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Everything posted by Chi

  1. the cover art thingy is pretty damn awesome, i'll give you that.
  2. Chi

    that ex-MBHI lady gaga cover, now this... where is my britney spears cover? what about anaconda?!? this needs to become a thing.
  3. jpopasia did an interview with mamo http://www.jpopasia.com/news/exclusive-jpopasia-interviews-r-shitei::18526.html tl;dr mamo hates live actions, dont expect them overseas any soon, rshitei dress however the fuck they want
  4. Chi

    mrw listening to syojosoushitsu
  5. Chi

    Luna Sea - With love
  6. Chi

    Life is really fragile.
  7. http://www.jpopsuki.tv/video/DIV---ikenai-KISS/d949799307d65d77ea86c8511821a719 ^stream dl
  8. cold case sounds better and better the more i listen to it! both SIREN and BAKE sound ok that ROUGH the vistlip episode seems fun lol
  9. Eeh? Only 3 songs? Looking forward to it anyways. They are fast.
  10. Chi

    that is how tru VK artists spend their time there needs to be a video of it
  11. that limo, man... gets me every time edit: the thumbnail for this is A+
  12. At the end of the day im still one of bp records' slaves...gdi i love all of this
  13. I hope he has tried to seek medical help before because, as we can see now, it only gets worse. It is possible to solve this without surgery so I'm hoping that'll be the case.
  14. Chi

    yes please!! i miss sug
  15. Chi

    ^ eu sou do sul e estou digitando direto da minha arca de noé pq metade da cidade ta inundando por causa do nivel da lagoa aeee como que eu fiquei tanto tempo sem dar bola pra fest vainqueur meu deus n acredito que perdi essa pérola
  16. Taken from http://www.visunavi.com/news/149461/ Pentagon is going to release their 2nd full album on January 27 It's a 3-type release Limited type A 11 songs Special booklet DVD including four songs performed at Akasaka BLITZ on 2015/11/22 (and some backstage stuff i guess) (¥ 3,800tax out) Limited type B 11 songs Special booklet DVD including the PV + Making of three songs performed at TSUTAYA O-WEST on 2015/05/30 (¥ 3,800tax out) Standard type C 13 songs (¥3,000tax out) and they are going to have their 1st one-man tour 「ゴーストバスターズ」(ghostbusters) starting from february 6th till march 20th(FINAL) new look-ish (sorry if i made any mistakes im in a rushhhh)
  17. The album sounds great. I can't wait. btw
  18. Setlist is ok. im excited because SuG lives are always awesome: )
  19. heeello and welcome!! always nice to see kuroyuri to kage fans!!
  20. Chi

    Oláá! Ótimo gosto musical, adoro mucc/diru/the novembers também bem vindo
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