" thing showed, so I clicked that, then it told me to choose between au and SoftBank, so I guess you need a Japanese cell phone.
  16. Nyasagi

    I posted about the exactly same situation now, with what they replied to me. I think you should cancel the cd and not wait this much for nothing.
  17. Nyasagi

    Meto has a condom on his head.
  18. Nyasagi

    Does it mean they aren't in shit PSC anymore?
  19. Nyasagi

    Some people are just weeaboos. Enough said.
  20. Nyasagi

    Your router is the issue probably, maybe you should change the settings or this type of the router doesn't work with iPods well, it happens. Sometimes I can't connect to some wifi networks for no reason and I don't know why, but my friend who has Samsung with Android can't do it either, so some routers probably either don't work well mobile devices or the settings are wrong. Sometimes I can't connect to my wifi and restarting the router always works. If you can, check a different router on the same internet.
  21. Nyasagi

    It would make no sense if it was per item, people would order huge amounts of cheap things and sell them for higher prices without paying the taxes and customs this way...
  22. Nyasagi

    Here it's always been the total value of the parcel+shipping.
  23. Nyasagi

    They don't charge it when the parcel comes from another country im EU (there are probably limits, but much higher for sure), so buy with a friend from a country that doesn't put the tax on things so often and ask them to send it to you? Dunno, I have no other ideas, I never had this problem xD
  24. Nyasagi

    Maybe because it's a smaller country and less people live there? There are almost 40 millions people living here, so it isn't possible to check every parcel, they probably focus on the ones worth more money. Cheaper shipping+gift option, that's all I can tell you, because lowering value may be suspicious for them, if they check everything.
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