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Everything posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. PsychoΔelica

    To be honest I often feel like the Visual Kei scene is like one big dog show. With one band trying to be more peacocky than the other you shouldn't be surprised to see so much snobbism among visual kei fans. It's a shame though when a good band is underappreciated because it's not 'visual' enough, but then it doesn't automatically mean that a famous band is a good band. With a few exceptions, somehow I always find the gems among the less known ones.
  2. PsychoΔelica

    I see. Haven't done paper machè since I was 6
  3. PsychoΔelica

    Neither. What would you rather give up - sex or music?
  4. PsychoΔelica

    DEEP RAVE - The Other World
  5. PsychoΔelica

    Banned because you've got a pretty avatar
  6. PsychoΔelica

    BabyFetal Sex Japan Plastic Glooms Same Shade La Puta Ayabig Feature Feature MatenRaw Opera
  7. PsychoΔelica

    Anoo maybe this is not fanmade but the whole Resistar channel is pure lolz. I only follow it for vids like this
  8. PsychoΔelica

    I don't think I could eat only one same thing for the rest of my life. How many people do you know by the same name?
  9. Wh@t would he do if the internet hadn't been invented
  10. PsychoΔelica

    Hpbd VisualKEIcrasher
  11. PsychoΔelica

    I see nothing wrong with Karma.
  12. PsychoΔelica

    I don't know why I always think you're a guy lol. Cadrboard mask? That's cute
  13. PsychoΔelica

    Yes, couch potatoes. Do you ever feel attracted to more than one person at the same time?
  14. PsychoΔelica

    This is Dada
  15. PsychoΔelica

    Mizerable - Gackt What is your ideology?
  16. PsychoΔelica

    Banned cuz I'm too lazy to read
  17. PsychoΔelica

    No, that's something to be expected from the user before you lol Do you like to sleep naked?
  18. PsychoΔelica

    Don't mind that stupid ass.
  19. Nice thread Surprised it wasn't started by you Jigsaw.
  20. PsychoΔelica

    Capital Cities
  21. PsychoΔelica

    No. Do you like walking at night?
  22. PsychoΔelica

    Has glasses and is absent a lot because of school.
  23. PsychoΔelica

  24. PsychoΔelica

    Wants to be famous.
  25. PsychoΔelica

    There is a lot more than one thing. But I guess one of the things that irritate me the most is seeing bands use the same stereotypical images in their songs and videos. Sometimes this is nothing but annoying. If you happened to find a genie lamp and it could grant you one wish, what would you ask for?
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