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Everything posted by vanivani

  1. That artwork cover is really cool! I like it.
  2. vanivani

    This band is great!
  3. vanivani

    Ya, I thought they had disbanded too or something. lol
  4. vanivani

    Alles was du/Sie geschrieben hast/haben...stimme ich zu!! (Entschuldigung...bin nicht sicher ob ich siezen oder duzen darf...Deutsch ist anders als Englisch) ich finde, dass er gar nicht witzig ist (>_<) er ist so vulgär.... das ist sein Spiel, und es ist langweilig geworden (>_<) Wann hat es anfangen, dass Sie/du Gronkh nicht mehr magst/mögen? Ich denke, dass ich seine alte Videos angucke.
  5. vanivani

    Of course it's fan-club-live-limited lol
  6. Ya... I still don't get what djent is... As stated above: too many sub genres >_< lol
  7. vanivani

    What? Are you serious?! That was really quick... Hope their second single is still being released >_<
  8. vanivani

    Ya, I agree. They're not original, but I like how they found their sound and play it well. Kazuki can really sing, which is nice to see in a visual kei band. They're very promising.
  9. vanivani

    They do sound great! That just caught my eye.
  10. Cool! Never listened to Black Cat... So I'll keep an eye on these guys.
  11. ^ Hehe love it! Dig how this band posts their full pvs on youtube, etc.
  12. vanivani

    "Rain in the rabbit".... ? lol.
  13. With me it's been Megamasso. I really liked them when they first started out, then they went downhill for a bit, then back up, then back down lol for me personally their music is a major hit and miss.
  14. vanivani

    Ach so ~ Ich werde LaNoirSakuras angucken(^^) Ja, es gibt viele Youtubers, wo der Ruhm ihnen in den Kopf gestiegen ist, und es ist richtig Schade. In meiner Meinung ist PewDiePie ein gutes Beispiel dafür. (naja...und der geht mir auf die Nerven...lol).
  15. vanivani

    OMG! I love this! I love the singer's voice! So good!! Hopefully they release some music soon. Gonna keep an eye on them!
  16. vanivani

    They didn't last long as モノ....
  17. ETERNITY is so beautiful <3 This song is amazing! I am so buying this now :D My first lynch lol
  18. vanivani

    That look like a cool concert to go to! Awww...wish I was in Japan....
  19. vanivani

    I got into visual kei around 2006 and loved all the artists then. I fell out of the scene around 2011 or so, and just recently got back into it. I've been pretty impressed with the bands that have been coming out. Been buying lots of CDs again, which is something I haven't done in a while. Dead Children (can't wait for my CD to arrive!!) ザアザア リベット-Rivet- (disbanding ; _ ;) ViV CLOWD The♡Valentine.
  20. I wonder if Tenten is hard to work with or something.... That's a bummer. Hope he can find new members.
  21. vanivani

    Ach so. Danke! Gronkh beim Youtube gucke ich an, um mein Deutsch zu verbessern. Guckt auch jeder den an? Ich find' ihn lustig. Let's Play Videos gefallen mir normalerweise nicht, aber ich mag den. (bin nicht sicher worüber man in diesem Faden schreiben sollte...)
  22. vanivani

    I have no clue who FliP is, so I'm going with Aldious lol I like them.
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