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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  1. LOVE!
    Paraph reacted to solaris05 for a status update, I'm still not over NICOLAS giving us rubber chickens to use during the live since we   
    I'm still not over NICOLAS giving us rubber chickens to use during the live since we weren't allowed to shout and member call fsdifhndfda there's a reason i love these men
  2. Bitch, excuse me?!
    Paraph reacted to platy for a status update, New gulu² 😩 👌🏼 🔥 New rands 👀 🙅🏻‍♀️   
    New gulu² 😩👌🏼🔥
    New rands 👀🙅🏻‍♀️
  3. LOVE!
    Paraph reacted to suji for a status update, new scarlet valse sounds sickening https://open.spotify.com/album/5eCdHr45RrwdjTaKesY   
    new scarlet valse sounds sickening
  4. I feel ya..
    Paraph reacted to Akrus for a status update, C'mon Kiwamu, we need Scarlet Valse new stuff on iTunes.   
    C'mon Kiwamu, we need Scarlet Valse new stuff on iTunes.
  5. I feel ya..
    Paraph reacted to patientZERO for a status update, I'm so fucking scared of losing my job due to this outbreak ... I barely make enough   
    I'm so fucking scared of losing my job due to this outbreak ... I barely make enough to scrap by and can't afford to live on my own. How am I going to survive if all the airlines go bankrupt?
  6. Like
    Paraph reacted to Gesu for a status update, Happy birthday, dude! Have an awesome day~ 🎂   
    Happy birthday, dude! Have an awesome day~ 🎂
  7. Thanks
    Paraph reacted to zombieparadise for a status update, Call me a n00b all you want, but when someone talks about 'mixing' making or breaking   
    Call me a n00b all you want, but when someone talks about 'mixing' making or breaking an album I am borderline retarded. I like what I like mmkay.
  8. LOVE!
    Paraph reacted to Mihenno for a status update, Just saw RAZOR and they were pretty great! Sad towards the end with Tetsuya leaving a   
    Just saw RAZOR and they were pretty great! Sad towards the end with Tetsuya leaving and everything 
  9. Bitch, excuse me?!
    Paraph reacted to chemicalpictures for a status update, Why does RAZOR keeps releasing the same song over and over again? I must've heard at   
    Why does RAZOR keeps releasing the same song over and over again? I must've heard at least 5 different iterations of 完全無欠, all of them boring AF
  10. Like
    Paraph reacted to Tokage for a status update, love how half the forum always suddenly transforms into musical theory connoisseurs o   
    love how half the forum always suddenly transforms into musical theory connoisseurs once dir en grey releases smth new
  11. LOVE!
    Paraph reacted to ambivalentideal for a status update, do y'all actually like anything or is that uncool now or something   
    do y'all actually like anything or is that uncool now or something
  12. LOVE!
    Paraph got a reaction from spockitty for a status update, happy birthday, spockitty!!!   
    happy birthday, spockitty!!!
  13. Like
    Paraph reacted to ambivalentideal for a status update, finally got my hands on a physical copy of DIMLIM's CHEDOARA, 1st press ❤️ I'm obsess   
    finally got my hands on a physical copy of DIMLIM's CHEDOARA, 1st press ❤️ I'm obsessed with this album
  14. LOVE!
    Paraph got a reaction from suji for a status update, Metis Gretel revival for 2019 thank you bless   
    Metis Gretel revival for 2019 thank you bless
  15. Like
    Paraph got a reaction from psychonnect_rozen for a status update, D I M L I M   
    D I M L I M
  16. Like
    Paraph reacted to JRD for a status update, FJ found my items. I'm so happy rn. Thank you everyone that cared during my materiali   
    FJ found my items. I'm so happy rn. Thank you everyone that cared during my materialistic crisis. 
  17. 悲しい
    Paraph reacted to JRD for a status update, FJ: We're sorry you're missing your stuff, but can you take pictures of every item in   
    FJ: We're sorry you're missing your stuff, but can you take pictures of every item in the box and the packaging it was in, plus the billed weight of said items, cause we totally don't believe you didn't get your shit.

    Like do you want me to re-wrap everything in bubble wrap and pack everything up and take pictures of it? Like seriously? Like this is the first time in 9 years of service with you guys and the only complaint I have and you can't even give me a decent, we'll go look and see if it's in your storage area?
  18. Like
    Paraph reacted to psychonnect_rozen for a status update, Happy Pride Month everyone! 🏳️‍🌈   
    Happy Pride Month everyone! 🏳️‍🌈
  19. Like
    Paraph reacted to lichtlune for a status update, I absolutely adore the new David stuff. 😍   
    I absolutely adore the new David stuff. 😍
  20. Like
    Paraph reacted to Manji 卍 for a status update, Any fan here of a gothic vk band callled "BLOOD"? I've missed out on these guys and t   
    Any fan here of a gothic vk band callled "BLOOD"? I've missed out on these guys and they have a really cool sound.Already found their discography for download,but any further informations about the members, post projects of them, the disbanding,etc? Thx
  21. Like
    Paraph got a reaction from Gesu for a status update, listen to Leetspeak monsters. that is all.   
    listen to Leetspeak monsters. that is all.
  22. Like
    Paraph reacted to -NOVA- for a status update, Sena from JILUKA giving guitar courses is everything ❤️   
    Sena from JILUKA giving guitar courses is everything ❤️ 
  23. Like
    Paraph reacted to Gesu for a status update, Just got back from the doctor. They made it sound a lot worse over the phone than it   
    Just got back from the doctor. They made it sound a lot worse over the phone than it is in reality! I just have an overactive thyroid, so better than what I expected thyroid issues seem to run in the female side of my family.
  24. I feel ya..
    Paraph reacted to sleepy coffee for a status update, March music is gonna kill my wallet. Bought some razor stuff including their expensiv   
    March music is gonna kill my wallet. Bought some razor stuff including their expensive ass limited edition live DVD, and other new releases from kizu, munou na lucid, iiird, hueye, laveil mizeria, and verxina, god help me.
  25. I feel ya..
    Paraph reacted to Aferni for a status update, God Damn Car ,always taking my God Damned money.   
    God Damn Car ,always taking my God Damned money. 
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