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Everything posted by IGM_Oficial

  1. Just got banned from Jpopsuki


    1. Delkmiroph
    2. Amoz


      I'm just sad I gave you those points 4 months ago and told you to use them.. I even told you that the 3rd time you get restricted you get banned..

    3. Show next comments  168 more
  2. IGM_Oficial

    According to the description you made... ...looks like you're searching for a picture that has the same guy in the video. Sorry, I couldn't find it. '-'
  3. IGM_Oficial

    Né AÊ, CARALHO eu sabia que eu ia conseguir sobreviver todo esse tempo
  4. IGM_Oficial

    How old is he?
  5. IGM_Oficial

    Eu vou conseguir suportar. Eu sei que eu posso.
  6. IGM_Oficial

    Holy fuck. "Hell's kitchen" is awesome.
  7. I'm starving to death.

    I need some new visual kei filez NAO.

  8. IGM_Oficial

    Trombe is behind of it all.
  9. IGM_Oficial

    Not only your boss, but your mates are ripping your money out and you couldn't do a thing for a year and a half. Jesus, this definitely sucks.
  10. IGM_Oficial

    É, galera, parece que o MH perdeu a razão de ser lol
  11. IGM_Oficial


    1. -NOVA-


      Some of the files ive shared were removed by mega but what i noticed is only non vk music i shared was removed (One ok rock ) for example got removed while vexent, killaneth, amber gris are all fine.

    2. suji


      @Abelcainactually some nutjob made the threats, not an actual label/company lol

    3. Abelcain


      @midi:netteanyway, we lost the most important part of MH (I hope temporarily)

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  13. IGM_Oficial

    Slightly off-topic (sorry): I'm waiting patiently for the Red green blue manga.
  14. IGM_Oficial

    Sério? Puta merda. Vou guardar isso pro resto da minha vida.
  15. On this spot, we can see traces of fatigue, since the song isn't as cheerful as the previous ones.
  16. IGM_Oficial

    It looks incredible <3 Can't wait for the ISO
  17. IGM_Oficial

    We can say the same thing about the repressing of "Seraph.", right?
  18. The copyright patrol is coming
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