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Everything posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Let kids believe in Santa. Y'all are grown adults and still believe the X Japan album actually exists

  2. Himeaimichu

    Well, since MH is closing, I thought I'd finally begin work on this project. For years, MH was THE place to get high quality downloads of rare bands. However, since MH is, well, dying, so much Visual Kei will be purged from the internet. To make up for that, I've decided to start work on a project to sort of replace MH in that regard. But, I cannot do this on my own, which is why I'm asking for your help. If you're interested, join my discord server where we'll organize things https://discord.gg/mFeJ6C3Yvm
  3. Welp, since MH is closing, I want to ask all the major uploaders if they would be cool with helping me form a download site for rare Vkei. If you're interested, pop in this discord


  4. Himeaimichu

    Oh fuck they named a band after me lmao
  5. Well, fellas, we finally have Due Le Quartz PVs in high quality. All thanks to my friend, Kairu. You might know him has the guitarist of En'Cell Dis'Dein, a neo-Kote band.


  6. Himeaimichu

    DIMLIM and anything relating to them just ends up being a huge fucking bruh moment
  7. I used to think that one R-Shitei song where Mamo's autotune has the throat length setting made to make him sound like a girl was pretty cool...
    ...but now it just feels creepy to me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bunny-Usagii


      Oml, I literally just found this band yesterday lol
      Now I'm curious heheh

      I listened to "帝都に死す", do they have more songs like that one?

    3. Himeaimichu
    4. Himeaimichu


      @Bunny-Usagii They have quite a few of them scattered through their discography

  8. KiTTiE was probably the closest the west ever got to Visual Kei, both visually and musically and cliche-wise. Their music honestly sounds like it inspired a lot of the Nu Metal Vkei bands that started coming out around 2003. 


  9. I keep forgetting I'm actually sort of known for making weird, cringey comments on YT as a teenager,

    and so I occasionally have people I have never seen before reply to me "How did you get here?" on certain videos lol

  10. IMO, I think we're reaching a point in time where we don't have to let the current trends define what we like. We're in an era where you can reproduce any art style from old times, with modern techniques, for not that much money.

    The future doesn't have to be minimalism or post-modernism. It can be whatever. I personally believe the ideal future is one where there is diversity in art, and where we're not as bound by time period. We're practically already at that point, but not exactly yet.

  11. So it's post-2012 R-Shitty.... but with electronics instead of guitars. I really hope one of the other former members does a Kote-Osa project that just blows the scene out the water... because this ain't it
  12. Is it just me or does it seem like mid 90's indie vkei isn't that well preserved? For the early 90's and late 90's, it's indies galore, but in the middle of the decade, there doesn't seem to be much that I can find.

    Maybe I just am not looking in the right places?

    If anyone's got any recs, I prefer the Deshabillz and Kamaitachi clones lmao

  13. I love Tupac as an artist, but I really feel like he's severely misunderstood. Most people treat him like he's some all righteous Jesus figure, when in reality, he was quite an imperfect guy with a lot of flaws, but I think that actually makes his story interesting.


    I mean, for one, he wasn't even originally a gangster. He was a theatre kid from Harlem. He didn't start repping the bloods until Suge waved money in his face, and that's when he really started getting mad with power. I mean, he was literally starting beefs with EVERYONE, even fucking De La Soul of all fucking people. (And contrary to popular misconception, Biggie wasn't a crip, crips weren't a thing in NY at the time, but he did hire crips as bodyguards when he went over to the west coast).


    I think MC Eiht put it best. He went backwards by affiliating himself with gangs, and it's just unfortunate it ended the way it did

  14. No matter how hard I try, I can't get into Cardi B's music. I just get meangirl vibes from her music, and I'm sick of dealing with petty ass meangirls IRL, what makes you think I'm gonna handle a musician who makes it part of her music? lmao

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. platy


      My friends seem to be into her cuz she's hot. So I guess there's that. I don't particularly like her either but I've been forced to watch WAP several times. 

    3. Manabu


      Isn't Cardi B the one who you used to sleep with guys and rob them afterwards, then her fans defended it because she was broke? 😂

    4. CAT5


      'No matter how hard I try, I can't enjoy the taste of shit".


      That's basically what you're saying. Her music is shit on every level. And Cardi B is ugly as fuck. Bitch look like gumby with implants.

  15. Himeaimichu

    Welcome to the forum! It's not as big as it used to be, but it's still chugging on. If you have any questions, moderators and admins such as @suji and @Gesu can help
  16. No one is offended by the term gay, Except maybe straight people unconfident about their tastes
  17. Is it just my limited taste in Vkei, or did Vkei literally just ignore grunge in the early 90's?

    (Did Grunge even have the same impact in Japan as it did in America?)

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I'm pretty sure you're right though. For some reason, grunge never took off in Japan. All the cool alternative/experimental bands didn't even think of seriously playing it, they usually went for the shoegazer or noise route. In all my (rather short) years of being a VK fan, the only band I've ever seen touch grunge was Plastic Tree, and they dropped the genre like a hot potato after the new millennium.


      Also, I looked up "Japanese grunge" and all I got was 1 musician. Take that as you will.

    2. Himeaimichu


      I know the band Glamorous Honey dipped their toes into Grunge, and the nagoyakei musician Aie has grunge influences.

      The GazettE are definitely fans of grunge since they literally wore Nirvana patches lol. It seems as if what little Grunge did permeate Visual Kei, it was long after Cobain died and Grunge wasn't cool anymore in America. 


  18. Wow... YouTube is now showing ads giving really misogynistic and downright rapey dating advice.

    If you get an ad for "the desire system", that's the one. 


    Isn't it funny how content creators have to follow these super specific guidelines just to get advertising, but the ads can literally flat out go "How to control women's minds!" And just.... wow...

    Just watch this video


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Himeaimichu


      @suji Oh it's more than that. She's basically become a political pundit like her brother and her entire fanbase is just Ben Shapiro fans who want to fuck her lmao

    3. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Hime has it down. My biggest gripe is that she says stuff like "If you don't wear modest clothing, don't expect men to not objectify you or treat you as an equal" yet she wears modest clothes and people objectify her as nothing but a MASSIVE (and I mean massive) rack all the time. 

    4. suji


      At least her youtube is a refresher from all these other Youtubers who try to look like Kim Kardashian.

  19. Having obscure music tastes is a curse because it limits your dating pool (and I'm one of those people who can't connect with people who have vastly different music tastes) and it's like... why can't I just be like all the other girls and like P!ATD, Lil Peep, BTS and Ariana Grande? Why do I have to be into nobodies like Cuartet and DEViL KiTTY?

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Well, there's no worse curse in this world than being a normie in my opinion

    2. CAT5


      Hey, i feel ya, plebeian music taste is annoying. 😅


      Tho I would submit that it may not be the most resourceful measure to base a potential relationship on. Besides, you never know - there are tons of people out there who may have vastly different music tastes than you, but would also be open minded enough to learn about and possibly even enjoy the music that you do (in addition to being a great partner in every other aspect). This has been my experience at least.


      Just my two cents 😁

    3. cullucoo


      Lil Peep is better than 99% of Visual Kei anyway

  20. This dude shares the last name of Saki from Cuartet and I was thinking... Saki could easily pull this scam off because he and Kyo look (and in some ways, sound) exactly the same lmao
  21. Himeaimichu

    Well that was a short run for the new AINS, since Jiga was the most promising band. Looks like Yukika is going to have to look for some other naive bandmen to scam
  22. I wish there was more Missalina Rei live footage. Their last-live just doesn't cut it for me, because they're barely even dressed in Vkei.

  23. I'm at a weird point where I know a super basic amount of Japanese words and grammar that I'm able to pick out a lot of words and context from Vkei songs.


    Maybe there is hope in me learning Japanese. Just gotta find the right program to work with. I tried Duolingo but I didn't like it too much. 

  24. Who the fuck decided that for architecture or design to be "modern", it has to have no curves or intricate decorations, and has to be completely made up of straight lines and right angles?


    Bruh if the future is jut a bunch of squares, I wanna live in the past

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. reminiscing2004


      Bruh if the future is jut a bunch of squares, I wanna live in the past


    3. Himeaimichu


      I'm mostly just disillusioned by seeing so many old homes being taken down and replaced with really ugly looking ones. Like, I get that cheapness and efficiency is importance, but I wish they would figure out a cheap and efficient style that you can add on, and I wish they would at least keep the artistic vision of the buildings they're replacing. Especially with old Victorian homes. I fucking hate seeing Victorian homes get replaced with bland, gentrified squares.

      My problem with a lot of modern exterior and interior designs is, there is no room for adding on, because they're made in such a specific way that anything added to it would look oddly out of place.


      Take this victorian home for example. I could easily see myself using this as a blank canvas for interpreting my artistic vision on the house. While it's very rooted in English styles, it's neutral enough to where a change in color scheme and the addition of decorations could turn it into any style I want. That's the ethos a lot of colonial architecture in India and Vietnam take. They take a British or French base, and add on traditional elements to their liking. However, if you wanted, you could totally turn this into something modern or even futuristic looking, with the right know-how and artistic vision.


      But then you have houses like this, which you can't really do much to without it looking weird. I can't add any "old world" decorations to it because it would look massively out of place. The style is kind of forced to me minimalistic.


      And yes, I get that with buildings, function matters more over aesthetics, but I do feel like there should be a balance between efficiency and artistic design. And I would at least like to see some curves and shapes that aren't rectangles. I mean, not every house can have a completely flat roof, that just doesn't fit for the climate of every place lol.

    4. Himeaimichu


      Plus, one thing I've noticed, ironically, this this new "cheap" style of architecture, is actually mainly a thing of the rich. Most of the towns I see with old-school architecture, are often the poorer parts of town (I mean, I am poor so I have lots of experience in those places lol).

      But then you go to where the rich people live, and you see these people paying out the fucking ass for buildings that look so... square. So while theoretically it may be cheaper to build, the people commissioning them can afford to actually have some artistic taste.


      I actually find that poor people who save up to add on to their old houses, put more effort in making it look tasteful than the rich people who just plop a fucking square anywhere, even if it looks out-of-place.


      And look, if I were rich enough, I would just have my own house built in whatever architectural style I want, but sadly, I'm not. I'm disabled and lower class, so if I ever do get lucky enough to own a home, I have to work with what's given to me. All I ask is for a neutral style that I can actually work with lol. One that I could make as minimalist or as maximalist as I want.

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