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  1. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from Duwang for a status update, This man is so impressive marrymeeeee   
    This man is so impressive marrymeeeee
  2. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from robkun for a status update, This man is so impressive marrymeeeee   
    This man is so impressive marrymeeeee
  3. Like
    Shir0 reacted to Kiryu999 for a status update, Meary's album is pretty damn good actually!   
    Meary's album is pretty damn good actually! 
  4. Like
    Shir0 reacted to togz for a status update, I can't believe I just photographed Wagakki Band... like let me be professional overa   
    I can't believe I just photographed Wagakki Band... like let me be professional overall but also... THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN. I hope I can post some of them up soon *___*
  5. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from Xerath for a status update, I could need some previews of KRAD's XisDead like..rightnoow :[   
    I could need some previews of KRAD's XisDead like..rightnoow :[
  6. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from yakihiko for a status update, Happy Birthdaaay   
    Happy Birthdaaay
  7. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from beni for a status update, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENI!!!   
  8. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from orange~ for a status update, Ladies and Gentlemen Aya from AYAROMA (yes apparently that's what they call them) cov   
    Ladies and Gentlemen Aya from AYAROMA (yes apparently that's what they call them) covering DADAROMA's morphine#2
    ...That name tho haha, thoughts?
  9. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from aespenn for a status update, Ladies and Gentlemen Aya from AYAROMA (yes apparently that's what they call them) cov   
    Ladies and Gentlemen Aya from AYAROMA (yes apparently that's what they call them) covering DADAROMA's morphine#2
    ...That name tho haha, thoughts?
  10. Like
    Shir0 reacted to Shmilly for a status update, DDRM definitely messed around with the mixing on their old songs for Stanczyk. There'   
    DDRM definitely messed around with the mixing on their old songs for Stanczyk. There's a slick bass note at the end of Morphine 1 that definitely wasn't there before... XD
  11. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from emmny for a status update, sitting in the train and people look at me like I'm some Satanic bitch hahaha   
    sitting in the train and people look at me like I'm some Satanic bitch hahaha
  12. Like
    Shir0 reacted to yakihiko for a status update, Is this Yuuki (ex.Lycaon) ? https://twitter.com/merryhoppingzoo/status/73979010603529   
    Is this Yuuki (ex.Lycaon) ?
  13. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from IGM_Oficial for a status update, LMFAOOO Ruki's Tweet... Cologne is not in France my dear   
    LMFAOOO Ruki's Tweet... Cologne is not in France my dear
  14. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from Chi for a status update, LMFAOOO Ruki's Tweet... Cologne is not in France my dear   
    LMFAOOO Ruki's Tweet... Cologne is not in France my dear
  15. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from Mihenno for a status update, LMFAOOO Ruki's Tweet... Cologne is not in France my dear   
    LMFAOOO Ruki's Tweet... Cologne is not in France my dear
  16. Like
    Shir0 reacted to Seimeisen for a status update, Just got home from work and realised I'm red now!   
    Just got home from work and realised I'm red now!
  17. Like
    Shir0 reacted to Kiryu999 for a status update, Just ordered AvelCain's anthology, can't wait to receive it. Love this band   
    Just ordered AvelCain's anthology, can't wait to receive it. Love this band 
  18. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from emmny for a status update, Happy Birthday!   
    Happy Birthday!
  19. Like
    Shir0 reacted to anakuro for a status update, On the way back from Matsutake Works I ran into XAA-XAA gya. Well, I was exposed quic   
    On the way back from Matsutake Works I ran into XAA-XAA gya. Well, I was exposed quickly lol
  20. Like
    Shir0 reacted to yakihiko for a status update, goodbye BORN, you always were the most important band in my life and will always be.   
    goodbye BORN, you always were the most important band in my life and will always be. Independent of the good or bad times you were always there to keep myself raised.
    I still feel ridiculously sad to know they are leaving and I have never saw a single live face to face.
    Thank you for all.
  21. Like
    Shir0 reacted to Seimeisen for a status update, Just pre-ordered the AvelCain anthology and ザアザア's new mini album from Brand-X.   
    Just pre-ordered the AvelCain anthology and ザアザア's new mini album from Brand-X.
  22. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from Xerath for a status update, Alles gute Xerath   
    Alles gute Xerath
  23. Like
    Shir0 got a reaction from paradoxal for a status update, Happy Birthday Para!   
    Happy Birthday Para!
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